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Everything posted by Megasif

  1. If you're feeling reckless, lets try this. While I won't mind TGK at some point, I feel them sticking to their opinion on the shade stuff is a good luck for this cycle at least. Archivist Edit: Whens cycle end btw, I'm a little tied up but will try to come on to consolidate on a wagon.
  2. It's good you actually mentioned it because we can easily overlook a bus, and tbh it can be done in any situation and throw us off. @TGK I don't disagree but its very early to bus in this game and a living elim is better than a dead elim. Shades can as easily hit a villager as they can an elim. Elim would be more difficult to be honest.
  3. I see where you're coming from - at that point BR had no idea whether Rae would get more votes and an elim!BR could be putting a distancing vote on Rae, with a mind to remove it later Though I think it was too early to attempt a town-credit vote on your elim mate. Even moreso for sart. So yh, still leaving the two alone for now. Edit: Well, to clarify, not that any three of us are lock villagers from one elim lynch, but its enough for to give em some credit, at least for a cycle or two. In this case, perhaps a few cycles.
  4. ^ definitely an elim Going to go ahead and clear BR and Sart for now. May look at vote movement (later, when I have more time) after arraenae was up for the lynch.
  5. I dont have much to say on the mechanics of knives etc than what has already been said at this point. I don't know how to feel about Xino making a 6th one vote wagon as a poke vote a few hours before cycle end. Making a vote here to get things going : while I do not solidly elim read Arraenae, I'm not getting a villa vibe here either. May or may not change before cycle end. Arraenae
  6. Hi everyone, been a while. Good to play again. Just a few quick first impressions: I like Elkanah - in the sense that their analysis seems sincere and doesn't seem to be coming from a mindset of an elim trying to make a show of activity and be villa read for it. Maybe I don't agree with everything but it's coming from some place good, I feel. Lean village for now. Similarly I like cadcoms boldness - elims may be more hesitant with their choice of words. Striker giving us a false sense of 'enough time' makes me suspicius as elims would want us to think we are in a good place. Maybe a few cycles later, I would hard elim read it but at this point I'll just be cautious.
  7. Good game everyone. Well played elim team. A few people got suspicious of us and some of us got votes but I feel the village needed just a bit more presence and some elims definitely would've been lynched. Also a big thanks to @BrightnessRadiantand the Co-GMs for hosting.
  8. Since Shqueeves got killed by the elims in our room, then, unless Gancho is really really good at appearing villagery, I Stink has the highest chance of being an elim here. Most likely my only post today.
  9. @STINK@Shqueeves@Crimsn-Wolf @Mr Doctor@Sart @Kidpen@Droughtbringer @Devotary of Spontaneity Hey guys, I know I'm not a beacon of activity myself but I have been trying to be online every cycle. Not putting votes in will only help elims. And elims will likely leave us alone if we're destroying ourselves. As far as I know, there aren't any items that heal poison. Elims know gancho is poisoner. Cadmium is going most likely. They could be elim or village. We will find out regardless. If cadmium is elim then he's trying to get villa kidpen while he's at it. If village then we can assess where we're at. But I don't think I'll be voting kidpen just yet although cadmium is linking me and kidpen. I'm currently suspicious of Shqueeves and somewhat of Sart as well. I don't know exactly what stink is doing. I feel he would try to have more thread control if he were an elim though and try to have more of a presence. I feel Gancho is village here from his interaction with cad. Other people I can't recall any posts from at all are Crims-wolf and Droughtbringer Any thoughts?
  10. Hey everyone sorry for being away. I've had a quick look at the previous cycles and Ihave a few quick thoughts. I have slight suspicions on Sart for using the mobile dropping PMs as logic for voting me. But it didn't seem like he we pushing it much so I'm not sure whether it's an elim trying to start something or a villager just trying to see what happens. So I want to see more posts from Sart before I make any firm conclusions about him. This vote on xinoehp is solely for his opening post today which just sounds like someone wanting other people to do the work of voting on Devotary without being involved themselves. I remembr a few posts from Gancho. His post above mine feels sincere. He's not trying to convince other people and going by gut. Lean villager here. Hopefully, I can come back later and do some more analysis.
  11. Just caught up with something, I will try to catch up fully before I go to sleep tonight. @Mr Doctor I didn't come online yesterday after voting. End of cycle is like 4am for me.
  12. I'd like to poke-vote Shqueeves. Or maybe not just a poke vote. Shqueeves feels like an eager elim wanting to start things off but losing motivation? Elandera is encouraging game/village talk and seems slightly pro-village to me atm.
  13. Hey guys, It's been a while since I've played an SE game so I'll try my best to be as active as possibe. I won't have any time for RP though. I think it would be wise to add some game-related thoughts to our posts soon, as this is a QF and people could get busy. (I, myself, do not have anything to add on this front yet but hopefully by my next post there's more content)
  14. Also, fifth, to answer your question from before. My vote was just to see what happened and if anyone else tried to jump on.
  15. I'll change my vote to Wonko. I don't really have any strong feelings about anyone atm so I'll join this wagon.
  16. I'll put a vote on Fifth for now. I think I die if I don't vote today. There were a lot of 1-vote wagons, feels like elims were safe and content to just sit out. From the top wagons, fifth has a chance to be an elim imo. Edit: Walin, yes, I received a message as well.
  17. Unfortunately, I have nothing to give out apart from Prayers. May Stormlight guide your way and may you fight this battle with Honor and Courage. This sounds fun, I will most likely be spectating the game. Good luck, Randuir
  18. lol MM went all out on silverlight eh? Why does DoS know everything!!??
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