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Sallin Zeras

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Posts posted by Sallin Zeras

  1. 10 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:

    If you haven't read at least the first era of Mistborn, go do that, as I will be discussing one of the metals discussed in the 2nd era



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    drains allomancers of their metals. At least, that's what we're told. However, in one of the broadsheets in the 2nd era (can't quite remember which book it was in) a 

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    misting describes using it. She says that the metals themselves weren't drained, just the power. I propose that the enhancement metals don't affect metal, they affect Investiture.

    What do you think? 


    Edit: it isn't really much of a question. sorry?

    It probably affects either the cognitive realm or the Spiritual, but not the physical, that's for sure. We still don't see any important chromium misting, so, whenever we see that, it's going to be really interesting.

  2. 1 minute ago, Jedal said:

    Stick is the God Beyond. The God Beyond is Stick. Brandon Sanderson answers to Stick.

    We answer to Stick. Stick is the beginning and the end. RUIN and Preservation took inspiration from Yolen to create people in Scadrial, those two were dumb. They were trying to imitate the Endless, the Cosmereweaver, THE STICK

  3. Welcome @geoffw35! If you don't know about the Cosmere, I must tell you, you shall get confused. Be careful in this site, I recommend for you not to explore it until you have read all of Brandon's books, right now, the only thing you'll find here are spoilers. For entering this amazing community, you deserve an up vote and a cookie!


  4. 2 hours ago, Jedal said:

    I know of one other thread like this, but it has not been touched since 2012, and I'm no necromancer.


    My personal favorite is Spook(my name is a bit of a niche reference). His growth is unparalleled in any Sanderson series.

    Well, here we go. I love Sazed, Kelsier, Kaladin, Adolin, Dalinar. Galladon, Nightblood (is it considered a character?), Wax, Steris, Elend, Marsh, Szeth, and Leras. But honestly, even though I love all of the previously mentioned characters, if I had to choose one, I'd probably choose the Stick.

  5. 5 hours ago, bdoble97 said:

    It would make for an amazing epic emotional scean. Dalinar wanting ro save his son but being hand tied due to the laws. I can already feel the lump in my throat. Hahah I still dont want it ro happen at all but it would be some amazing writting if it happened 

    Yeah, I'm already imagining it in my head. Adolin about to get hanged and Dalinar and Shallan screaming and trying to save him while some guards hold them back. I love Adolin, but I really want this to happen. I don't know why, but it seems like the right thing to do with the story, for me, at least.

  6. 6 minutes ago, emailanimal said:

    Word of Brandon:

    You are severely underestimating what Bavadin is up to.  There is sufficient evidence that the "pantheons where entire member is actually her" are not limited to Taldain.

    You are also ignoring the pretty blatant hints in the Wax&Wayne books that the follows of Trell literally seek autonomy (for themselves and from Harmony).

    Also Trell's initial goal, as I pointed out before was to praise night and shun day. Very much aligns with life on the Darkside of Taldain.

    Hadn't seen that stuff, thanks for the info. Now that I think about it, Autonomy being Trell makes more sense, even though keep in mind that he wants to destroy Scadrial, so I don't know if that is something related to Autonomy.

  7. 8 minutes ago, emailanimal said:

    We have a WoB stating that Bavadin dabbles in religions. We have a WoB stating that red is associated with something very specific in Cosmere, but refusing to connect red with a single Shard (in fact, essentially saying that it is not Odium's color). The preponderance of evidence is not on the side of Odium at this point. 


    At first, Trelagism was a religion teaching (in a slightly more carefully worded manner) that night is better than day, and that the stars (1000 eyes of Trell) are better than the shining sun. The key point to observe is that if I lived on the side of the tidally locked planet that is always dark, I would want  a religion telling me that my side of the planet is better than the bright side of the planet.... 

