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Everything posted by Voidus

  1. Lucien rubbed his brow as his eyes struggled to make sense of the papers in front of him. Each word swam into the next and it was only by a dull chiming of a small clock on his desk that he realised he had been staring at the same line for an hour now. He was tired, he knew that, more tired than he could remember being before. The odd day or two in his office subsisting on a ten minute nap were nothing compared to a week without sleep. His eyes were filled with sand, his head felt aflame. And the polished wood of his desk was so cool, so comfortable as his cheek lay against it. But every time he had closed his eyes, a long hospital hallway stretched out in front of him, at the end a room he wished desperately to reach in time but never could. He could see her, sitting on her bed and unable to see him. A long knife in her hand, a chef's knife long and wickedly sharp and coated with scarlet as she drew a line across her- His eyes snapped open and he felt a chill immediately swallow him. How long had his eyes been closed? When had he done that and why? His eyes darted around the room, sure that he would find a bloodied body waiting for him, a letter that she had given as her final farewell atop it. But his office was empty. A glance at the clock showed that only a minute had passed. But even that was too much, any longer and he would have had to see everything. He poured himself a glass of water, emptying the pitcher that he had been using all evening and gulped the cool liquid down. It helped for a moment, refreshing as it hit his throat and sparked nerve endings enough to pull open his bleary eyes. But the lethargy quickly returned, bidding him to return to the cool surface of the desk. And then something unusual happened. An echo of that lethargy, like a dream but one less horrifying than those that now plagued his sleep. A similar sense of tiredness. Of utter exhaustion born from endless time passing. His office shimmered around him and suddenly it was larger, sparsely decorated but comfortable, with a long table at the far end as if for large meetings. But the Professor rarely attended faculty meetings unless mandated, and they were certainly not conducted in his office. Why then did this room feel so familiar? "Dark, quiet and comfortable." He muttered to himself, sagging eyes looking around the room. "A room I... made?" The memory vanished as quickly as it arrived, leaving only the lingering exhaustion behind as the room returned to normal. Lucien blinked and even the memory began to fade, but he could feel... something. A blank spot in his mind. A section of time that seemed to skip suddenly. He remembered many such moments in recent days, dismissed as the product of his insomnia but perhaps.. there was something else. "Come on Bennington. Lets get some coffee." Lucien said, standing with a yawn. "That place down the road is open late." Absentmindedly he restacked the papers on his desk, pocketed his pen again and picked up a leather satchel. Within it were his recent notes, a pouch full of chrysts, a brass Fabrial that he had been tinkering with, and a long chefs knife. He frowned at that last one, recalling that he had been using it at home for cooking but when had it found its way into his satchel? He gave a tired shrug, regardless of how it had gotten there he would need to take it home anyway, best to leave it there. @ZincAboutIt
  2. Laurelai is probably unlikely to use the term but yeah.
  3. Laurelai sat up in bed as the early morning light hit her, rubbing her temples. The headaches had been getting worse each day, starting in the mornings and only becoming exacerbated as the day wore on. Likely just the strain of pouring over records and paperwork looking for information and discrepancies, though she had never experienced similar headaches when she worked at the hospital. Shaking her head, she stood with a groan and headed immediately to the shower. It always helped to ease the pain, but less and less each day it felt. The cool water hitting the top of Laurelai's head send a pleasurable shiver down her spine as she stood there, letting the water cascade down blonde lengths and cling against her skin. It took the edge off, even as it brought about a series of new, flashing images into her mind. Each image was, again, a different version of the same scene. A different Laurelai. Only a few things were consistent across them all, those things felt... important somehow. More real than the rest perhaps. But she still couldn't quite make sense of them. Why did her name feel important? Or the fact that she and Lita had always arrived at the Chapel because of the DA? With a disappointed sigh, Laurelai turned the tap, halting the flow of water and provoking a sharp, burning pain behind her eyes almost immediately. But the shower was only barely helping now. Every time all she could think of was how lacking it was in comparison. Of how little comfort these mundane waters provided. Of how much she needed to find the Chapel again and sit underneath those droplets forever, finally comfortable. Laurelai practiced smiling as she towled herself dry and began to dress for the day. She had started doing so days ago in the hopes that she could at least perfect her facade enough that it would be less obvious how tense she was beneath it. Laurelai didn't precisely regret her emotional snap and subsequent burst of poor judgement the other day, but it would not be professional to repeat it. And unlike then, Laurelai now knew precisely what she needed to do. All she needed was to find the Chapel, and everything would be right again. It would help her, calm her, tell her what she needed to know with a whisper more intimate than that of any lover. "Blue today." She muttered as she picked a dress for herself. "Something Scadrian perhaps. Nothing unprofessional about dressing to impress after all." She had just slipped into the fine exported Elendel silk when she glanced at her bedside table for the first time that morning, spotting a letter sealed with white wax and her name written atop it. A letter that had most certainly not been there when Laurelai went to sleep last night. A trap? She mused, examining the letter from a distance. But if it was placed while I was sleeping that seems an inefficient way to cause harm. So the most interesting kind of trap then, the kind of poison that is also sweet honey. Information. Pulling a pair of gloves on just to be safe, Laurelai snagged the letter, leaving the wax sealed as she left the house swiftly and began her morning commute into the Alleys. @ZincAboutIt@kenod
  4. 75 (S) + 110 (M) - 65 (W) = 125 Comfortably within limits here. Approved!
