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Everything posted by Lightflame

  1. @Shivertongue: That's exactly the idea actually, and thank you for your comments. It was just an amusing idea I had, although I've found a way to work it into a story. @Observer's latest one: I'm not sure here. It's a bit mundane, just being about a clock, so it didn't really draw me in. Oh, and here's one for a Mistborn fanfic that's been floating around in my head. (The prologue would be about Lord Thermos Tresting, son of Lord Themos Tresting.)
  2. I just finished it, and I absolutely loved it to death. My favourite parts were Olver blowing the Horn (right at that moment I started screaming because I realized that Mat had died back in TFoH), "The Flame of Tar Valon", and the very last line. And yeah, Perrin was great in this. Brandon made me love him a lot. Rand's final battle with the Dark One was a lot line Vin Vs. Ruin in my opinion.
  3. On the Warrior Cats forums, we act less like a forum, and more like a group of boards pasted together. This leads to the problem of a certain group of people being yelled at by the regulars if they go on the "Off Topic Discussions" board. As such, we make a new chat thread every time our current one gets moved, and we just hand wave it with a single on-topic line. For example, "What would the Warrior Cats characters get each other for Christmas?" I just wanted to do something random like that. If there was a Shard of "Holiday Spirit", what would the residents of the Cosmere get each other for Christmas? - Kabsal would send Shallan some jam, and give Jasnah a Bible. A poisoned one. - Odium would give people the Christmas gift of being punched with his giant intangible fist. - Vin would get TenSoon a cat. - Susebron would awaken random things and order them to spread Christmas joy. - Shai would Forge presents under a tree. - Ranette would give Wayne a bullet. Like, she'd shoot him with it.
  4. Here's one that I used in the first interlude chapter of my Warrior Cats fanfic, Golden Dawn: Lost Sunrise.
  5. This could sound baseless, since I can't find the quote for it. Apparently, if Odium went to Scadrial he wouldn't be able to see metal. This tells us a ridiculous amount of stuff. Metal is the base of Scadrilin magic, and is the form the bodies of Preservation and Ruin take. Brandon once says that metal isn't where the powers of the Metallic Arts come from. Instead, it's a "focus" that connects the user to Preservation or Ruin. As such, I believe that the magic system produced by Investiture is directly influenced by the Shardworld which is granted the Investiture. So, for example, if Honor invested himself in Scadrial, he would create metal-based Surgebinding, or maybe an entirely different Metallic Art. Or if Ruin went to Nalthis, he might create a system based on taking Breath against the other person's will. Of course, this leads to the question of why this is. Perhaps the focus has to do with the Cognitive aspect of Investiture on any given Shardworld: It views its power as coming from something, and so it does. (This would make Soulcasting incredibly broken.) Regardless, if you accept this, we can hunt down focuses all day. What do you think? Sorry if this has been brought up already. EDIT: Oh yeah, this applies to their bodies as well.
  6. Wait, do the fish actually work? Blunt thinks they do, but the black dude always dies first.
  7. We all know that Ruin likes tormenting people. As such, he probably took the form of someone from Rashek's past to mess with him. I think it was Alendi, but it could also be the hypothetical "Lutha" from the Cosmere board.
  8. There's a part on the interview database where Peter says that Blunt isn't from Yolen, so he's most likely from White Sand. I'll find it for you, then edit it into this post. EDIT:
  9. Yes, but Aslydin didn't necessarily arrive on Scadrial before HoA.
  10. The Solar Holocaust lasted for like, six hours. Luthad could be one of the First Generation. The only name we got was Haddek.
  11. I named my Kyurem "Giga-Marsh", after the most badass being in the Cosmere.
  12. I think it's common knowledge by now that Demoux, Galladon, and some random dude who's probably from Warbreaker 2 show up in The Way of Kings. I have no clue why Galladon chose to run off and join the Hunt for the HoidTM, but I do have my guess as to why Demoux joined the team. At the end of The Hero of Ages, Demoux has what every side character dreams of. He has one of the most broken superpowers ever, the knowledge that his idol is watching over him, and a road named after him. So why would he want to head to Roshar and try to find Hoid? Because his love interest told him to. Aslydin is Demoux's love interest from The Hero of Ages. It's okay if you don't remember her, because she doesn't have a single line of dialogue in the whole trilogy. She was hanging out at the Pits of Hathsin, and Demoux fell in love with her. Demoux is a very loyal character, so I don't think he'd be the type to go and abandon his wife. Therefore, I believe that Aslydin was a member of the Seventeenth Shard, and she was on Scadrial looking for Hoid. Because Hoid left Scadrial, she had to leave as well, but she offered Demoux the chance to come with her. He took it, and the two of them went to chase Hoid. Brandon did say in the Q&A that there were worldhopping characters in the earlier books, but they weren't supposed to be identified. Aslydin fits the bill. Also, it's possible that Galladon was recruited immediately after Hoid left Sel, as they were there at the same time. What do you think?
  13. That;s why I think there's a fourth realm: Time.
  14. Actually, I'm pretty sure he said in the Q&A that his favourite is The Shadow Rising. /hasnointentionofdoingagreatreread
  15. Which leads me to wonder how the Shin choose year lengths.
  16. Because of the shipping section of the post: Kelsier/Syl? Sounds awesome. Now we just need my personal favourite ship, Szeth/Jasnah.
