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Aon Ati

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Posts posted by Aon Ati

  1. Yeah I have to agree with most of the other posts. I love Percy Jackson but Kaladin falls into a whole different category with his shardblade, surges, fighting experience, and ability to absorb stormlight. Even if Percy got into the highstorm to use it's water he would never be able to dodge the debris in the storm, which would stun him even with the Achilles Curse. Also, Syl blade would turn Riptide into metal mesh.

  2. I know that these two subjects are very different from each other, but I like to figure out what Lantern Order characters in different book series would belong in. I will only be including original trilogy Mistborn Characters.

    Black-Death- Marsh. Now I know that Marsh himself is not a bad guy. I consider him to be one of the most hardcore guys in Mistborn. This is more of what he represents as Ruin's main tool of destruction.

    Red-Rage- Zane. The Red Lanterns always had a problem with keeping their sanity in tact, which fits Zane perfectly. Along with the fact he has a spike which is the cause of his insanity (the Red Lanterns rings are their hearts).

    Orange-Greed- Straff. Straff simply wanted everything in the Final Empire, just like the Orange Lantern wants all.

    Yellow-Fear- The Lord Ruler. The Lord Ruler controlled the Final Empire by using his powers to instill fear into the people.

    Green-Willpower- Sazed. I don't want to spoil anything, so I will just say that Sazed is the balance between everything.

    Blue-Hope- Kelsier. Because he is hope.

    Indigo-Compassion- Elend. Elend wanted all his life to find a way to make the skaa's lives easier, something very, very few noblemen had ever thought about.

    Violet-Love- Spook. This was a hard one to pick, but I choose it because Spook was always a hopeless romantic, and he always valued his friendship (a form of love) with others.

    White-Life- Vin. It's Vin. What else do I have to say?

    So those are my choices. If you have even better ideas, please, make a list that can outshine mine by a mile.

  3. If your looking for something new from NPR, I suggest Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. If your a big fan of fantasy then I recommend The Legendarium Podcast. If you want to listen to people talk about your favorite TV shows, then Afterbuzz could be a good choice. These are usually clean and fun podcasts to spend some time with.

  4. If your looking for a mystery book try Agatha Christie's novel And Then There Were None. This is the greatest mystery book I have every read! The ending is crazy, with the reader usually going: WHAT IS HAPPENING!! It is Christie's best selling mystery and if it wasn't for Orient Express, it would probably be her most famous. So, I highly recommend this to you. And it's clean (aside from the murders of course).

  5. One of the things I am most looking forward to when Oathbringer comes out is the fan art. I am most hoping for new pictures of Urithiru, young Dalinar in battle (even though it is pretty gross), Shallan battling Re-Shephir, Re-Shephir herself, and now Kaladin parting the storming with the windspren behind him! It is going to be a great time for Cosmere artists. Are there any that I missed or that you guys think should be created?

  6. When I finished read Calamity I was slightly disappointed by the ending. But then I began to think about it and realized something. The reason why I was disappointed was because I had read Sanderson's other works and was blown away by them. If Calamity, or the Reckoners for that matter, had been written by any other author the ending would have been seen as a good solid conclusion. But because it was from Brandon Sanderson, the guy who wrote the ending to the Mistborn trilogy, the fans expected much more and were met with a normal ending. When reading a book, I try to remember Wit's advise at the end of Words of Radiance about keeping my expectations in check or else I will see everything as below the standard I have set up.

  7. I would want to make the world a better place, but just wishing for it takes away everyone's freewill. So my solution to this is....

    Wish #1. Genie, I wish that the orders of the Knight Radients would be real, with spren bonding to certain people using oaths they must adhere to. This includes Orders having each of their individual surges and having the investiture to power it, but not from a highstorm.

    This allows that people still have free will but now have a group of people who can watch over them and protect them. Unfortunately, as we have seen, these Knights are corruptible. So they need to be watch by someone who can stop them if need be....

    Wish #2. Genie, I wish that I had the ability to use all ten surges, allomancy, feruchemy, channel the Dor, be an Awakener, and never run out of investiture for any of them.

    Now there is only one more problem for this situation. I would now be the most powerful being on the planet and power can corrupt. So my last wish.

    Wish #3. Genie, my last wish is that if I ever use my powers for personal gain, harm others needlessly, or go power mad, that I would die instantly.

    So, that is probably what I would wish for. I might have stretched the rules of wish asking here, but it was fun to consider and write about.