  5. Oh yeah definitely, don't want to cut off any discussions now, just that by start of month we want to be starting to really narrowing down options, have something set by early-mid October so that we can start writing for it.
  6. We will probably want to start talking seriously about the big next era changes at the start of the month to give time to discuss and start foreshadowing things.
  7. Assassination: 80 Melee: 50 Edgedancer: 110 Oaths: (-5, -10) Soulcaster: 25 Weakness: -50 Total: 130 (S) + 135 (M) -65 (W) = 200 So weakness is very impactful here but still not quite enough to balance all the rest. This would be about as high as I'm ever likely to rate a weakness as well, so perhaps will need to start at a lower skill level and increase in effectiveness over time?
  8. Laurelai returned Lita's smirk, though with some hesitancy underpinning her satisfaction, and below even that hesitancy she felt the weight of exhaustion pulling at her. The momentary flashes of pain kept it somewhat at bay but Lita was certainly correct that she needed some respite if she hoped to still be useful come the morning. Laurelai had seen spikes that allowed one to remain conscious almost indefinitely if the R&D denizen was to be believed, but she had not received one yet. Nor was she sure that she'd accept one if offered, there was nothing quite so marvelous as a hot shower and a warm bed at the end of the day. Or maybe a cooler shower to help clear her mind. "Of course, thank you." Laurelai replied, giving a small respectful bob of the head. "I'll compile a report of any differences I notice promptly. And I'll be sure to note what I can down once my head clears up a little, I'm sure some rest will do the trick." She gave a polite smile and another nod, cutting herself off before she lapsed into needless small talk. Lita surely had more on her mind than such trivialities with a new employee, and Laurelai was already looking forward to that shower. She could almost feel it already, gentle water cascading on her head and back, bringing calm with it. "Until tomorrow." She said, moving to the door and stepping into the cool air of the Alleys. She spared one final look through the closing door for the tired redhead, something twinging in Laurelai's mind again at the sight and sending a lance of pain through her. Taking the hint, Laurelai closed the door and moved through the shortest route she could find back home. @ZincAboutIt
  9. It took Laurelai a moment of blinking through the pain before her vision cleared and Lita's face resolved into sharp focus. She didn't seem overly concerned, though she had been staring oddly at Laurelai's hand rather than her head. Likely in an organization such as this Lita could scarcely afford to care about a subordinate being suddenly wracked with pain, the woman had likely seen and administered enough of it to numb her completely. "Thank you." Laurelai replied, voice slowly steadying. "I... don't quite know what to make of it. Like dozens of images all-" She cut off as another flash of images set her head to aching. And along with the pain every flash reignited that sense of need just a little brighter. But now instead of a sourceless, unsatisfiable impulse, Laurelai knew exactly what she needed. She hoped that would make it easier to manage, but hope is a fragile thing, easily shattered. "Apologies." Laurelai repeated, forcing herself not to close her eyes again or look away. "It feels very strange... like a bad Forgery almost where the memories can't quite snap into place correctly." That was impossible of course, such a poor Forgery would not last long enough to matter. Or at least, not if she was its intended recipient. But whatever it was, Laurelai struggled to understand the intention of it. Was someone trying to have her and Lita visit this... cavern? Likely to spring a trap, but then someone capable of implanting memories and impulses into them surely had an easier method of either entrapping or killing her than this. More likely Lita would be the intended target, Laurelai just an unfortunate piece of collateral. She rubbed her hand a little nervously as she saw Lita's glance drift there again. Laurelai hadn't noticed any residue from the copper on her finger but perhaps Lita's keener senses could. Still, it hardly seemed worthy of being stared at like this, even if copper was certainly not her colour. @ZincAboutIt
