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Posts posted by Cracknut

  1. For me: Every novel with vampires, werewolves and such is no fantasy. Neither is anything with elves, dwarves and so on fantasy anymore. 
    Look, I'm excluding males as well. But that's besides the point. I still love stuff with vampires, so that's not why I don't like those books(Elves and dwarves though I hate with all my heart). Problem with those kinds of books(most of female author + female character stuff) for me are that they keep lying to me. I get introduced to a female character with average looks, cool personality, she's also smart and is not really into love. Read a bit more and its apparent that she's nothing like that, maybe except average looks. And this same thing can be applied to almost anything in there.

    Erm I don't understand you, Tamzin Ashevai. You don't believe that novels from females with female characters aimed on females are dominating "fantasy-sci-fi" genre? Even if we agree that their fantasiness is questionable?

  2. One I mentioned above. With lots of males, one female who gets all the spotlight, lots of childrenmaking. I didn't say you're reading them, because I don't know whether you do or not. I said that I believe you know that those kinds of books are dominating today and reason to that seems apparent for me, people like them. I don't.

  3. Yes, some of those books are good. I stated that myself didn't I? Now just compare how many fantasy books are written by females that don't fit in my description and ones that fit perfectly. That's why I'm using word most instead of all. What you guys did there was twisting my words just... to prove that you aren't sexist? Adjust your image on forum? I don't know, whatever reason you had, twisting peoples words against them is impolite, especially when you can't explain yourself by mishearing something. Read my posts again. By the way, what I'm saying isn't sexists as I'm backing them up with plain facts. Facts can't be sexist.

    btw Quiver, if you couldn't see how Hunger Games was exactly what I described then you weren't paying attention.

    It's funny how I phrased my posts to imply that I tried to stay away from books with female character + female author because I didn't like most of the stuff I've read like that. I didn't say those books should be burnt or something. I made it clear that those books had their audience and I just wasn't one of them. Looks like I'll just have to read some books I don't like from now on and like them very much so people can't call me stuff I'm not.

  4. Erm.. most women keep writing two dimensional characters and stories driven by sex and I don't like to read those stuff, so I instantly turn into sexist? It's a fact as far as I know, female author + female main character = book aimed ONLY on female audience.

    You'll have one super independent girl with average looks(Always) who doesn't care about boys. Then we get at least two super hot male characters, one of them has to be a good guy while another one is a "badboy" womanizer with "can take mc anytime I wish because I'm so manly that no panties can stay in their places in my presence" attitude. We also get some world destruction plot thrown in for a good background while main character thinks how many children she wants(always) from badboy(most of the times). There's also super evil boss, who also is a sexy male AND also develops "love" for mc and it turns into competition for all these male characters and of course first place prize is mc. Oh and there will also be a super hot chick, with all the cliches thrown in and she tries to steal all the attention from mc and ends up as a main antagonist and rival of mc even though mc is too cool to acknowledge her. There's also second way of doing it, you get averagely sexy heroine and turn her into fake badass, she's totally out of league for everyone as far as she knows, but guess what?

    This is all good. I have no problems with it. But I don't want to read it. And I haven't read or heard about a novel written by woman that has female main character and wouldn't turn into something that I described above. Of course there will be some good ones but will I be able to find them in my lifetime? Maybe a dozen, if I read hundreds of books I didn't wanted to read. So yeah I'd rather stick to male authors and if I read books written by women, I'll go with those that have male main characters.

  5. Yosh! Just finished Thriller Bark. Bink's Sake is my new favorite song. Onwards to the Red Line, New World, and Fishman Island!

    Usopp vs Perona and Zoro vs Kuma, two of the best things that ever happened in animes :D :D 



    For my part, I have finished Arlong and Buggy's Return (which I wish hadn't happened; ridiculous side character is ridiculous). Now I'm delving into the history of Gold Roger and the I-can't-believe-they-allowed-that-even-in-the-90s Captain Smoker.


    Still not sure I'll make it through 650 of these. Arlong had some intense bits, some genuinely magnificent bits, and a lot of absurdity. I'm having a hard time suspending my disbelief with this show and putting everything down to it being a silly cartoon, and Japanese to boot. Things like sailing ships being treated like they have a motor and an auto pilot, or people holding their breath under water for minutes at a time while exerting themselves. Why do these things take me out of the story, but fish men and GUMU-GUMU-NOOO!!! powers don't? I'm not sure.

    I don't know what you're expecting from it. Its pure japanese shonen anime. If you can't handle people crying out their abilities names in fights I doubt any of shonen animes are for you. It is aimed for children/teen, thats what shonen is about. I see creativity where you see silliness and have fun about stuff you get annoyed. You have a bad perspective on this anime and that's ruining it for you imo.

    Buggy on other hand is truly annoying as hell :D But in Marineford arc and onward he takes he's trolling to another level and now he's so annoying that he's good. Legendary even.