  8. 2 hours ago, Retsam said:

    I've also been watching Studio Ghibli movies for the first time (they've been showing them in movie theaters this summer and fall), and also have had pretty much the same reaction: they're fun movies, but nothing particularly life-changing.  (They're a lot like Pixar movies, to me, in that way: cute but mostly forgettable.)  Anime is a pretty diverse medium, I definitely wouldn't write off the whole medium just on your failure to enjoy one particular flavor of it.


    If you're looking for recommendations, the safest recommendation is probably My Hero Academia, which is the current mega popular show.  And, deservedly so, it's really good.  (For once, it's a popular show that didn't spark a massive critical backlash from the more veteran anime watchers, like previous popular shows have: e.g. Tokyo Ghoul, SAO, or Attack on Titan)

    My traditional recommendation is Trigun, which is an old classic and is one of my all-time favorites.  A bit like FMA, it's an action show that's got some comedy but is also pretty serious (increasingly so, over time). 

    Otherwise, I've linked this flowchart before:

      Reveal hidden contents


    And there's also a longer version here (too large to include in the file).  The longer version has a lot more recommendations, but has a lot more obscure stuff that I don't know that I'd recommend to a newcomer.  


    As for where to watch stuff, I think both Crunchyroll and Funimation have a fair bit of their stuff available for free.  (For example, Funimation's official YouTube channel has Trigun... the full series in Japanese, but only the first four episodes of the English dub... which is a shame because the dub is phenomenal)


    Thank you. Funny enough, I just got done watch a YouTube video about how a lot of anime fandoms can have some really bad people in it and I was thinking: "Oh boy. Lets hope that the 17th shard filters out any who could be like that". And then I get a reply that is completely supportive and positive! Woo-hoo! In all honesty though my sister is the one more into anime. I really only enjoy anime if it has a good story behind it, not just because it is anime. Thank you for the recommendations and maybe I'll be able to find some of these and watch them.

  9. My experience with anime has not been the greatest in the world. I have seen Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and really really enjoyed it. One Punch Man is funny and has amazing action but that's mostly because of Saitama (sorry if I spelled his name wrong). Unfortunately I can't seem to get into other anime. I don't have access to much anime so I tried Studio Gibli films; My Neighbor Torto, Castle in the Sky, and Spirited Away. I came out of each of these films saying, and I know that I will probably be hung out in a highstorm for this, 'eh, it was okay'. I really did want to like these films but I couldn't connect with the characters and the stories didn't seem to flow very well. The animation was very good though. So, did I miss something about these films or should just except that this is not a medium that I can enjoy?

  10. Hello. I am currently half way through The Eye of the World right now and, for the most part, have enjoyed it. I can see why people will see it is a Lord of the Rings ripoff but I have read other series that seemed to ripoff others. And most of those led to great stories that were completely different from the other series. So I have hope this will lead to an immersive story that I will fondly look back on.

  11. 2 hours ago, Fifth of Daybreak said:

    I don't understand your question. It directly states that this was a play she saw when she was younger. 


    I think that Wit was involved somehow in telling this story. It fits the type of story that he would tell and being a story teller and actor, theater seems to be a place where he would be at home.

  12. 1 hour ago, CaptainRyan said:

    That is a really, really tough call. I always complain when people ask me about "favorites" haha, whether it is book characters or food.

    In no particular order, I very much enjoy Rand, Mat, [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and Lan.

    Sorry for all of the redactions but as you are only on book 1 I worry about spoiling anything. If you are super curious about who else is on the list then I can post again with the names behind a spoiler curtain for you to peek at later haha

    That would be to tempting. Best not.

  13. Hello Wheel of Time fans. I have recently started reading Eye of the World and I have a problem. I do not like Egwene. At all. When she first came on the scene I knew instantly that she was going to be the love interest and I was fine with that. But then she started to show another side, one where she would let her friends be insulted as long as it was by the Wisdom. I shrugged this off thinking that it was just her being respectful to her elders and a bit timid in confronting people. But then after the trolloc attack and the group was leaving she was told that it would be dangerous coming with them because of the other trollocs chasing after them. And she laughed at them! Claiming that the trollocs were not real and they were making it up to get out of the town. 

