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Status Replies posted by danex

  1. Who's watching conference right now? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

    I am, I just thought I'd ask.

  2. Who's watching conference right now? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

    I am, I just thought I'd ask.

  3. Who's watching conference right now? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

    I am, I just thought I'd ask.

  4. Would any of the 16 wonderful people that follow me happen to play Sanderson Elimination, and could they help me figure out how to join?

  5. Would any of the 16 wonderful people that follow me happen to play Sanderson Elimination, and could they help me figure out how to join?

  6. Math question for all you smart people

    if I have a bag with 10 marbles and 3 of them are red, and I pull out 3 marbles, one at a time, what are the odds I pull out all three red ones? I think I instinctively want to say 33.33% but that doesn’t seem right.

    I think you have a 33.33% chance of pulling out the first red marble, and then there’d be 9 marbles with 2 red, so 22.22% of a red, and then you’d have 8 marbles with one red, so 12.5%? And then you multiply the percents together to get the actual odds? That’d be 0.925%. Maybe. I haven’t done probability in like 4 years so I really don’t know. 


    Also this is actually an Among Us question, I was playing a 3 imp game the other day and at the very beginning I said “black brown and white are imp, calling it” and then they were, and I wanted to know the odds of getting that right. 

  7. @Scarletfox, you're right, pickles do make great snacks. Just thought I'd put that out there...

  8. Just ate an apple. My runic protection against medical practitioners is once again in effect for 24 hours. 

  9. Just ate an apple. My runic protection against medical practitioners is once again in effect for 24 hours. 

  10. Holy Crem y’all need to listen to “Fred Jones, Pt. 2” by Ben Folds right now. It’s the saddest/most beautiful song I’ve ever heard. That might be hyperbole but it’s actually so good. You should look up the lyrics too, so you understand what it’s about. 

  11. Goodbye!

    See people in two weeks!


    Unless change occurs

    But we all know that won't happen!

    Goodnight moon,

    Goodnight sense of doom,

    Goodnight profile pics that make me wonder who's in the room.



    I'mma go live in a highprince's shoe! 

  12. No...



    The profile photo's now are so wrong...


    Luke Skywalker GIFs | Tenor


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