    Also, so far, Odium has NOT BEEN KNOWN to actually destroy worlds. Sel has two dead Shards, but it is not a dead world. Tanavast is dead on Roshar, but humanity is not. We now know from Brandon (and UA) that Odium fought Ambition near Taldain, yet Taldain is populated.  Destruction of Scadrial (not Harmony) is actually not  Odium's MO thus far. He was largely interested in destroying Shards, not planets.

    He might just start destroying people too. That's exactly what he wants to do in Roshar, so, yeah, he has not affected a planet's population, yet.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Yes, he did lash the balcony towards the ground. I guess it really has to with how objects view themselves cognitively. The balcony saw itself separately enough from the main building. Someone's head... I doubt it could be separately lashed. Too much cognitive identity connecting the two, making them one.

    Well, maybe you can separate them with hemalurgy and then decapitate the guy

  9. 1 minute ago, Ironeyes said:

    You may not know this, but secret Steel Ministry texts inform us that autocorrect is actually a deadly weapon, first used by Rashek to kill Alendi. It then went on to kill several thousand more people during the Lord Ruler's unification campaign before he finally locked it away in the Cognitive realm for safekeeping. As far as we know, it's still there. Waiting. Watching. 

    Oh my Stormfather! Honor! Aharietam has come! The Autocorrect has come to bring death to us all! Stormfather, why have you forsaken us!?

  10. Just now, emailanimal said:

    Perhaps, a mistake.  Brandon, in commenting on Autonomy's Vessel gender ventured that Bavadin has been known by many deific personas to many people/peoples.

    This, as well as the observations about the alignment of the original Trell religion with the Dayside/Darkside organization of Taldain, suggest that Bavadin has been involved in creation, if not proliferation of Trell on Scadrial.

    At this point, it is not unreasonable to assume that A LOT of religions in Cosmere have been started, or co-opted by Bavadin.

    The most recent WoB is literally "Cultivation is alive and kicking".   So is, apparently  Endowment.

    But Autonomy's intent does not align with Trell's initial goal. Autonomy is literally the capability of a nation, place, etc. of ruling itself, so I don't think ruling a world would be Bavadin's thing.

  11. Just now, Ironeyes said:

    Hey, it's not my fault you're allergic to my spiked cookies. I mean spiked with, uh, uh, extra cinnamon. Not hemalurgic spikes that will steal your Surgebinding abilities. Not at all. 

    The allergies man! I once went to Scadrial and got like 34567289 diseases. They have so much spiked cookies, ahem, I mean, um, um, what was it? Ah, yes! Extra cinnamon, sorry about that last thing. Storm the Autocorrect! Am I right guys?

  12. Just now, Ironeyes said:

    I see you've posted a couple theories already! Very nice. That's how I ended up on the Shard too, although I've been inactive for a long time. Welcome! 

    By the way, if you're interested in the prose version of White Sands, I heard a rumor that you can get it by emailing Brandon and asking nicely. I just did so myself so I can hopefully confirm or deny that rumor in a few days. 

    >.> are you talking about me? 

    Marsh! There you are! These guys don't believe that the cookies you baked for all of us are 100% metal free! I tasted one of them and it wasn't bad at all, just had diarrhea for like 379 Desolations!

  13. 11 minutes ago, Ironeyes said:

    Problem is I'm pretty sure his gold compounding would still keep him alive despite the molten aluminum. We know from Alloy of Law that it can keep your body running even if you can't immediately heal the injury. And the Lord Ruler has survived similar attacks before. The guy walked away from being burned alive at least twice, decapitation at least once, and a million other things besides. But if you can keep him there long enough, it might be able to melt the goldminds and then he could die. I'd say possible, if extremely difficult. 

    Agree with @Ironeyes. I mean, the guy is one of the most powerful characters we have ever seen in Brandon's books excluding Shards. If Miles could resist like a 100 bullets and Wax an explosion, just imagine TLR's power, he was like ten times as powerful as Miles, Wax, and Wayne all combined.

  14. Just now, Ironeyes said:

    Lol no, it'd drain your investiture REALLY quickly if Nightblood is anything to judge by. Better to stick with a sword. Unless you've got an overabundance of spare investiture. 

