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Tesh last won the day on August 4 2021

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About Tesh

  • Birthday April 1

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    But here is a riddle to guess if you can, sing the bells of Notre Dame: What makes a monster and what makes a man?
  • AIM
    Lover, what have you become? Coal cars and oil drums, warehouse walls and factory floors. I don't know you anymore. And in the meantime up above, the harvest dies and people starve. Oceans rise and overflow. It ain't right and it ain't natural.
  • MSN
    Farewell my fallen idol and false friend. We had such hopes and now those hopes are shattered.
  • ICQ
    I was once a dreamer, now I'm man's redeemer! We're on the verge of new frontiers! She's going to be perfect! God is here on earth! I am the modern Prometheus, bear witness to her birth!
  • Yahoo
    Look around you! I have found you cannot tell, by lookin' at the surface, what is lurkin' there beneath it!
  • Jabber
    For a town should have a tale to tell, be it highwaymen or wishing wells. The ghost that stalks the graveyard, the banshee and her cry. The whisper tree where lovers died. Ev'ry story longs to be heard, and this is hers...
  • Skype
    On the north-east tip of North America, on an island called Newfoundland, there's an airport. It used to be one of the biggest airports in the world, and next to it is a town called Gander. Welcome to the Rock if you come from away!

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    I genuinely don't know where I am.
  • Interests
    I love reading (anything from epic fantasy to gothic horror to sociology), writing, musicals (some of my favorites are Come From Away, Les Miserables, and The Clockmaker's Daughter), history, crochet, The Owl House, Hollow Knight, and The Locked Tomb. I'm currently learning how to use French smallsword and rapier, and how to speak Welsh and German. And I'm an anthropology major!

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  1. Everyone needs to read The Body, by Stephen King. It's a short story.

    No, it's not horror.

    Yes, it's one of the best short stories I have ever read.

    And you need to read it.

    It's very relevant to my own personal situation (no, I'm not walking through the woods with some friends trying to find a body; it's relevant in other ways), but it also makes you think, and it's just... It's really good. 

    You should all go and read it. You can probably just find it online.

    I'm now off to go stare at a wall and try to go about the rest of my day.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Flying


      I saw everyone discussing VE Schwab and I had to join in... A few years ago I read Shades of Magic, City of Ghosts, and Vicious. I actually like Vicious way more than Shades of Magic :ph34r: (I haven't read Vengeful yet though. It's been on my shelf for over three years... It's the sequel to one of my favorite books, so I've never read it because I'm scared of it not living up to the first one. Someday I'll have the strength to read it.)

      Anyways, read more VE Schwab. She's great.


      I feel like I also need to mention that Vicious is kind of really dark. The whole premise is basically a superhero storyline except there's no heroes and it's just two genius villains fighting each other. I love it, but my friend found it disturbing. So I'm hesitant to recommend it because my friend hated it and I may have traumatized him with it... But it's also really good. And there's lots of discussion about morality, and I'm trash for stories revolving around that.


    3. Tesh


      Did you say that there's a really dark book?

      That talks a lot about morality?

      *adds to list*

    4. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      ^this to all of what Flying said

      mmmmmm Vicious aslskdjdhdajakkdjshals 100/10 I love it so much

      I didn’t mention it because I never usually recommend it to people unless I know they’ll be fine with the darker parts

      but it’s so goooooooood

      *forcibly makes self stop talking about book*

      I read A Darker Shade of Magic after Vicious, and it was... fine, but I have some problems with it that stopped me from enjoying it fully. My expectations were probably in the wrong place as well... 

      oh I accidentally went and rambled in a different direction I’m sorry I love talking about Schwab

      I had mixed feelings about Vengeful when it first released but over time I’ve warmed up to it. I’d need to properly reread it though to figure out my stance on it now. 

      Umm... I’m sorry and I hope that was somewhat coherent, I didn’t mean to write much but it sort of happened and now I’m stopping myself 

      *slinks back into the shadows*

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