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Everything posted by Niteshado

  1. Welcome to the shard, Hannah!! Have an upvote! We like to greet each other here by saying "My life to yours, My Breath become yours" you should try, you go first! Also, what is your favorite book, or character? (mine is wayne from Mistborn era 2, or Syl)
  2. Welcome to the shard, have an upvote!! We like to greet each other by saying "my life to yours, my breath become yours" you should try it, you go first!!
  3. Welcome and have an upvote! We like to greet each other by saying "My life to yours, My breath become yours" you should try it! You go first!
  4. Hello and Welcome to the Shard!! Have an upvote! We like to greet each other here by saying "My life to yours, My breath become yours" you should try it!! you go first!!
  5. I would assume Plate...but after that im voting pewter, mostly cause im Mistborn Biased
  6. Well when he swore the 3rd ideal, he was in the make shift palace ON the shattered plains. so really he didnt take long, he was already there.
  7. It was about this time that the Red Eye'd Shade grew to be 7 stories tall..with Red Beady eyes. He looked at Butt and asked "Can i get about...Tree-Fiddy?"
  8. Yes im sorry, Purely his domain?
  9. Welcome and have an upvote!! We have a greeting for new comers. You gotta say "My life to yours, My breath become yours" but like you mean it. You should try, you go first!!
  10. We've seen the commands on things with breath be changed, could nightbloods command not be changed?
  11. shh. i gotta catch up, im 10 behind you.
  12. Hi and welcome to the shard!!! We like to greet people here by saying "My life to yours, my breath become yours" you should try!! you say it first! Also, whats your favorite Sanderson book?
  13. Monty Python quotes mean we are definitely friends.
  14. That was perfection! have an upvote
  15. nope. just gotta say "my life to yours, my breath become yours" to me and your good Say it with feeling.
  16. @Jorville you know, you can do the greeting with me too All you gotta do is say "my life to yours, my breath become yours"
  17. Everything fades out and Butt slowly opens his eyes, laying on the ground, to see Lift leaning over him.
  18. Butt starts to shake, scared, as he notices..Lift..? "where did she come from" he whispers to himself, spotting her near the base of the tree.
  19. Butt began to fall back, retreating from the Roots, wishing it was all a bad dream.
  20. If im not mistaken, Sazed was a little disappointed that they hadnt found flight yet. He stated he made life in the Basin too easy, and was disappointed in the lack of invention and exploration. Stated they hadnt even figured out the radio yet. So honestly i dont see how skimmers would be used.
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