  10. Laurelai raised a curious brow at the mention of 'that rusting girl' but did not push the question. Doubtless Lita would tell her the things that she needed to know and keep that which she did not. At the end of the day, despite what had happened earlier that day, they were coworkers, not friends. Lita was her boss, not her confidant. A piercing pain struck her temple and she almost missed Lita's final request, Laurelai needed to blink and look back to the redhead, suppressing a wince, to make sense of the words that she had heard but not quite processed. "The cavern?" Laurelai asked, trying to jog her own, foggy memories. "It was... you went..." Like a dam bursting they flooded into her again, a wash of perfect calming blue droplets giving her clarity. She remembered saying something to Lita, a warning, right before... right before she slipped on a lip in the stone and stepped into the pool, Laurelai had watched horrified as the redhead had moved under the waters only to be carried to the other side by momentum. The piercing headache returned and Laurelai felt that crystal clarity fracture into pieces. Laurelai had been bold, not horrified, and she had grabbed Lita back out of the waters. No, Laurelai had been jealous and pushed Lita out of the way to take her place. Or had it been haughty and she'd chuckled as Lita tripped her way through the pool? Laurelai had been angry. Sad. Alone. Scared. Obstinate. Proud. Meek. Overconfident. "You went in and then... I went.. no, there alone? Fighting?" Laurelai murmured, trying to answer the question and sort through a cascade of memories that assaulted her simultaneously. Her eyes shut as even the dim office light felt suddenly piercingly bright. "Tripped... stepped... pushed..." The pain reached a peak, piercing through the entire core of her being, some aching hole where something was supposed to be but wasn't. Something fundamentally important that she'd lost. But after reaching that white-hot peak, the pain began to slowly subside again, taking the memories with it. "I... apologize." Laurelai said, realizing she'd been hunched over and straightening immediately. Opening her eyes to look Lita in the face even as the light still burned a hole in her brain. "It seems my memories aren't entirely clear still, perhaps some difference in how quickly they return?" Even as she apologized, Laurelai felt that pain in her head be replaced with twin aching needs. One, the cause of the headache, that she still wasn't sure about, and the other... that pool. If she just found that pool again she would have everything she needed. She would have all the answers at last. @ZincAboutIt
  11. The trick is to see where the party is heading and then lay the tracks in that direction. I rarely run with a solid idea of what is 'supposed' to happen, because parties be chaotic. Also, just as part of general D&D concern I do hope that your party have all signed on for you to play a villainous character. Because that's never fun when one person in the party decides to just mess everything up for everyone else without communicating.
  12. We have been known to do it from time to time Yes, difficult but rewarding. My advice to most players is to jump in and give it a try. I run three games and I still feel every session like I haven't prepared enough. If you keep waiting until you feel 'ready' you'll be putting it off forever. Maybe try a one shot or a pre-written campaign or module first, but practice is the best way to improve.
  13. Some time later Laurelai collapsed into the chair of Lita's office. It had been a long day, filled with... many interesting events that she had not anticipated when she first woke up that morning. Reading through the reports had yielded only a little information, the more detailed had been retrieved from the interrogation. For a moment her mind flashed back to that room, of Lita standing over him wearing a smile that could have been either cruel or seductive depending on how someone looked at it... She shook her head to dismiss the thought. This was no time for distractions, she needed to focus on what they'd learned, not the way Lita had looked when she... "So." Laurelai said, breaking herself free from a mental loop. "That was certainly... informative. I'm learning quite a bit about interrogations today it seems. Though that one was quite different." She gave a brief grin at that, testing the waters. She had hoped that the earlier 'interrogation' would help her think more clearly, and it had, but she was still unsure if it would change anything. How did Lita handle that kind of interaction? Would she try to tuck Laurelai away somewhere unseen now that she'd had her fun? Keep her around as a new favourite? Or could she seperate work matters from personal? So many questions to answer, but more pressing were those that had arisen from the interrogation. "A hidden department in the DA." Laurelai continued, smile turning into a concerned frown. "What do you make of it?" @ZincAboutIt
  14. Yeah I do generally discourage people from adding just a laundry list of minor phobias and inconsequential flaws to get more points. Big flaws can be good to add to flesh out a character but generally it's good to think of what they add to the character rather than how many points you can get for them.
