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Nathrangking last won the day on August 3 2022

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About Nathrangking

  • Birthday 08/29/2016

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  • Member Title
    Master and overlord of all magics both good and evil
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  • Interests
    Writing poetry etc..., Reading the Cosmere, Military History, Mythology, as well as countless other interests. I am the all powerful creator and destroyer of worlds and realities. Poet, Author, Playwright, Screenwriter, Bibliophile a few titles of many that create the form of the enigma.

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  1. I wrote in my Shardiversary post that things had been rather crazy on my end. Now is as good a time as any for me to reveal what is going on. The rather short version of a long story is that I am leaving the United States and moving abroad. The process is an intensive one that has taken me many many months, but now I am nearly at the end of the process. I have a date to leave which is only a couple of weeks away. This has been a long time in coming. It is for this reason that I have spent so little time on the Shard in the past 6+ months. Soon I will be an עולה חדש. It has been a draining experience to say the least. Not much of a story, but it is an explanation for my cryptic statement.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nathrangking


      @Silva Amen! IY"H everything will go well. It's nerve wracking. On the bright side there is always the potential to be able to meet sharders like @Trutharchivist

    3. Trutharchivist


      You're welcome to Israel! Chances are we won't meet, but who knows? If you happen to go to the Gush you might meet me some day.

      Where are you going to live? Jerusalem? (Don't judge me for not mentioning other cities... I live in Jerusalem, so it's kind of my default option.)

    4. Nathrangking


      It happens that I will be renting in Jerusalem.

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