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Nathrangking last won the day on August 3 2022

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About Nathrangking

  • Birthday 08/29/2016

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    Master and overlord of all magics both good and evil
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  • Interests
    Writing poetry etc..., Reading the Cosmere, Military History, Mythology, as well as countless other interests. I am the all powerful creator and destroyer of worlds and realities. Poet, Author, Playwright, Screenwriter, Bibliophile a few titles of many that create the form of the enigma.

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  1. There a couple of pieces to this post. The first is an apology to those sharders with whom I RP. I have been sporadic in my posting and it's unfair. I truly wish that I had the wherewithal to be consistent. Covid is still very much in my system. I recovered months and months ago and yet it lingers. I have bone crushing fatigue which hounds me. It has kept me from being as active as I want to be. 

    The second thing is an apology on the off chance that people like reading my weekly poems. The second poem that I promised last week never materialized for the same reason as I stated above. I am going to push to create the poem if I can beat this exhaustion. 

    The third piece is the poem for week #9 Poem 9.

                                                     Beholding Wisdom

          Everything around me slows and the whole of creation seems to be dragged into the clutches of a slumber whose chains refuse to be broken. The whole of history appears to me as a vision almost too wondrous to be understood by a mortal being. I may once have bore armor to shield me from the harms of the world, but now I receive a new protection which takes far more than it will ever give me in return. Wasted prayers fly from my lips as I entreat any and all deities who might have the mercy to take me from a damnation created by the folly of immortals whose hubris’ never drag them down into the dust. What odd sounds make up my world now. My cries are long gone. They echoed around us and formed a cloak which has faded and gone far away. Now the only things that I can hear are rustling and hissing that cast powerful curses over what might as well be all of the cosmos. It was my thirst for glory that led me here to a hall of moments that span eternity in the span that I take in a single breath. A shroud falls ever so slowly over existence as I watch what so many eyes have witnessed, but could never describe. Words fail me at this strangely melancholy moment. No fear grips me now. Most might plead and tremble, but the eyes so melancholy that I see create within me knowledge greater than any god or scholar could ever hope to possess. There is no melevolance so mighty that it might be called monstrous. Here all that exists is the wickedness and blindness of sovereigns whose right to power was the destruction of those who gave them life. As I am entombed all is known to me. In this infinite frame I too cast curses upon the earthshaker and enemy of Arachne. Though breath ceases, eternal knowledge is now mine to hold and treasure. Medusa may have taken me prisoner this day. However, she has at the same time shattered the chains that kept me from seeing and set me free. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran


      The first is an apology to those sharders with whom I RP. I have been sporadic in my posting and it's unfair. I truly wish that I had the wherewithal to be consistent.

      Hey, Nath... don't worry about it, pal.

    3. Vessel of Theory

      Vessel of Theory

      U good fam, we appreciate what ur doing! 

      Hope the fatigue goes away soon :)

    4. 2EmLee2


      Covid is indeed evil. Hope you feel better soon. :)

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