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Everything posted by Snipexe

  1. And there cannot be love without tragedy. The tragedy of past decisions, of the lost future and previous loves. Love and tragedy are intertwined, without one, you cannot have the other, and with one you must.
  2. I’m not sure if this is supposed to be sequel or squeal, but either way I’m entertained by the thought.
  3. As the owl flew into the next room, a brick suddenly flew through the window of the Executive’s Scissors. A cloaked figure jumped into the shop, knocking Snip to the ground. Snip let out a groan as he hit, watching in pain as the thief grabbed 3 pairs of his shears. “No” he yelled, trying to gesture to Devon to stop him, but the man just stood there. The thief then jumped out the window, causing the mist to come into the shop. Snip took a few more second to catch his breath, then stood up, grabbing a pair of giant sewing needles reserved for leather work, and jumped out the window in pursuit of the thief. As his feet his the misty ground, he whirled, looking for the direction the figure had fled. Only the tiny pit-pater retreating into the distance was evidence of the thief’s passing, but it was enough. Snip launched into a dash, following the figure. @Fifth Scholar I guess?
  4. As Snip waited for a response from Don, he something in the rafters. “Hold that thought” He said, while rushing to grab a broom. He lifted up the broom and poked the thing in the rafters. @Coop772
  5. Great! Lum, maybe have Aname with the Owl come to the shop offering to be a messenger owl service, that way it isn’t like Snip just grabs a random owl and ties a note to it.
  6. Snip showed Cadoxi to the door, and said, maybe a little too loudly, “I’m glad you’re happy with your suit, we’ll send it over as soon as possible.” Once the man left, he began to clean up the store. The sun was beginning to set, and his store didn’t serve the kind of patrons who were likely to be out after dark. Especially not in times like these. He folded up the satin, checking carefully moths, and was pleased to note that they had made some good sales. That was good. Maybe he would finally be able to import some velvet from the Eastern Dominance. Rumor had it that there the fabric market was alive and well out there. What he would do to get some velvet in a time like this. Someone knocked on the door, and he started. A customer? At this time? Walking to the door, he saw the young boy from early, holding a message. He grabbed the message, gave the boy another boxing, and read it. It was in the affirmative, and listed a time for them to come. It was before Cadoxi would make his next shipment. He opened the door again, looking for the boy. He was gone. By the ash, he would need to deliver a note to Cadoxi, but how? Suddenly he turned to Dal. No, too risky. The lad was a hard worker, and good with the fabric, but a little too nosy for his own good. He sighed, then turned to his assistant. “Sorry about making you run the shop for so long, you know how it is with these guardsmen. How did everything go?” @xinoehp512
  7. Sweet, thanks! "I'll go ahead and send him a message" Snip stood up, walking back into the store proper. He walked over to the counter, where Dent was working, and drafted a simple message. He walked out of the store, looking for a messenger. He saw a Skaa boy sitting in the street. "Lad, would you be willing to run a message to the red house, Canal Street, Hotel District?" The boy nodded, and Snip tossed him the message and 3 boxings. The lad dashed off as Snip returned to the store, and walked back to the private room. "When you come with the next shipment of shears, I'll let you know if the contact is interested." @Cadmium Compounder
  8. "Well why don't you talk about it. Giving words to things, rather then leaving them as thoughts jumbling around in our heads, is a good way to crystallize what you need to do."
  9. Scissor ripped through spacetime, snipping it as he pleased. He'd known there was a reason for the shadows to tell him to check in here. He came to where Star was. "What's wrong?"
  10. "Eh, she seemed like she was going through some stuff. Don't you think it would be better to check on her and see if she's doing ok?"
  11. Snip nodded, he understood. When he had rebranded his chapter of the You reap what you sew and operated from the company, he'd had to do an in-depth read of the laws Cadoxi was talking about. They quite the interesting read, with many a loophole that the lawmakers were still trying to fix. A product of its times. In a way they all were. Almost no one had made it through the previous year without losing someone. For some it was their old life, for others it was simplicity. For him, well... He'd moved on. "Yes, I understand what we are doing is within the law. Now about the supply problem. I believe I may have a solution to remedy that. I have a contact hidden in the city, a former Cett sympathizer. He may know of the location of the hidden Cett weapon caches. Those should have the supplies you need, as well as allowing us to broaden our stock. I see him occasionally, and I'll get word to him asking if he knows anything." @Cadmium Compounder @A Joe in the Bush Would you be willing to rp Finn as this contact?
  12. "Now that was awfully rude Star!" Scissors said angrily. "Please leave that poor women alone. She works 6 days a week with two jobs just to provide for her kids. It isn't easy being a mime you know. She lost her husband to the service. He was caught in the thermonuke blast and couldn't make it out in time. I think she's suffered enough." With that he warped spacetime, returning the women to her original form.
  13. Scissors exists on the same plane as the mimes. He is immune to their efforts and is therefore able to directly to take to the narrators, and the narrators with the narrators. Scissors saw the mime and waved to her as well. "Hey Jenny, how are the kids?"
  14. Scissors floated in the ether, watching the narrators converse. Finally, he opened a dimensional window. "Hey guys, what's up?"
  15. "Of course," He gestured to the door, " It should just be the first door on your left. Let me just make sure my assistant has everything in working order." He quickly walked over to Dennis. "I hate to do this to you, but I've got a custom order to take care of. Would you mind watching the shop for a bit? Don't worry about the shear prices, I've got them written out on the inside of the counter. Sound good?" @xinoehp512 @Cadmium Compounder
  16. But can anyone really create art? What is art anyway? Is not your very post a form of surreal art that mocks the competition within the art world? Is not this post the same thing. Is the single upvote on your comment a representation of how the bloated consumerist masses approve of the struggle in expression? Is not this very comment a product of the artist expression of every person in my life?
  17. As Snip waited for Cadoxi's response, Derin walked up to the Venture Armorer. Snip turned to him. "Didn't I tell you you could take your break? If you aren't then go help out the lad in by the coat rack. By the looks of what he's doing, he'll knock over a whole row a merchandise! You and I both know Derk that we cannot afford that in trying times like these." It was indeed true, there was man, well really a boy in a man's clothing, struggling in vain to properly hang up a suit coat.
  18. Snip watched as a large heavy set man walked up to the counter. He prepared his usual spiel about the sale on Satin and the shears, but paused when he heard what the man was saying. "Does any of your apparel have hidden pockets capable of holding a medium sized self-defense weapon?" the man finished. This was Cadoxi then. He looked him over. Basic Skaa soldier's gear, though it was well oiled. That would have to change. He could not have a man seen regularly entering his shop wearing such unfashionable drab clothing like that! Even Derick wore nicer clothes. As his thoughts turned to what would be the proper suit size and style for a guard, not too stylish as to outshine the noble, but subtle and understated, he remembered that he had a response phrase to utter, to verify that it was him. "Of course, but it will require custom measurements." @Cadmium Compounder
  19. “Thank you Donnny!” Snip said as the man put the boxings away. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off? A reward for our quick sale.” @xinoehp512
  20. I haven’t even read the rules yet, but this Steel’s last game, so signing up with callsign Scissors
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