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Tesh last won the day on August 4 2021

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About Tesh

  • Birthday April 1

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    I genuinely don't know where I am.
  • Interests
    I love reading (anything from epic fantasy to gothic horror to sociology), writing, musicals (some of my favorites are Come From Away, Les Miserables, and The Clockmaker's Daughter), history, crochet, The Owl House, Hollow Knight, and The Locked Tomb. I'm currently learning how to use French smallsword and rapier, and how to speak Welsh and German. And I'm an anthropology major!

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  1. I need some advice.

    I'm sure you all know about my history teacher at this point. (And how I've recommended Sanderson to him and stuff.)

    Today during the announcements he came up to me with a sticky note that said "Mistborn?" on it. (Which, for some reason, I find hilarious.) He asked if that was a good one to start with, and then we had to do the pledge before I could answer.

    After class I went up to him with my friend who has read tWoK and tFE, and we talked about the books and the Cosmere for a few minutes. (I think I got really repetitive in what I was saying, but that's besides the point.)

    The issue with this is that I got a copy of tWoK that I was going to give him. But I don't know how to give it to him at this point without it being really weird. 

    And I don't want another copy of tWoK. I already have three (hardcover, mass market, audiobook) and I don't know what I'd do with a fourth.

    So I, the socially awkward bookworm, am asking for help. I'm very likely over complicating it, but when Sanderson books are involved, there is no room for error.


    Kaladin says hi, by the way. (He's very aggressively making clicking noises at the laptop right now.) (He just said "Hi bird," too.)

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    2. Tesh


      Give me two minutes.

    3. Experience


      Oneeeeeeeeeeee missssssssssssissssssssssssippppppppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii twoooooooooooooooooooo missssssssssssissssssssssssssssssipppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

      Ok! Two minutes are up! :P 

    4. Tesh
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