  15. I mean effectively this amounts to approval for five of the highest ranking abilities that he's capable of copying, not including accounting for compounding and such. This would be well and truly over the point cap. Like 300-400 range probably if I put a specific to it. Copying one power from people is already very powerful due to its versatility, having five stored up is prone to all sorts of broken shenanigans.
  16. Laurelai gratefully took the glass both to have something to hide behind and to help steady her nerves. And perhaps the flush in her cheeks could be mistaken for one of light inebriation rather than embarrassment. Of course it certainly didn't hurt that it was absolutely delicious, sweet on the tongue and warm as it went down. A different warm burning sensation to replace the one she had been feeling earlier. She gave a wry smile at Lita's suggestion that she liven up the department of Records with a salacious transcription. The place had certainly seemed like it could do with a little levity, though Laurelai was also sure that she would be very irritated herself if she'd been studying there and someone tried to bring that levity to a place of study. ”I realize I emphasized work before play earlier today, and I have quite perjured myself. But we have played…” Lita said, giving Laurelai a look that sent the blush in her cheeks all the way down her neck again Focus Laurelai. The voice in the back of her head reminded her. No time to get distracted again. You're finally feeling clearer again don't go and waste that effort. Laurelai managed to pull her focus back just in time to catch the rest of what Lita said, grateful that the momentary embarrassment had been neither as long lived nor as powerful as the earlier stress that had been pulling her slowly in the direction of complete madness. This was simply a light distraction, and she was more than accustomed to having to work through those. With practiced movements she pulled paper and pen and set to writing, noting all the major points that they had covered, with small lines and succinct explanations linking each. "Well I hope for Mr. Darsen's sake that we are able to find something fruitful." Laurelai said, one hand pulling over a section of the file to open and read as she writes with the other. "And for my own as well. If we're forced to stay here all night I can't promise I can resist depleting your stores of fine port." @ZincAboutIt
  17. Covered in rivulets of azure water drifting over her tiny frame, Whisper waited. She had seen the Lonely God off some days prior. Or was it months? Years? Time was difficult to track here, not only due to the lack of a sun, moon or timepiece but the Chapel itself seemed to distort her perspective, lengthening it out. 'But he will return soon.' Whisper mused silently. 'The call will pull him back and he will remember the words, bringing more Light along with him.' That was crucial. She couldn't leave the Chapel herself, or rather she could but it would render this entire trip pointless. Without the knowledge from the waters she could not plan half as well as she needed to. Wouldn't be able to understand her gods any more. She peered into the past, viewing them again and almost lost herself into idle admiration before focussing, drawing her thoughts and concentration to bear on a single topic. The daughter of the Lonely God. Whisper had been very confused to discover that, wondering if perhaps the blonde young woman deserved a place in her pantheon by virtue of heritage alone. But no, not yet at least. Laurelai might have the potential but currently her existence was a relatively mundane one. If Whisper wanted to change that then she would first need, as always, to understand the pieces that she played. She would need to do as the Forgotten Daughter herself did and see the history. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laurelai sat on the floor, fiddling with a wooden horse and showing it to her friend. Amicus had the same blonde hair as her, though with dark black eyes in contrast to her own blues. He was a good friend, if a little rough at times but she hated it when he tried to steal her toys. "Mine." Amicus said, pudgy hands tugging at the horse and pulling it out of her grip. "No it's not!" Laurelai insisted, standing up and placing her hands on her hips. "It's mine!" A woman bent down to scoop Amicus up, her hair blonde like both of theirs and sharing a name with Laurelai. "Amicus if you can't play nicely then you can't play at all." Aunt Laurelai chided, holding Amicus on a hip and gently prying the toy free from his grasp before handing it back to Laurelai. Laurelai always liked her aunt, she was kind and helped when Amicus snatched things. And she came to play together a lot, even if she was usually too tired to play for long. Laurelai began losing herself in her game again but shortly grew hungry and had just asked about dinner when she heard something at the front door and looked up to see her Aunt greeting some strange man. Everyone was behaving very oddly but her Mother and Father weren't stopping anything or saying anything. It was probably fine. Or so she had thought, right up until Amicus and her Aunt vanished at the mans touch. Laurelai tilted her head curiously, wondering how the trick was done. But quickly her vision was obscured as her mother hugged her close to her chest, blonde ringlets surrounding Laurelai's face. "Mum." Laurelai called. "Can't see." Darkness filled the room and a cold deeper and more isolating than anything she had ever felt reached out to grasp her. She heard something. Voices? They were talking but it was too faint, she was too alone and too scared to understand what they were saying. Then the darkness deepened until it was all she could see, the cold seeped into her bones and flesh, and her mothers touch faded from her grip as endless nothingness overtook everything. Laurelai blinked as light was suddenly restored. Then stumbled and fell before covering her ears as the world went from dead silence to deafening explosions, screams and snarls. The endless nothing was replaced by harsh stone beneath her bare feet and smoke that quickly filled her lungs as she struggled to draw a breath in. "Mum!" Laurelai called out, trying to stand and reach for where her mother had just been holding her. "Dad?" The smoke burned her lungs and her eyes quickly filled with tears, she could barely see anything but dimly she could make out a shape. A person? Lying down nearby. She crawled over towards them, stopping only once to cough into the ground and wipe at her eyes, though not succeeding in clearing them. When at last she reached the person they were wearing something hard and strange, not metal but stiff, almost wooden. "Mum?" She asked again reaching a hand out to gently shake the person awake. Her fingers scratched ineffectively against leather armour. "Mum is that you? You're all wet and sticky."
