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Everything posted by fractal

  1. Yeah you're right. That's also worth thinking about. I can't really picture a Sylshovel. So probably just a comment from Dalinar, which shows us how he is trying to or beginning to question his beliefs. I just got the impression that somehow there was more behind it - like devices that work in a very similar way as shards do, but also accessibly by people without a Nahel bond. But now I've realized that fabrials are pretty much devices like this.
  2. Interesting point. I was not thinking about how such shards could be used right now (meaning present time-line) to improve the everyday life. The hunch I got was that there has been something in the past which had helped humans in previous desolations survive the wars or something like this. But I like your thought. I have to remind myself all the time that the Alethi world view isn't the only one represented on Roshar. Like how the Shin see people who pick up weapons as the lowest in their social system and celebrate farmers like the Alethi do lighteyes. So maybe they would be interested in some device like this.
  3. Yeah I agree with you that he was just wondering. I didn‘t think that Dalinar would look for something like that. But I thought that maybe there is something more behind this - some kind of forshaddowing to some shard-like devices that could be used by anyone like fabrials can. Probably just my interpretation getting ahead of things.
  4. That‘s interesting. I hadn‘t thought about it that way. I pictured something like huge fabrial-powered constructions which anyone, not only Radiants, could use. Something the Heralds (or Radiants) thought the common people in order to help them survive a long time ago, and which are now forgotten. But maybe it ’just’ means that KR don’t have to be fighters all the time but also can use there powers for more common work - and helping people in general, not only in war times. So thanks for the new perspective
  5. I recently did a re-read of WOK and, among other things, one passage struck me as quite odd. In chapter 28 Decisions, Dalinar is thinking about whether or not to abdicate. While walking around in his camp and inspired by the Codes, he starts to help his men building a latrine, still wearing his Shardplate (great chapter by the way, it always gets me). Somewhere in the process of digging he thinks: Has anyone an idea what such 'regular shards' could be? Could this be a reference to the half-shards or are there any other theories out there? I looked for some WOBs regarding this, but my researching skills are still those of a lowly bridgeman, so I would really appreciate any help/ideas regarding this.
  6. As she wanted to take the first bite of that delicious looking onion, she suddenly heard Melaan‘s voice crying: ,Stop! Onions have layers. Kandra have layers too. You get it? We both have layers.
  7. Please do another one if you have time. I study literature and often (have to) read essays about different aspects of stories or poems. I wish only one in ten would be as engaging as yours - it even made me a bit teary-eyed - while still raising so much relevant points and showing us another side of Brandon's genius for portraying characters with so much depth. Well done!
  8. some of my favorites: "The nature of the world is that when we create something, we often destroy something else in the process" - from The Hero of Ages "The right belief is like a good cloak, I think. If it fits you well, it keeps you warm and safe. The wrong fit however, can suffocate" -The Final Empire "Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack." - from The Way of Kings "Expectation. That is true art. If you can give a man more than he expects, then he will laud you his entire life." - from Words of Radiance and of course: "Above silence, the illuminating storms—dying storms—illuminate the silence above" - from The Way of Kings (chills every time!)
  9. Buy. Mraize's secret hobby is soapmaking.
  10. Hey thanks! I think mine is his ability of writing characters. They are always so life-like and their internal and external struggles make them seem more than just characters in a story. I just love how Brandon can put the same fundamental idea or concept into different characters and have them deal with it in their own, personal way.
  11. Hey everyone! I have been a quiet observer of the forums for some time now. Lurking in the shadows behind some random upvotes, stalking for new theorie and memes. Now, I've decided to shroud off my mistcloak and step into the light. My brother introduced me to the cosmere two years ago and I'm heavily invested since The thing about Brandon's books is that along the way, they started to be more than stories. I can't really say which book is my favorite - that's like choosing one of your best friends over another, choosing the destination over the journey. I don't know how much posts I'm going to write, as I'm more comfortable with consuming words than producing them. But I do think that sharing words can strengehen the bond we have to our surroundings and passions. So, here I am, sharing my words and looking forward to discuss cosmere stuff with other sharders and maybe find peolpe with the same kind of bond as me.
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