  17. I have a few things I wanted to post, but I don't think they deserve their own threads. I just decided to roll them all together and post them here. Humour Kaladin: This riding the storm thing is pretty neat. Big Storm Face: CHILD OF TANAVAST. CHILD OF HONOR. CHILD OF ONE LONG SINCE DEPARTED Kaladin: Wow, my mom really gets around, doesn't she? Big Storm Face: ODIUM REIGNS. ODIUM POURS. THE OLD MAN IS HERE. THE OLD MAN SNORES. Kaladin: *Kills Shallan's brother-like guy* I got a Shardblade! Szeth: *Becomes Truthless* I got a Shardblade! Shallan: *Kills her father* I got a Shardblade! Sadeas: *Trades Bridgemen* I got a Shardblade! Dalinar: *Exists* I got a Shardblade! Adolin: *Is dueling* I got a Shardblade! Taravangian: *Holds up Szeth's Oathstone* I got a rock. Observations - Jasnah claims that Parshendi are Voidbringers. When Dalinar has a vision of the time just after the Desolation, he sees a bunch of corpses in Kholinar. In his narration, he doesn't mention seeing Parshendi corpses. Parshendi don't move their dead. This is important somehow. - Only 1 in 10 people survived the Desolation. Hmmmm. - When Kaladin and Szeth use their Lashings, frost appears around them. What's up with that? - I'm wondering if Kaladin is hearing voices like Vin was. Shortly before he kills that Shardbearer, he hears his father's voice saying "You can't kill to protect." Then the Spren (probably Syl) sticks his spheres to him. There are other instances. It's probably nothing, but you never know. - I don't see many theories or discussions concerning why Shardblades burn eyes out or make people into Lighteyes. Or concerning how the Darkeyes were once superior to the Lighteyes. You'd think people would mention this. - Kaladin found a Parshendi knife with a picture on it. Rock, or Teft, or someone, said it looked like a drawing of a Herald. He guessed that it was either Nalan or Jezrien. Random Speculation Note: Ridiculous theories ahead. - People killed by Shardblades become Parshmen. This theory is due to the "eyes burning out", and how the Shardblade kills the soul or something. - Dalinar killed his wife. His boon was that he forget about her and how he killed her. - Taking the other two into consideration: Dalinar killed his wife with his Shardblade. Her Parsh form is Eshonai. - Parshmen and Parshendi don't like the corpses of their comrades touched because they can see the Deathspren hanging around those corpses. - Jasnah's first reaction to Szeth will be, "I didn't know the Assassin in White was so handsome!" Jasnah and Szeth will then become a couple. Because that would be amazing. - Sadeas is Demandred. Thoughts on my random thoughts and theories?
  18. I'm voting on the city being the place where the Uvara lived, due to the presence of the tower and what not. I should compare the Shattered Plains stuff with what we hear about the Uvara's homeland.
  19. Lan and Thom come to mind. Barring that, Talmanes, just because.
  20. I so called the Parshendi using a music-based magic system! (On the chatbox.) So they have about 100 lost forms? I wonder if Kaladin will help them find any. Also, I think Eshonai might turn Shen into a Parshendi.
  21. The Stormlight Archive board hasn't been very active recently. Because of this, I have decided to post this theory I just came up with today. During Dalinar's vision in Chapter 60, he meets a random king guy, henceforth referred to as "That One Guy" (like Chaos' "the one guy" and "Allomantic Hobo"). Dalinar thinks That One Guy is Nohadon, and there is some evidence for it. Nohadon Evidence: 1. That One Guy is a King in what appears to be Kholinar after a Desolation. 2. That One Guy made up at least one of the phrases in "The Way of Kings". 3. Dalinar thinks Nohadon is That One Guy. However, as the title of the theory states, I don't think Nohadon is That One Guy. Honor/Tanavast probably had an important reason for showing Dalinar that particular vision, but That One Guy is a red herring. In his book, Nohadon wrote that he had an easy life following the Desolation. Now, let's go take a look at That One Guy. That sounds like a tormented man, not the pampered man Nohadon claims to be. That One Guy could be labeled Nohadon by circumstance, but he certainly doesn't seem like Nohadon. Nohadon lived an "easy life", but That One Guy was tortured enough to decide to give up the throne. Nohadon could have been the next king. Anyway... Not very Nohadon-like, is he? Dalinar's evidence is circumstantial. That One Guy wants to use force, while Nohadon united the Alethi with peace. (Actually, how was there Alethi back then? And if you work in the whole "h" thing, Nohadon has a Vorin holy name, one letter off from symmetry. Hmm....) That One Guy wants to take up the sword, which Nohadon almost certainly wouldn't do. So they're probably different guys. Now anyway... Why include this little scene? Either Nohadon got his name later, which is unlikely, or That One Guy isn't Nohadon. The first one is a fairly frivolous reason, as Brandon wanted the book to be very tight. We already established that Nohadon was a Holy Name back in Chapter 58, so why bring it up unless it was for foreshadowing? Since "Nohadon got his name later" doesn't have much of a point, I believe that this little bit is meant to show that That One Guy isn't Nohadon. Other Random Hints: - That One Guy claims that writing a book is a tremendously stupid idea. - Dalinar thinks that he's too young to be Nohadon. Where Does This Leave Us?: I'm not sure where we end up if it's revealed that That One Guy isn't Nohadon. I would assume that it means that Nohadon was maybe a usurper, or that the whole Nohadon -> Book -> Radiants history is different than what it seems. I'm not sure if we've been introduced to the true identities of That One Guy or Nohadon yet. All I know for sure is that Nohadon isn't Karm, as he mentioned in his book that he had two arms when he was king. The only identity I can think of for That One Guy is Derethil, which is messed up. We'll probably find hints in SA2, which will be a Shallan book. Until then, I'm not sure where we go from here. Thoughts on my theory?
  22. In Hero of Ages, Kelsier's spirit is able to talk to Spook, and Sazed talks to the spirits of Vin and Elend. There has to be an afterlife, and it's probably Kelsierland.
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