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ghajan monk

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Everything posted by ghajan monk

  1. Thank you. I had read Secret History and saw that hoid can punch a cognitive shadow so I was wondering if there was a second loophole. On a darker note, does this mean Hoid cannot insult someone suicidal, for instance Kaladin in Way of Kings?
  2. Hoid can't kill anyone, but could he put someone in a hazardous situation if his intention was to aid them, such as making Elhokar more attractive to cryptics? Wether or not Hoid planted the gemstones I do like the idea that he is guiding potential lightweavers, though I do not think his intention was to steal a cryptic from some dead lightweaver. Remember as the Nahel bond progresses the Knight Radiant will gain squires and this will attract more spren. Hoid could have been planning to become a squire and gain the attention of the cryptics the boring traditional way.
  3. As much as I love the Lord of the Rings, the Nazgûl do not really compare to the Unmade. Ungoliant on the other hand would love Roshar. I believe Ungoliant could eat stormlight but I am not sure about voidlight, she might have difficulty with the Unmade if she is unable to eat voidlight. For anyone who does not know, Ungoliant is a giant spider which eats light that appears in the silmarillion.
  4. In oathbringer this is almost a throw away line, but I feel that Kaladin getting this land has to have an impact for Kaladin's story arc. In my opinion it would make for a more interesting story if Kaladin gets Amaram's territory including Hearthstone rather than some random villages.
  5. @Ookla is Witless Exactly. I would love to see that show as you describe it.
  6. I spent the entire book jumping at every mention of a cremling only to have one appear and poison the crew of a ship that got too close to whatever they are protecting. It is also rather disturbing to think that every time someone eats a cremling it might be part of the sleepless, I really hope they don't hold grudges.
  7. Mistborn could be done as a movie trilogy followed by a Netflix series featuring the adventures of wax and Wayne. You could also make an animated series on the adventures of allomancer Jack. I think Warbreaker should be released in theaters after the Way of Kings but before Words of Radiance. all Cosmere movies should come with a commentary track by khriss.
  8. But would all breaths be the same spren or would different commands become like different spren? Breath appears to be much more flexible than surgebinding or fabials as it takes a specific type of spren to do a specific task, while you can shape breath into a multitude of forms for many different tasks. Now that I think on it, unlike most forms of magic in the cosmere anyone on Nalthis can become an Awakener, and what you can do with your breath is as diverse as animating a corpse or editing your own memory. This is a vast difference to roshar where every type of magic requires a different type of spren.
  9. My thoughts on the Eighth Heightening is you would be putting your investure into an already invested object to override the original command or intent. And this is what I think sja-anat does in Oathbringer. I do agree that it would be more difficult to alter sentient spren given that vasher never broke Nightblood's command. As for converting stormlight, since all investure is tied to the specific shards and we know it is possible for the shards to mingle, it follows that under the right circumstances you can fuse two types of investure together. We know breath and stormlight have similarities or Zahel would not be able to stay on Roshar, so a fused form could act more like breath. Basically by combining stormlight and breath you create watered down breaths. And I think you would need the Eighth Heightening to do this.
