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Everything posted by Snipexe

  1. Snipexe

    Alley 0

    Grey nodded as the man put his hand down. The same thing happened to him quite often. Forgetting questions was simply the worst. Turning, he watched the Stranger silently for a time. He had worked with him on a project once. Well, more like worked for him. His lab had been working on repairing the quantum tunnels to Alleys 1152 and 77734, when their work had been commandeered for another purpose. He still didn't know what they had been truly doing, but what he had seen, what he had had nightmares about, made the accident that resulted in his face look like a mere walk in the park. He pulled on his hat strings. That had been nearly 30 years ago, he doubted the man remembered him now. He hoped that he did not. He quietly walked to near to the wall, and just before alley-traveling back to the labs stopped. Internally sighing, he whispered into the Stranger's mind, "If you happen to need access to my labs particular set of skills, just let me know. Please try not to drive everyone insane again though." Hopefully the whisper into his mind would be enough to remind the Stranger of his identity. If not, then all the better. With that, he Alley-travelled back to 192.
  2. “Glad its up to scratch. Oh! I almost forgot!” He turned around and grabbed a file. “Free, complimentary of being the first customer.” he said, handing it to her. “All Shears come with a 30 day warranty, so if they break in that time, just bring the broken ones to us, and we’ll replace it free of charge.” @Lumgol
  3. While he was waiting for the women’s response, Snip called out to his assistant, while holding out the boxing’s , “Declan, could you please take this to the safe?” (The name misspelling is intentional). @xinoehp512
  4. I would recommend you change that to spoiler to prevent a rather large plot point being spoiled.
  5. I would recommend moving to the endgame topic:
  6. This is just a quick mechanic for a Snapshot game that I'd like to get thoughts on: Cycle 0 (The first cycle is neither an A or a B cycle): An anonymous cycle, with every player using an anonymous account. People would have actions during the cycle, and most importantly there would be an elim kill. Cycle 1A: The aftermath of whatever events took place during Cycle 0. All roles that players had on their anonymous accounts carry over to their actual ones. There is a lynch this cycle, as well as an elim kill. Cycle 1B: Back to anonymous accounts. These are the "snapshot" cycles. All players automatically do their exact same actions, with the exception of the detectives, who can change their actions. All players who have previously died, are still alive in their anonymous accounts, though they are still dead in the non-Snapshot cycles. Anyone who the detectives pm and show their reality badge to (they would have to pm the gm that they have done this), proving that they are the detectives, will be broken free, and be able to change their actions. People may still talk freely in already created pms, and in the thread. The game continues like such, alternating normal and snapshot cycles until either both of the detectives are killed, or the elim is killed (I am currently thinking that this would have a single elim, though I could see an elim team working as well.) So, thoughts? edit: I need to give credit, this is heavily inspired by Joe's time travel games, which I think are super interesting.
  7. Another grin went to Snip's face as the women held out the the money. He quickly pocketed it, and then lead her over to a display case filled with shears. He unlocked it, and then carefully picked up a pair. He handed them to the women, and then asked, "Will that be all miss?" @Lumgol
  8. “Wonderful, glad the word is getting around.” Snip let himself grin. An early customer was always a good sign. “We have 3 models, the Small, the Medium, and the Omega-Large. The smallest is 30 boxings, 40 for the Medium, and 60 for the Omega.”
  9. “Hello miss, welcome the Executive’s Scissors. How may I help you?” edit:ninja’d by CadCom Snip had gotten letter a few nights before from a venture armorer. They’d worked out a deal. The armorer would get a small room in the back to work out of, in exchange work on the obsidian shears. Today was the first day they were being sold. @Lumgol
  10. 335b: additionally there is a 10% chance that the law enforcement are the ones carrying out the plans, in which case you must take matters into your own hands.
  11. Butt didn’t have any liquid assets, so he had do give them a bar of gold
  12. This isn’t your thread. This is the community’s. Everyone has a right to post here, and I for one see nothing wrong with that. I don’t understand why you feel the need to attack someone for doing something they enjoy. If it bothers you that you can’t participate, then just ask if you can. I can see no reason why they would stop you. Part of the Longest Thread has always been the randomness, and this story doesn’t mean it’s going away.
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