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Aon Ati

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Posts posted by Aon Ati

  1. Mine would have to be

    1. Nightblood (including his sheath and with enough Investiture)

    2. Shardblade

    3. Excalibur (with its sheath)

    4. Glamdring

    5. Riptide (from Percy Jackson)

    6. Sword of Martin the Warrior (Redwall)

    7. Sword of Crystallia

    8. Sword of Gryffindor

    9. Lightsaber (technically it is a sword)

    10. Hiccup's fire sword in How to Train Your Dragon 2

  2. Hello Cosmere community. I have never done something like this before so hopefully I am doing this right. The site says to start out by telling a little about myself, so I will tell how I became a fan of Sanderson"s work. A couple of years ago I was an avid reader who loved to imagine new worlds and fantastic stories. The original Percy Jackson series, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Harry Potter, Redwall, and so many others were what I feasted upon. But I then I realized something to late, I had run out of new things to read that interested me. As a teenager I would try to find books that were written with my age in mind but all I could find were dystopian futures, cheesy romances, and generic fantasy. The kids books were bad repeats of Percy Jackson and didn't challenge me as a reader, and adult novels were either ridiculously complicated, showed the worst of humanity in violence and sex, or just boring. Needless to say, I fell into a long runt of no new book reading. Then one day I was in the teen room of a library and as I was leaving, disappointed again, I looked at the check-out desk and saw a bookmark advertising a book called The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson. It was a cool looking bookmark and on the back there was a list of positive reviews for the book. I decided to try it out, so I got the book and went home to read it. I finished it in one night. When I finished it I was so confused; where was the part were the hero becomes the most powerful magic user in the world or the chosen one? Why did the hero and girl not proclamation their love for each other at the end? How did the author trick me by using the same twist at the end of the first Harry Potter book? Twice! And what was up with the magic in that book, I actually had to think about and figure out how it worked. Who is this guy!? I started to slowly read his other teen books the Reckoners. Again I was shocked at how good they were and how interesting the premise was. Then came the gamble, Alcatraz and Mistborn. I was worried about the first one because it seemed more for children than teens, and Mistborn was an epic fantasy, something I had never tried before outside of LOTR. But these turned into my favorite children fantasy series and my favorite trilogy overall. I have now read almost all his books and I am huge fan of the Cosmere. So, that's my story, sorry it was a little long. I hope to have a good time here on the 17th Shard and that I provide you all the same enjoyment.

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