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Everything posted by EmmaExtraordinary

  1. I don't think it would have worked because there are no bridges to cross the chasms. After Kaladin left the bridge crews would be stuck in the shattered planes with no supplies or way to travel.
  2. I would've said Adolin but he's recently picked up a lot of traction.... I think Renarin is going to be more important in this next book and he should be talked about more.
  3. Great theories up above but I wanted to mention one of my own crazy theories Adolin will go in search of the old magic. It may be caused by guilt or because he feels useless next to all the Radiants in his life I don't know. I do think his relationship with his blade being important and as much as I hate it I see the potential for him to become odiums champion.
  4. Thanks everyone!! I'm so excited! @Toaster Retribution I LOVE Wanye!! He's so funny and such a unique character.
  5. I don't think Elhokar is going bad nor do I think he would be talented enough to be Odium's champion. I also don't think it will be Adolin because I see him being very important on the Alethi side. Also I thing Eshonai is to obvious...Maybe Szeth?
  6. I've always wondered if maybe the Dalinar's asked the Nightwatcher to help him forget his wife making that his boon and not his curse... the Oathbringer conversations almost support that theory. What does everyone else think his boon and curse are?
  7. Been reading Brandon Sanderson for a couple of years and finally tired of being a nerd by myself... I've never joined an online community like this before but I'm excited to join discussions!!
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