  18. Her body barely even felt like her own as Laurelai straightened the neckline of her Havah, using the mirror in Lita's office to confirm that her former disheveled appearance had been returned to a properly calm demeanor and dress. Neither clothing nor her mind were twisted about themselves any longer, and she was able to regain a measure of control over herself and her surroundings. Enough to finally quash that incessant urge that had been digging at her mind for days. The quiet calm however, would be wasted if she simply sat here adjusting her appearance. Not for the first time in her life she wished there were a quicker way to make herself presentable after waking or... other activities. But now there was another problem to deal with, her mind was clear enough to actually focus now, which meant she could pay attention to an entire file and work her way through an investigation rather than just trying to devour every piece of knowledge she could. So now she would need to systematically work through all that they could, her own knowledge, what she had gleaned from Forging herself and the files from the department of Records. "Do you mind if I write down what you said?" Laurelai asked Lita. She looked up to address her, and ten almost immediately looked away again with a warm pink colouring her face. Rusts what had Laurelai been thinking? This had been such a terrible idea. She was going to need to look Lita in the face every day for as long as she worked here, and every time she was going to remember this. Laurelai wasn't entirely sure what had been happening to her, though it seemed the pool in her flashes of memory had something to do with it. But whatever it was had certainly wound her so tightly that she'd abandoned any semblance of rational planning. "About the memories." She clamored, trying to cover her embarrassment. "Just to help piece everything together it would help if I could lay things out." @ZincAboutIt
  19. Gonna assume a few points for scholarship based on the backstory here. Awakening (150 M) Scholarship - Worldhopping (30 S) Weaknesses - Physical frailty (-20 W), memory issues/emotional frailty (-10 W) Total: 150 M +30 S - 30 S = 150 Looks good, approved.
  20. “Tell me everything you see in your memories, Laurelai, and then I’ll give you exactly what you want.” The words were honeyed ambrosia to Laurelai in this moment. The jumble of memory, sensations and hunger were all tangled in a colossal ball of tension, she had no way to pick one thread to pull out without unravelling the entire thing. But that didn't matter now, she didn't need to carefully untangle her own wants anymore, all she had to do was remember and leave the rest to Lita. She let out one slow, shaky breath before her eyes opened again, no longer seeing the room, no longer seeing Lita. Distantly she could still feel the gentle glide of skin against skin but she could focus now and simply let that sensation wash over her. "A cave." She said, voice a little hoarse but strangely calm. "Under the city, there was a tunnel with strange glowing plants that drank Stormlight. Then darkness, and a sound from up ahead. Water falling, whispering. A beautiful pool that could tell you all the worlds secrets. Someone..." Her voice faltering for the first time, the vision swam for a moment before she regained focus. "You." Laurelai corrected. "Were there too, and you walked to the pool but it was whispering to me and telling me to take it instead. So I.. I reached out and pulled you away, and then the pool whispered more. Told me everything, everything there was to know." And then her mind had cracked, been emptied and then refilled in an instant. Then she had finally had everything that she ever wanted, gentle droplets bringing her more and more knowledge and secrets to sate the gnawing pit in her chest. Everything else faded, and all that was left was the pool. Food was a distant thought, friendship she'd surely never had, sleep a distant memory. Even breathing seemed unimportant. In a blink she was back in Lita's office, the floor underneath her was polished wood instead of rough stone. And the air was warm and so gentle it felt like it melted into her skin, rather than cool and refreshing. But her mind was the same, still a jumbled mess trying to make sense of the information, still struggling and moving so glacially slowly. The light around her periphery still grew darker and darker and the gnawing in her chest was now being replaced with another burning sensation, another need but whatever it was was far less important than the pool was, she could safely ignore it, even if it seemed to be causing the world to slowly constrict tighter and tighter around her until all she could see was a pair of green eyes holding her in their gaze. @ZincAboutIt