    Yup, agree, trying to awake another object would be pointless, I guess Brandon designed this type of awakening specifically for swords.

  15. 1 minute ago, Ironeyes said:

    Convert them, my friend! I'm forever grateful that Brandon released Warbreaker for free, cause it's my most effective tool for conversion. Almost like another free book, one that I gave to people a lot when I was a missionary... #mormonmaifalol

    I've tried, believe me, I wasn't kidding with this post:


    9 hours ago, Talanelat'Elin Stonesinew said:

    You know you're a Sanderfan when your friend tells you he's not going to read Brandon Sanderson's books, and then you feel like killing him.


  16. 2 minutes ago, Ironeyes said:

    Thinking along those lines, you could probably make Awakened armor like deadly Shardplate. It'd have to be coated on the inside with whatever Nightblood's sheath is made of (Aluminum?) to protect you, but then you'd literally just have to walk into opposing lines and watch them all disintegrate the moment they brushed up against you. Terrifying. 

    But wouldn't that also drain your Investiture slowly? It's really pointless.

  17. Yesterday, I finished rereading BoM, and the ending with Edwarn and the red-eyed Faceless Inmortal left me thinking the whole day about Trell, specifically about what Shard he/she might be. I know there's many clues that lead us to think that Odium is Trell, but, do keep in mind that at first, Trell wanted to use the Set to dominate Scadrial, which  does not fit Odium's personality. Then, the Faceless Inmortal told Edwarm that Trell now wanted to destroy Scadrial. I kept on wondering about what might have caused this change in Trell's plans, and I came up with a conclusion: Trell is various Shards. I think that Trell was another Shard before he/she got replaced or splintered by Odium. I have no idea who this Shard may be, but if my theory is proven right, I'm sure we have not seen the Shard yet. This theory isn't that solid, because the only proof I have is the change in Trell's plans. The only Shard that came into my mind when I created this theory is Dominion, but she is splintered already. I am totally excluding Autonomy, it can't be a splintered Shard, so it leaves us only with Cultivation and Endowment, but their intent does not fit Trell's initial plan, so if this is true, it's not a Shard that we know of as of right now. 


    Let me know what you think of this theory, if you liked it or not, if you think it's right, or wrong, etc. I would really appreciate it, this being the first theory that I post in the Shard.:D

  18. 1 hour ago, VirtuousTraveller said:

    To be 100% serious, I don't get the stick adoration!  It was a funny moment that had its place, but all the stick love goes completely over my head.

    To me, it's like watching The Empire Strikes Back and wanting a mini series based on the Tauntaun!

    ::Braces for the Stick Fanboys and Fangirls rebuttal::

    It's just for fun. The people that love the Stick are probably also the people that were dying of laughter in that moment (like myself)


    11 hours ago, Eki said:

    Here's the Stick chapter, for anyone who wants to get a real sense of the Stick's mind.

    Such a great character! This chapter really left me wanting a flashback book for the Stick

  19. 3 minutes ago, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

    I came up with this while looking at a "other awakened objects" thread. What if you used the same process Vasher used to make Nightblood, but instead you made a gun. Would you get a gun that shoots black smoke bullets of death? I imagine you would likely need a special holster akin to Nightblood's sheath, otherwise it would kill whoever picked it up. If you could get this to work, you would have a gun that kill anything, potentially even a shard, just with one shot.

    (puts on wicked face)

    Now what would happen if you shot the planet you were on? Pocket sized death-star anyone? If you were to miss your target, you could end up accidentally destroying the world. 

    (takes off wicked face)

    Don't miss.

    That's actually very curious, I hadn't thought about it, but it would probably shoot normal bullets, because the awakened object is the gun, not the bullets. Awakening even a magazine would take insane amount of breaths. But it would probably kill anyone who touches the gun, which would make it absolutely useless, it would be like a normal gun, with no pros and a lot of cons. Sorry to let you down :(. Also, I don't think an awakened object is capable of destroying a planet.

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