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Everything posted by Calcium

  1. Considering Ulim told Venli they were working around Taln I think it’s likely that he didn’t break. Also, Dalinar as a bond smith who sees connection made out that Ishar had a “spiritual” problem but didn’t suggest that for Taln - might be a nothing point though as he also doesn’t say anything about Ash’s brokenness which presumably would be the same for the 8 heralds who abandoned Taln. I think he’s just got what Kal’s got but way worse from so much torture and that as Ulim said there was a workaround that, unintentionally, allowed for Taln to be freed. Given his mental state he may not even recognise this.
  2. Anyone else thinking that Adolin’s efforts to help Kal and Shallan overcome/cope with mental illness will be mirrored with his (hopeful) revival of Maya?
  3. I like the idea of Maya being restored by Adolin and him becoming an edgedancer. It may be cliche but people keep talking about character growth. That's good growth to become a Radiant so I don't see what the fuss is. Also, they need stacks more Radiants anyways. But he'd fit with his graceful movements being described a number of times as an Edgedancer. AND, he gets on with everyone. So he could and would fight for those no one else would. Like the boy at the end of OB, and fighting politically for Kaladin by volunteering to go to prison too. I think he fits, and his caring for people (especially seeing Maya in Shadesmere will make him care more about her) makes him the perfect character to revive a Blade and become an Edgedancer.
  4. The fused and Jasnah’s return!! Can’t wait for parts 2-5 cos part 1 has been great
  5. From memory there's been theories that not all the radiant orders walked away from their oaths. Is it possible that if the Storm father has been charged with looking for someone to bond, that the bond Smith's at least have been working secretly behind the scenes since the Recreance? If there's only 3 when the order is at max capacity and the sorrmfather as a spren has to find someone to bond, that they've had the Sunmaker, Gavilar and others in their order the whole time trying to unite mankind as an order limited to one Radiant for ages?
  6. These chapters were pretty cool even the wall story one but especially to extreme Thrill. Such good insight to Shallan. Amaram annoys me but I think there's a chance for this storyline to tie into Dalinars role to "unite them". How good would it be for Alethi unification to see Dalinar and Amaram put the public discrediting from earlier behind them.
  7. The idea of Shallan hating herself and Patternblade etc has certainly been a big focus. It could be possible that this is being used by Brandon to set Shallan up for a really dark path where she emerges as really twisted in the second 5 books. Alternatively I'd like to think her doubting things and questioning memories and even hating herself is a path to her teaching Lift. She was sort of feeling useless before becoming Jasnah's ward. So If she now feels a bit directionless it's be nice to see her have direction in teaching someone who questions things so much she calls her spren a voidbringer. Could also help her jolt back the the logic she used in tWoK and truly be a Radiant.
  8. I'm still new to this and haven't read all the posts here - sorry! But is it possible that the parshmen further away from the convergence that created the super destructive storm where less impacted than those close to the epicenter? And is it possible that if the storm keeps going around Roshar the differences in colouration and agression levels will align to have more "parshendi" parshmen than Kaladin's friendly "parshmen" parshmen?
  9. Unless Renarin is Odium's champion and bonded a void-spren (or whatever they're called). Maybe his super creepiness is a sort of pretend innocence for pure evil? Sorry, this is my first post and I'm mega excited
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