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Everything posted by Shadowmancer

  1. Well now we know from the EPIC FIGHT SCENE that yes, indeed, Lightweaving and Soulcasting can be combined in a unique manner to create something more than an illusory army. Wow.
  2. And how the entire Bridge Four crew rallied to Drehy's defense, but Kaladin's line about calling Renarin "feminine" killed me. "Drehy, you are literally courting a man."
  3. I'm a proud Syladin shipper. Wonder what the kids would be, though... Aimians? Parshmen? A new kind of Cognitive Shadow?
  4. First of all, I just spent 11 hours straight finishing OB, so I'm not very coherent right now. There are many reasons I love Sanderson. One being he is perhaps one of four authors that have left me with less than an hour of sleep to run on in the middle of a workweek. The other -- Teft. I cannot say how much I cried when he finally said the Oaths, vowing to protect those he hates, even if the one he hated was himself. I see myself in so many characters in the series, and Teft especially. What is beautiful is that a second-rate, washed-out addict still finds redemption, even though at the end of it all he is still an addict. I. Bawled. I do not deserve an author like Sanderson, and that is why I love him. EDIT: to be clear, I'm not saying Teft continuing in his addiction is a good thing, any more than Dalinar continuing to kill willynilly is acceptable. What I love is that he didn't magically change. Just because you're a good person trying to do good things doesn't mean you can't get lost along the way. Teft still has to fight his demon, but even with all the terrible things he's done, he chose to be a better man and was given a second chance when he obviously didn't deserve one. It touched me because I see myself so clearly in that mirror, and I see my loved ones around me offering me the same second chances to change and be better, even though I don't deserve them. Sanderson is a Soulcaster.
  5. I'm tempted to keep holding onto my own theory, that Roshar was used as bait to keep Odium occupied, but I don't think this is the reason for the Recreance anymore. I thought the revelation was huge but, there didn't seem to be a good reason to me, either. Maybe the kicker was that they had always considered themselves on the right side until they found out they weren't. Except they were, because somewhere along the way the humans and listeners swapped gods. Messy, messy.
  6. Oh. My. Gosh. I never saw that before.
  7. @gbazz4 and @EC11 Here ya go! Had to do some digging, lol, but I found a dedicated sharder who posted the entire set of changes to WoR You can find an entire thread on it here.
  8. @EC11 I didn't even know that there HAD been a change to sonny's death until like a week ago, and then only from a random post. Shook me up some. I don't know what to believe in anymore...
  9. This will be the last the Shard sees of me for the next week or two. Luckily for me (or unluckily, depending on how you see it) my birthday is next week, and my family told me *not* to pre-order Oathbringer. Sooooo I'm pretty sure I know what one of my gifts is. I just have to wait for it.
  10. I doubt that the LIsteners would kill their own brethren, whether or not they considered them a new creature, in an attempt to simply forestall the humans from attacking them outright or releasing their ancient gods. As far as Listeners pupating, perhaps that occurs earlier on in their life cycle.
  11. Saw this on the internet today and it was too perfect not to share Now let me "branch" out a bit and "tie" in this one
  12. LOL, I've done the same thing. I had three years where the novel I wanted to write just did not come out onto the page. I've finally come close to finishing it (it's currently a 160K monstrosity, but it's my monstrosity). And lucky you for those weekends! Stay healthy
  13. Thanks @Robinski I've been sick the past few days, and was ready to pass out early last night, but I spent an hour of writing and got my full 1667 for the day in! I'm still surprised I was able to get that much writing done with a sick head and tired body. Having everything outlined ... wow, it has changed everything about how I NaNo. I still discover write during the rest of the year, but I'm loving having the outline right now.
  14. But seriously, here's the entire WoT summarized...
  15. I broke 12K last night It's going well overall, but I'm getting sick so that sucks.
  16. Sorry to necro a thread like this, but I've been looking for an answer that I can't find in any of the threads discussing this excerpt. If Jasnah was in Shadesmar, why didn't Shallan see her? I mean, unless Jasnah got out of there really quick. And then the painspren that were supposed to be coming, why didn't Shallan see them? Do we have a WoB on this, or does someone have keener eyes than I do? Is this even cannon? Thanks!
