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Everything posted by Riceloft

  1. I wonder whether Taravangian is partnering with an unseen Herald, or maybe is being subtly manipulated by one. (Nalan? Another?)
  2. I'm far more interested in Shen's development than Moash or Teft. He's obviously loyal to Kaladin and/or the Bridge Four crew. What happens when (if) he learns how to take other forms? Will he be able to give insight to the rest of the crew on what the Parshendi can do? What secrets does he hold? It seems to me that there's an awful lot of development possibilities for him.
  3. Mine is Kelsier getting killed by TLR. Yeah, it was foreshadowed heavily, but I simply wasn't expecting it. The others mentioned in this thread are indeed bigger surprises, but none had the same impact on me as Kelsier's death.
  4. Kudos and upvote just based on the amount of time and research that must have gone into this. I can get behind a lot of this theory, though you lost me around the Voidbringing part. I always looked at that table as Cultivation's, not Odium's.
  5. Seems to be fixed. And yeah, I had the issue pre-upgrade.
  6. I haven't put this to the test since the forum was upgraded. I'll test it out today and see what happens.
  7. Hey, I use 3 different computers (2 at home, one at work) to browse this site. When I log in on one, it will keep me logged in on that one indefinitely as long as I don't log in elsewhere. When I do log in elsewhere, it logs me out on the PC I was previously logged in on. Is this intentional? If so, its pretty darn annoying .
  8. Hmm, I've seen that quote before, but its sparked an idea. With all of the study and manipulation of the magics in the world (half-shards and fabrials, etc), maybe the oath stone really does hold power over Szeth. Perhaps one or more spren are trapped within it that somehow either tie him to it or grant him his powers.
  9. It seems to me that Voidbringers could simply be one of the Parshendi forms they haven't rediscovered yet.
  10. The next section is up. Not a whole lot going on, but a lot of world building explanations from Brandon.
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