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Fuchsia Ostrich

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Everything posted by Fuchsia Ostrich

  1. 1-9 needs to be in each box and each vertical/horizontal line, IIRC Unless that's seppuku, in which case you do what I'm doing and cut open your insides for everyone to see No no no village did well, no draws
  2. I held out hope that Elephant might return again for as long as I could but trying to solo win this game would have been too exhausting. TY Vulture for trying your best, almost thought after Lion claimed the Sooth that saved you we'd be able to flip the script
  3. Eh, from my PoV you played well. Most important thing Villagers can do is get read as Village imo. Us elims can’t hide well if there’s few good ML opportunities
  4. NGL C3 was a bit hilarious that I was trying so hard to spare Heron and bus Vulture and the village kept resisting me
  5. The worst part is I got Steel today and would need them to be active to double kill but meh
  6. Okay so maybe there is one elim left but they’re also about to get filter killed at this rate (I thought Elephants were supposed to have good memory)
  7. Too fatigued to keep trying and my team practically got combusted by inactivity so idk how fun it would be to drag the game out
  8. I guess we’ll see when the game is over ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ rn I’m hoping Zebra just shoots me to end my suffering (solo elim Mistborn here with the worst RNG possible)
  9. I personally don’t see that as FUD, or at the very least no more than Zebra is doing to my slot, but to each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m not advocating we vote them any time soon, and if v!Zebra, we’re more likely going to win before we need to consider it. But I personally don’t agree that an e!Coinshot is impossible until we have flips rather than claims. And imo arguments like “an e!Coinshot should have done this instead” don’t really work on me, since all elims have the goal of appearing as Village as possible, the most optimal play is always the one that nets the most V cred / lures the village into complacency. Had Zebra shot someone that was going to get filtered, imo, that would be suspect as all heck. IIRC one of the arguments that was used to get Heron killed was the fact they brought up a WGG in the first place, and as we all now know, Vulture was an e!Thug. I am also pretty sure the last e!Coinshot (two Beagles ago? Three?) did not use their kill until C2 for the reason Zebra is using (Hello Elan!)
  10. I had not known Flamingo's role and sorry Zebra but I still don't trust you BUT WHY, AMAN, SOME MIGHT ASK - Tyrian Falls has dealt with an e!CS before - Bad voting record - WGGs are a thing and they probably wouldn't have double tapped Vulture if not for Scorp - Bad PoE (seriously the shoot orders they've posted look very rand!e, from my PoV) - Demanding village consensus on Heron when I was doing everything I could to get us to finish Vulture off (inconsistent with wanting Vulture dead) - Gave an excuse for why they won't be killed going forward in spite of being a very powerful role ("elims need Zebra alive to shoot villagers") - Vibes - Apparently knew Flam was a Tineye and is trying to pin their death on me for only Leras knows why (e!me shoots Lion last night, full stop) - "Accidently" Spiked - Always anticipate the monkey wrench None of this is to say this line of thought is my first world view, or second, or probably even third, but I'm not foolish enough to write Zebra off too quickly, especially when they repeatedly keep shading me. As always, I feel I'm obviously village, but do recognize other people don't see my alignment as clearly as I do
  11. For some reason he thought Swan was me until I PM'd him. Legit broke his brain when I corrected him
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