  17. Me on the memes pages Edit: As an aside, I just barely connected the 16 reputation with 16 in Cosmere terms. Wow. About time.
  18. You all are killing me! Have a few non-Cosmere for juxtaposition. The Eye of the World The Great Hunt The Dragon Reborn The Shadow Rising The Fires of Heaven The Lord of Chaos A Crown of Swords The Path of Daggers That's all I've got in me for now. Here's another completely unrelated summary. The Bartimaeus Trilogy
  19. According to the picture on Coppermind. I'll have to dig for the quote, but I think it's mentioned in the books.
  20. I am the Shadowmancer. I watch from the place you never see. I rise from the depths you can never know. I have seen your shadow, and it is mine to command. There is no light without darkness, and the darkness lives on after the light has vanished. It consumes the light, pulls it into the void from whence there is no escape. I wield the darkness. I am one with the darkness. I have touched your soul, and when you feel the shiver run down your spine you will know I am there. I see from the corner you never watch. I know you from the depths you can never rise. I am the Shadowmancer. Anyways, I love NaNoWriMo, and I hope to someday live up to Sanderson's request that I sign a book I wrote for him. If anyone needs a writing buddy with unrealistic goals for both his life and his NaNo-ing, I'm happy to give you the entertainment of watching my progress bar shoot waaaay up the first few weeks and then trickle off to a drip the rest of the month. And yes, this is my username on that site as well. I didn't write that intimidating introduction for nothing, after all.
  21. I forgot that David was black for, like, the entire Reckoners series. I'm kind of ashamed, actually.
  22. Bartimeaus Trilogy ROCKS! I don't own many books, but I own that series. I also recommend Leven Thumps, if you liked Fablehaven. I don't know if you'd like them or not, but the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites series has a fairly good plot. I feel like he gets a bit lost with too many characters about book 6 or 7, but I do love the story. [Warning: rant ahead] Wheel of Time has the same issue, IMHO. Jordan got lost in all the side plots and lost my interest. Also, in addition to the occasional implied sex scene, his books are a little, how shall I say it ... sexist. The main character (a man) who is destined to save all of existence, has almost every woman jumping at him throughout the series. It gets annoying. The second main character (also a man) gets in bed with any woman he wants, practically. The third main character (man) gets married, but then has this one sex-crazed woman who won't take no for an answer (because it's not harassment if a woman does it, it's entertaining). And THEN I can't even begin to count how many times the women get naked for NO FREAKING REASON. The men don't strip down at random for some hokey magical initiation, and they don't have to walk naked across a desert, or through an entire camp, or freaking live a whole year naked as a penance (actually some men DO have to do this, but Jordan doesn't focus on them, just the women). It ... gets exhausting, to be honest. Jordan needed to tone down all the naked lady scenes. [Ok, rant over.] tl;dr, WoT is a beautiful series with a number of serious flaws. Oh, and read Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Then read Tolkien's other works, because they are so worth it.
  23. Interesting comparison. Have an upvote! I think the attitude of Amaram is very, very different. I think Amaram seeks to excuse himself in that instance with Dalinar. Dalinar has made mistakes but he recognizes them as mistakes. He seeks a better way, and does not settle for "the ends justify the means." Amaram also tries actively to proclaim himself a better man than he knows is, and he knows what he is doing is wrong, which is why he hides both. He knows it is wrong, but tries to convince himself he is justified. Vargo is ... well, he's an interesting study. He knows what he does is wrong, but claims he does it for a greater purpose. However, this has led him to commit horrifying atrocities. The slaughter he has perpetuated and continues to enforce means that he does not have any misgivings about the ultimate morality of his actions. Because of the Diagram, which he worships as holy, he feels compelled to play these actions out to their end to prevent the destruction of the world. He does not justify his actions. Taravangian fully believes that if there is an afterlife, his reward will be damnation, but he chooses his current path in spite of that. Hoid, I think, sees things on a different playing-field than these two men. He recognizes the things that are at stake, and he is willing to sacrifice for what he "needs." I think ultimately Hoid's intentions are good, but I also want to point out that he does not have the capacity to directly harm anyone [very citation, much source, wow]. I think he sees Amaram as a coward, Taravangian as a fool, and Dalinar as a broken man striving to become better. Perhaps he honors that because he himself lacks the capacity to grow [speculation, no source available].
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