  21. Just breathe Laurelai. She reminded herself. Slow breaths, let muscles tense and relax. Get rid of the tension. Laurelai was actually rather proud when she managed to collect the files that Lita gestured to without her cheeks bursting into flame and without using the files to bludgeon Azim to death. It was truly a show of refinement and poise beyond what could be found in even the grandest of Scadrian ballrooms, a display of rationale and calm that would draw the envy of Teoish philosophers. "Come Laurelai." A cool voice said as a warm hand grabbed her wrist. "Let us go and settle your debt." The grip was firm, inexorable and felt like white-hot lightning against her skin. If it had been dragging her to her own execution Laurelai wasn't sure that she'd be able to summon even the slightest resistance against it. And indeed, given the nature of the Dark Alleys and those who lurked in them it very well might be dragging her to exactly that. But there was also a chance that Lita was dragging her to her salvation. Damnation or salvation? Laurelai wondered. Punishment or reward? Pain or pleasure? The Alleys had truly so many of these to offer, and often it seemed they blurred the lines between them. But it mattered not, Lita's grasp was insistent. It might have felt like Laurelai could, with a little work, pull herself free. The grip was not so tight as to cause pain, after all. But somehow she felt she was as unlikely to succeed in that contest as she would if she tried to hide from those exceptionally observant green eyes. Instead Laurelai became intoxicated on a heady feeling of powerlessness, to know that she had no choice in the matter. She could only wait to see what fate had in store for her and pray to whatever gods might listen. That sensation of drifting without resistance was almost enough to carry her all the way back to Lita's office. But even this immensely distracting situation was not, it seemed, enough to fully focus her mind on the here and now. Instead she recalled what Lita had said, the morsels of information that she had made a great show of divulging. She had mentioned many thing. A storm, a choice, and a god. Laurelai struggled to try to connect those threads to herself, tried to think of some connection that made sense beyond the two coins. But there was nothing, no whisper of echoed remembrance from Laurelai's own mind. But it was also impossible to imagine that the coins could simply be a coincidence. "I don't remember a storm." Laurelai said as they arrived at the door, shaky voice cutting through the quiet of the Alleys. "But I remember rain. Quiet and gentle and dangerous as all the Alleys." They were through the door before she could even process it, and somehow Laurelai found her hand was her own again as she stood face to face with Lita. Laurelai's breathing was ragged and her heart raced so fast it was a miracle it hadn't burst already. Radiant heat threatened to climb from her chest, up her neck and to her cheeks but it warred with the strange memory of coolness that Laurelai was struggling to hold onto. "I remember whispers and promises." Laurelai said, so close now that she could count each lash. "Promises to break my mind and fill it with secrets." Laurelai let her eyelids flutter closed and almost she could hear those whispers still, promising that if only she could find their source she could have everything that she wanted again. "I remember a need so strong that I would gladly have died of thirst rather than risk leaving it unsated." Laurelai's voice moved faster as the memories came quicker. "I remember a pool, a cave, a plant that glows, a woman with..." She opened her eyes again to meet Lita's. Green eyes, the exact green eyes that she had just been remembering. Was she going mad? Her current reality and the hazy memories seemed to blur together, all tied with that same desperate need to do... something. Something that she couldn't remember even now. She would scream in frustration but knew already that it would bring no catharsis. Her tension rose with every breath, and as her breathing accelerated so had her slide into insanity. @ZincAboutIt
  22. Sure. I would recommend doing some research since there's actually some academic debate as to whether such a thing exists so you may wish to look into actual memory prodigies for some inspiration but this is after all a fantasy RP so not too unreasonable. And yes memory is one of the abilities implied by the Intelligence skill.
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