    At this point I became concerned with this person being part of the group and hoped that the trip would make her realize that the world was a much harsher place then she knew. But then, when Moiraine offered her the chance to become an Aes Sedai, she didn't hesitate at all! She should have asked some questions like: "is this dangerous?", "what exactly am I agreeing to?", or "how will this affect the people I (supposedly) care about?". She jumped right in and from what I could tell she did it not because of some noble purpose to help people, but to acquire power so that she can be important! And now I just got past the part where she and Perrin were with the people who are contantly traveling to find the Song (I am not going to spell their name). And during that time she went goo-goo eyes for a boy she did not know, from a people she did not know, and hung out with him so much that even the kindly mother figure became concerned. All the while on the run from an unspeakable evil that might have the ability to shape shift into a desirable form so that it can seduce people to its side. And ignoring her very loyal friend the whole time. AAAAGGGHHHHH!!!! It's a good thing that she is not in a horror move, otherwise she would have bit the dust a long time ago.

    So I ask you, fans of the Wheel of Time, does she get better? Please don't spoil anything for me but PLEASE tell me that something happens that slaps some sense into her! Thank you all for letting me rant.

  14. 2 hours ago, Tesh said:

    (I haven't read The Rithmatist yet)...

    But it's definitely on my list of books to read.

    After the last two Lord of the Rings books, SoS, BoM, The Great Hunt, and some other books.

    But I will read it.

    I have about 100 books I need to read, and that is no exaggeration.

    I don't know what you look for in YA books but I do think you will find at least some enjoyment in it. It was a breath of fresh air for me when all I could find in teen books were cheesy romances and depressing dystopian novels. And I can relate with having to much to read and not enough time to do it.

  15. 20 minutes ago, MasterJack said:

    One of the things I dearly love about Sanderson is the realism. In too many fantasy books, nobody is at any risk of dying. This really bugs me, but in Sanderson's work, every character is just as mortal as others, and they're all at risk.

    Hello MasterJack, and I too really appreciate that Sanderson keeps his characters in a place were you actually do worry abot them. But I also like how he won't go on an all out killing spree throughout the book, wiping out all the people we care so much about just for shock value. *cough*cough* Martin*cough*cough*

  16. 7 hours ago, Penumbra said:

    To condense it: I love that the worlds feel coherent and complete. Its not just magic without a cause and effect. It really feels like another world that could exist with it's own ecosystems of magic and social effects, causes, technologies and so on. And the more you read the more you realize how everything connects, which I also love!

    Also plot twists that have made me scream out loud while reading. Granted I'm a pretty expressive reader but still. 

    Hello Penumbra, and don't feel bad about reacting excessively to the plot twists. At the end of Well of Ascension I was literally screaming NOOO! into a pillow and then couldn't stop mumbling under my breath about how wrong the ending was. I was getting weird looks from my siblings.

  17. 12 hours ago, Tesh said:

    They're just... amazing.

    They're so complex, and the story lasts more than two days. The magic systems are all so amazing, the characters so... deep. The plot is so well developed, and the worldbuilding is down right awesome. And they're packed with action, adventure, magic (or should I say Investure?), philosophy, not too much romance, religion, etc. etc. etc.

    Hello, Tesh. This description you gave Sanderson's books perfectly describes what drew my into the Rithmatist, the first Sanderson book I ever read, which eventually led me down the path into the Cosmere. Though I read the Rithmatist in one night, not more then two days.

  18. 16 hours ago, Warbreaker_Weiss said:

    I love Brandon Sanderson's books for the obvious reasons, such as the characters and the magic systems, but I also have another reason. When I first read Mistborn, I was fairly new to being a reader and the only books I had really read without being forced to read them were Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games, and Percy Jackson. I'd also recently discovered that I loved writing fantasy stories of my own, but they lacked creativity and the characters and worlds were very poorly developed.

    Then I read Mistborn, and something just sparked within me. It's hard to explain how, but exposing myself to Brandon Sanderson's books helped me make my own stories and characters a lot more well developed and interesting. My writing got better, and I realized I didn't have to use the same fantasy tropes a lot of writers used, which I'm particularly guilty of using myself. I stopped trying to copy what other successful writers had done in their books and just let myself write magic systems, even if they're crazy and earn me weird looks from the other students at school. My writing is definitely nowhere near perfect, but it's a lot better than it was when I first discovered Brandon Sanderson's books. 

    I guess I kind of look up to Brandon Sanderson as a role model. He's the reason I'm not afraid of my ideas being too weird or crazy to be turned into a cool fantasy novel. I mean, who would have thought that a book about humans eating metal to access super powers would have been one of the best fantasy books they've ever read? 

    I could write a whole essay on why I love Brandon Sanderson, but I should probably return to the one I'm avoiding writing currently :P

    Warbreaker_Weiss, I really like your story. And I hope someday that I will be asked to write an essay on Sanderson books and turn in the longest and most detailed paper ever given in the class.

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