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Everything posted by GiveMeASpren(I'mCrazy)

  1. I was a Weber "fan" when I was younger, and I think that by now I've read everything he wrote (yes, everything - I'm an insomniac and they helped me get to sleep ). I haven't read anything by him since the week after 9 came out, though - and I really thought it might be the end - and I was wondering if you think that it's worth coming back in? I liked the explanations of technology, how much is there? In all of his space-fareing books, he never really seemed to understand 3d battlefields and treated space like a big ocean (especially in the later Honor Harington books, which are really just replays of famous naval battles, but in space. I even call them Trafalgar and the like to myself ). Is there actually blimp warfare, and does it suffer from the same? because that would be a dealbreaker for me, I'm simply fed up. How do you rate it, and should I buy it or wait for the library?
  2. Could Vivenna's sword possibly destroy nightblood? Do we know enough about how it works? If so, that could be a possible reason to come after it...
  3. However, focusing on bonding can help almost anyone heal from whatever broke them
  4. During my most recent reread of the SA, it seemed to me that the Nahel bond works by taking someone who is broken - and who has a broken spiritweb, with at least one hole, and then a spen insert itself inside, and then leads their bondmate to heal (emotionally) themselves, sealing them inside, and thereby making the spren part of the person, thus granting them some of that spren's inherent abilities, as they are now "part spren", and it grants the spren more intelligence, as it is now part human (or parshman or whatever). This seemed confirmed to me, when, in the vision that Odium invades in Oathbringer (I'd appreciate it if someone could find the quote for me; I don't have a copy with me now) Odium says that people cannot bear that much passion - read, emotion and feeling - without something to share it with). This can actually fit in with the theory of how the final oaths of each order complete the emotional healing by teaching the Radient how to balance their healing method, and just be fully emotionally healthy. (Half-crackpot theory - this may also explain what at the completion of oaths, why that spen's "family" of sub-spren can become part of them as well, but not through an actual bond, just Connection, and therefore it isn't as affected by the breaking of the oath, and why Bondsmiths, the masters of Connection, are the ones to go to with a problem with summoning Plate.) The first Ideal is always journey before destination etc. - the the way that you live your life has value. Then, every order works in their own way: For example, Kaladin, as a Windrunner, dedicates himself to protecting others, thus giving himself a reason to live, and then slowly balances out the logic of that - it must be everyone, and, presumably, to stay emotionally healthy, there must be a limit or the goal of protection itself can drive him crazy. Shallan, most obviously, has to grow past her denial to come to admit the truth of herself to be stable. Lift, as an Edgedancer, dedicates herself to caring for those forgotten. Dalinar, the warlord, dedicates himself to healing the rifts he used to create. So on and so forth. What do you think?
  5. I don't know how much has been speculated on this before, but could the Excisors be simply metalminds letting the wearer store Identity and Investure, then letting them store whatever attribute they happen to hold, and the ability to access it?
  6. And the red market's wares, well, I think they were invisible. I can't be quite sure though; the stalls might have just been empty.
  7. (I just want to preface this by saying that I have no idea if there are any WoBs or anything about this or anything) How were the Terris prophecies created? Were they passed down from Preservation, from the time when he still interacted with the world (but if so, why would their language be so deceptive while technically true? Could they have technically be wrong, like when Odium etc. predicted the future? Can Harmony now see and predict the future just as well, knowing that the language of his predictions will definitely be true?), or were they created by feruchemists by storing an incredible amount of Fortune, and then tapping it all at once? Is this a valid method of predicting the future?
  8. I made my account before I had even heard about broken spiritwebs; I just thought that it was an interesting running theme in the first 2 stormlight books
  9. I also loved the first book of the Blades, and liked the prequel a certain amount too, but hated the second and third books because of the I just finished the coldfire trilogy and Tom Holt, and am trying to decide what to read now. Is Melanie Rawn a good idea?
  10. He used to be an inquisitor, but he pulled out all of the spikes. Where do you think those holes came from?
  11. When Spook was spiked in the arm, it says that Ruin guided the placement so that it would go in in a position that would work - conclusively showing that bind points of some kind are need to gain the power (sorry to spike your bubble).
  12. I hear you on this, and I do agree to a certain degree that the MC's swearing didn't bother me that much because, let's face it' he thought that he was dead. However, Andy was way too foulmouthed for me, and it felt somewhat out of place to have her in NASA like that (although she did provide a nice contrast). I looked for those old threads, and the only suggestions from there that I think are actually clean (other than just mostly clean, which is what those threads were aimed at) are Naomi Novak and Tamora Peirce.