  10. As I thought about Zahel, Azure, and Nightblood and their future roles in the stormlight archive it became increasingly obvious to me that Awakening would eventually take a bigger role in the story. Zahel is also known as Kalad the usurper former God-King of Hallandren and creator of an army of corpses encased in stone. Given that in roshar the dead are transformed into various metals it seems inevitable that Zahel will create another army. Ever since Nightblood appeared at the end of WoR the question of whether it would grant any abilities to it's weilder Has tantalized my mind. Azure came into Oathbringer wielding an awakened blade searching for Nightblood and let us know that Awakening was here to stay. So I set out to make a list of all the possible ways Awakening could interact with Rosharan magic. With awakening you take a piece of your soul called Breath and put it into an object with the right command giving it life. This Breath can be compared to spren, some of which are described as pieces of the gods. The eighth heightening of Breath has the ability of "Command breaking" I am speculating that this would allow you to alter the Intent on certain lesser spren similarly to San-want. In the cosmere it is hard to know for certain because only the God-kings have reached that heightening. So number 1. Creation of more shardblades. This is the easiest to speculate because the spren do express an interest awakened blades in Oathbringer. Number 2. Using breath instead of spren in fabrials. Number 3. Use of the eighth heightening to corrupt a spren possibly resulting in the ability to convert stormlight into breath. Similarly as Sja-anat corrupting Glys gave Renarin access to visions of the future and possibly voidbinding. Number 4. Using the eighth heightening to convert stormlight into breath. Number 5. Nightblood spren. This might be the most terrifying concept in the cosmere, spren who imitate the Ideal of Destroy Evil. Number 6. New forms for the Singers. I saw another thread mention this one, basically you put breath in a gemheart to create a new form or alter existing ones. It is worth noting that any magic system that replicates another will have some differences an example being the fused and the knights radiant. I feel there is more that can be done with Awakening and Surgebinding so If you think of anything I would be glad to read it.
  11. I find it a bit of that Odium has not released Ba-ado-Mishram yet, perhaps the gem Is able to hide her presence. If the gem that Szeth hid is the same type of container that is holding Neragoul he would be likely to tell Dalinar. Finally does the diagram predict this? I would be interested in seeing Taravingian or one of his advisors bond one of the unmade.
  12. If this is Rosharan hemalurgy then would the part of Jezrien that was captured deteriorate over time or is that only a side affect of Ruin's hemalurgy? We know that some magic systems are net positive (breath), net neutral (feruchemy), and net negative (hemalurgy). This could be how Odium plans to truly kill Jezrien.
  13. Just read this thread and to recap we have: 1. Jasnah but not romantically. 2. Syl but not sexually. 3.everyone else but not likely.
  14. For all we know Moash could spend the entire next book building houses. Though I do wonder if he will get put in charge of the remainder of Odium's human soldiers, or perhaps train Singers as a counter bridge 4.
  15. Moash has shown he is not skilled with a shardblade so if Kaladin is there he would be able to stop Moash. I do not think that he would let Moash kill Roshone or Lirin after how Elhokar died.
  16. I wonder if Moash will get put in charge of Amaram's soldiers. Also if Moash still cares about getting revenge on Roshone this could lead to the next encounter with Kaladin.
  17. Dalinar has spoken the third Ideal so it is possible if the Stormfather changes his mind. I am more interested in why Dalinar has Oathbringer hanging on his wall. Now that we have Adolin starting to revive mayalaran could Dalinar revive oathbringer?
  18. I am hoping that the thousand listeners who refused stormform show back up. This would go well with an Eshonai flashback since her second in command Thude as well as her mother, and two of the Five are with them. A flashback could give us some characterization for these as well as the relationship between Eshonai and Venli.
  19. Before we speculate of whether the Alethi have gemhearts we should ask Brandon Sanderson if Herdazians and Horneaters have gemhearts. If someone already has please let me know.
  20. A story told from the perspective of the Aimians as they observe the Heralds and the Unmade.
  21. The Secret makes more sense if the Recreance took place right after defeating the Parsh and severing their minds. The extent of what their victory meant could have reinforced what Honor said.
  22. You also have to remember that the environment in Shinovar is vastly different than the rest of Roshar and could be seen as a divine blessing.
  23. @leester1478 We know some of the Unmade have been trapped for thousands of years while others have been free. This could cause bitterness towards each other and Odium.
  24. @RShara I do wonder whether trapping one of the Unmade in a gemstone would make it easier or harder for nightbood to destroy it. Also the Unmade seem less malicious than I thought they would be before reading oathbringer. Neragaoul almost felt like Dalinar's pet dog he had to put down.
  25. I think that the Unmade have been hollowed by Odium until all that is left is their Intent, which is the exact opposite process to the creation of nightblood, as nightblood was a sword that was filled with the intent to destroy evil.
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