  6. From my experience most degrading, boring and stereotypical female character's are written by women. If a novel has female author as well as female main character I simply don't read it. It has 99.99% chance that I will hate it and I really don't have enough time to read 1000 books to find one that I like... I love good female characters and women tend to ruin it for me :( You might think I don't have an idea what I'm talking about but my two best reading buddies are girls and they've both read like 20-30 novels by female authors for every book written by male author they've read and I've heard more then enough about those. Even read some of them and every good premise that I felt really excited about was ruined by main character in first 20-30 pages, every time :( It would've been cool if women started writing fantasy novels about their main characters, instead of hot males they're fantasizing about. I know there are good ones but sadly whenever I go looking for new books to read female author is an instant turn off for me... That might be reason why males are dominating fantasy genre, not because there aren't enough women reading/writing fantasy, its just that fantasy written and read by most women rarely are actually about fantasy... 

    And of course books written by men rarely have more female characters then male ones, simply because its so much harder to write a good female character when you're male... And of course books written by women have more male characters as well, because as I've said above, hot male characters are what make 99.99% of those books work.

  7. Never liked WoW. Always preferred Lineage 2 even though I could see why WoW was a better game, L2 seemed more fun anyway.
    Grew up on Warcraft 3 so of course I love it as well as Diablo 1/2. Haven't played third one. Path of Exile is only mmorpg that reminds me good old times in Diablo.
    Don't know what you dislike about SC2. Personally I don't care about single player/campaign and it's best online rts game out there so for me it's one of the best games from Blizzard...
    Didn't like Heartstone... too casual and "just for fun". WoW players would have more fun with it most likely as well so it maybe that too but I prefer Might and Magic: Duel of Champions in every way.
    I'm always looking forward to stuff from NCSOFT but I doubt I will be getting Wildstar. Too many good MMORPG's coming out this year and I won't be having enough time to play them all, not to mention that I prefer sticking to one rp.I'd rather have new non-mmo TES but TES:O looks decent too. I've got some mixed feelings about it though and what's with b2p + p2p? Gonna stick with Archeage for now, playing on russian server and waiting for EU release.
    Wanna try out DA and Witcher as well, they look awesome.

  8. Bought SC2 two months ago. Had been playing starter edition for a year before that and watching all the SC2 channels on youtube :D :D Best part about it for me is Arcade. I mean, its best rts out there with most balanced and interesting races with distinctive gameplays and I enjoy playing on ladder but I've spent most of my childhood playing WC3s custom maps and Arcade's basically same except with good graphics :D No Pudge Wars and Warlock though :(

  9. I don't remember the episode number. They just got Usopp on their crew. (Clearly I haven't had much time for Anime of late. :))

    That should be around 20, so next 2 arcs (20 eps) are where most people get hooked up so don't give it up just yet :D

  10. I love One Piece. It's like Doctor Who meets Marvel meets the Wheel of Time meets Discworld meets a bunch of other awesome stuff! I'm coming up on the end of the Thriller Bark arc and the show never stops amazing it. How can it be so funny and dark and inspiring and epic all at the same time? It makes me want to get out and follow my dreams!


    I can't remember how long it took me to get into the show, but I remember the exact moment that I was HOOKED. Walk to Arlong Park. I get chills just thinking about it.

    Avoid English dub at all costs. Nakama fansubs if you can get em. Regular subs are okay, too, but they translate the word nakama wrong and since it's so important to the show I go for the fansubs, but that's just me. English dub is just plain bad, though.

    You have two most awesome arcs to watch yet :D And third one coming soon :P Wish I was at Thriller Bark arc now, I'm sick of checking mangafox every hour and seeing no updates :( :(

  11. I've now watched past my previous high-water mark on One Piece. I like it better this time, though I wouldn't say I'm hooked just yet.


    My attempt to describe it. It's a lot like Duck Tales; that is, If Duck Tales were:

    1. Targeted at teenagers,
    2. Made in Japan, and
    3. Not about ducks.

    With lots of shouts of GUMU-GUMU-NOO!, of course.

    So what episode are you at now?

  12. With how popular cop shows are, a television show based on Alloy of Law or the second Mistborn trilogy might be interesting. Are there any magic-based procedurals? I've seen the occassional cop show which has a bit of a sci-fi bent to it, but fantasy hasn't really gotten into that field on-air.

    There are lots of urban fantasy cop/detective shows. Supernatural, Grim, Sleeping Hollow(or something like that), Blood Ties(if I remember correctly), Lost Girl might be one of those as well(judging from first 2 or 3 episodes), etc.

    Have to agree with Tarion, Sherlock style would be better for Mistborn but I think it's better to have 2-3 hours of high quality movie than a show. As far as I know it would be impossible to do Mistborn with average show budget and it would never be more popular than GoT(because GoT is friendlier to normal people), which most likely requires less budget.

    Not sure about second and third books but first book would make an awesome movie and 2.5-3 hour movie would do a nice job of not missing anything important.

  13. Mistborn is a bit confusing compared to other "normal" fantasy novels but after WoK it's not that special anymore imo. All of Sanderson's books are brilliant as they are but knowing that they're all connected makes them so much more fun and Mistborn is best place to start understanding how it all works. + Mistborn is too good =))

  14. First!

    Well, okay, I suppose I ought to welcome you to the forum in general. You should definitely read Brandon's other works, and if you want a recommendation I'd suggest starting with Watbreaker; it's freely available on his website, and unlike his other books, it's a really self-contained story.

    I also ought to wish you we'll and enjoy yourself here.

    But the most important thing, I'm sure we all know, is that I got here and commented first. I'm petty that way.

    No. Everyone should start with Mistborn!

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