  13. Could Worldhoppers have slowly taken some of the blades away with them over the millenia?
  14. It might be a little easier to convert it if you switch it to a .txt file first (almost every converter supports txt, and most don't support word files)
  15. I noticed that no one got back to you about L. E. Modisitt; his Corean Chronicles and Recluse are cleaner than Warbreaker, and the Imager prequels are about Warbreaker level, perhaps slightly worse (however, the prequels are completely fine, and I think that they are his best books (though Recluse is rather unique for how it shows a story and magic system over time (and way too many books) with how it changes)). About the Martian, the only thing in it is cursing, which is rather non-stop, and two separate sentences of innuendo in the middle of the book. ( Ijust edited them out of my ebook version (technically illegal under copyright laws, I know, but very easy to do and that is the only way I'm willing to read it.) But don't read his other book, Artemis, as you probably wouldn't consider it clean. I'd also recommend Blake Charleton (Spellwright, a book about dyslexia when magic is language based), Charlie Holmberg (The Paper Magician, a rather a cute and short trilogy where magicians have to specialize in one kind of magic, and there weren't enough for paper... so the main character was chosen to be a paper magician), Diana Wynne Jones, rather old school fantasy but still good (especially howl's moving castle), Garth Nix's Seventh Tower (light/color magic) and Abhosen (anti-necromancer necromancers) series are pretty good, though I ignore his more recent add-ons to Abhosen, Jeramy Kraatz and Mark Walden both have fun serieses about, essentially, supervillains, Joelle Charbonneau's books are very, very similar to the Hunger Games, though slightly more plausible, P. B. Kerr has some cute djinn books, I definitely second the recommendation about the Eli Monpress books, they're lots of fun (Rachel Aaron). Picture a world where wizards talk to ordinary objects, like the door of a jail cell, and our hero is a con man/thief... I've read all (and I mean all) of Pratchett, and his stuff is for the most part pretty clean, almost all other than the first two are far cleaner than Warbreaker, (and the first two are awful anyway, just skip them (Pratchett's reading order is rather unique, in that he has arcs across books but they don't have to be read in order, and probably shouldn't (his early books are rather horrible and might just put you off, and his last two/three were written when he had Alzheimers, so are almost as bad). If you're interested I can give a reading order recommendation, probably starting with Going Postal. Definitely don't start with Colors Of Magic, though.) While some of his other books have jokes or references, all are at about Warbreaker level or less, and will probably go over your head if you've managed to read just clean books till now (they went right over mine). If you like this kind of fantasy story/satire you might also like Tom Holt, who is has a similar style of humor, though is worldbuilding isn't as good, and all of his books that I've read are completely clean (I just have three left ) I hope that this isn't too much in one shot, and if you want more clean recommendations just ask (this is one favor that I'm definitely trying to pay forward, and if anyone has any clean books to recommend for me I'd love it, as I've almost hit the end of my reading list (thanks, One Who Connects, for giving me my first new recommendation in a long while). (I just noticed that I accidentally listed all of the books alphabetically by the authors first name... does this mean that I'm a candidate for the Knights Awkward?)
  16. I know. I'm just saying that it looks like a great real-world reference for the 2nd book, especially if they are going to South America.
  17. Keep in mind that the earth curves, with a noticeable curvature at even just 100-200 meters, and I don't think that the "auto-aiming" with lashing would adjust to that.
  18. None of these answers would help the others who Kaladin lashes with him, though. (Though it could just be that they don't go so fast or turn very quickly)
  19. But the "spooking Shallan" part didn't mean that the noises were alien to you. Did anyone read it like me?
  20. I always read Pattern's hums as, well, thoughtful and slightly sinister (now that I think about it I guess I mean alien, but it amounted to the same thing), but when I first heard the audiobook it sounded, well, cute. It completely changed the tone of almost every one of his conversations in the book. How did you read it?
  21. I was recently trying to picture the battle at the end of WoR in non-cosmere terms, and it got me wondering - why don't windrunners black out from high-G maneuvers, turns, and even just speed-runs? I mean, maybe shardplate could work like a zoot suit to let them get a couple more Gs (sorry, lashes, I've still speaking Earth-English), but at this point Kaladin and Szeth don't even have proto-plate.
  22. I think that breath is probably the best base system, as it is the only one where every person has the same strength in using it ( there's no dilution from bloodlines, different level radiants etc.) and every person's breath is the same (otherwise there can't be set level heightenings). I just couldn't come up with a snappy way to say it, though, that would make it sound like the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree celsius.
  23. Hi! I'm new here (I made my account a little while ago but only just started using it), and wanted to know... can I have one of those cookies you guys keep talking about? But wait... how many cilories* do they have? *(One cilorie = the amount of Investure needed to push one gram of iron one meter, one Cilorie = the amount of Investure needed to push one thousand grams of iron one meter) (Unless someone has a better measurement system already and I just didn't see it)
  24. My point wasn't that I minded having a book with a slower pace; that doesn't bother me at all. My problem was that his plots kept on having dead ends after going on for most of the book. The one real exception to this in my opinion was Steelheart, as there there was a constant try/fail cycle throughout the whole book, and then finally something worked (but if it had been one long attempt it still would have bothered me).
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