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Tesh last won the day on August 4 2021

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About Tesh

  • Birthday April 1

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    I genuinely don't know where I am.
  • Interests
    I love reading (anything from epic fantasy to gothic horror to sociology), writing, musicals (some of my favorites are Come From Away, Les Miserables, and The Clockmaker's Daughter), history, crochet, The Owl House, Hollow Knight, and The Locked Tomb. I'm currently learning how to use French smallsword and rapier, and how to speak Welsh and German. And I'm an anthropology major!

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  1. This?

    This is stupid.

    The power is out.

    Kind of. The Alexa works. The lamp does. The microwave and stove do not, and so I cannot warm up my pasta. (I could light something on fire and put the pasta in a pot and the pot in the fire, but I don't want to get in trouble.) 

    But my laptop also doesn't work. (It's old, so it only works when plugged in.) And I don't want to look at 19 notifications from my Kindle because autocorrect is very stupid on this thing, and it's hard to type. And I also can't use Discord from here.


    I'm kind of hungry.

    I might go watch Studio C or something, though. I do have tFotR downloaded on my Kindle, but the charge has already gone down 10%...

    I think the power might turn on in an hour, but we'll see...



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tesh


      That one is funny with only a knowledge of Harry Potter, but it's absolutely hilarious when you have read/watched LotR.

    3. Isabelle6060


      Yeah, I'll have to read/watch them sometime. I haven't yet because I hear that they're so long. Guess I can't really use that as an excuse now that I've read the all of the books in the Stormlight Archive series :).

    4. Tesh


      (Watch the extended editions of the movies. While the theatrical editions are still amazing, the extended editions are even better.)

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