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Posts posted by ShadowLord_Lith

  1. Link. I have been enamored with the lore surrounding his story, and that fascination lens itself to a rather fair 7, though the striking pose and classic art style bring it up to an eight in my books. I also like you based solely on the principle that you exist. A very good first impression in my opinion- usually, at least. :)

    9/10, overall. 

  2. Skylar held to vital in his fist gingerly as he walked, his steps measured and just barely bouncy enough to spray the liquid inside around. He was multitasking at the moment, the sloshing meant to mix the portion inside so it would be properly shaken, with the heat of his palm the only source of warmth, all while he balanced a journal on that same arm and used his left hand to write down ideas and questions he'd look up again later- he'd learned how to write legibly with both hands when he was nine, and had used that skill constantly ever since.

    The main theme of the questions was following his mental train as he considered whether muggle toenails could be turned into a mild anti-magic powder. If so, it could be useful in a number of future potions and projects- though how on earth he find a way to test it at hogwarts of all schools was anyone's guess.

    His odd new robes fluttered as he walked, and he idly spotted another pair of Ravenclaws as he grew closer to... wherever they were going? He had forgotten what time it was. He decided to follow them and simply how for the best. Besides, the theories he was considering and writing down were way more interesting than paying attention to where he was going. He would talk to them once they got to class- and he couldn't wait to learn who they were.

    He wondered if they'd appreciate his company and had started writing down a list of charisma potion ingredients before realizing he'd been working on something else just a moment ago. Shrugging, he continued, not really caring all that much. He'd get back to it... eventually. 

  3. On 9/23/2020 at 1:00 PM, AonEne said:

    *hands crackle with electricity* CLEAR - 





    Name: Skylar Thatcher (sky)

    Age: 15 (fifth year, technically)

    Personality: Quiet, happy, optimistic, curious, fiercely loyal, friendly, very outgoing, bookish, not easily embarrassed, easily distracted.

    Powers: Very mechanically minded and talented with potions and wand studies, enjoys making magical trinkets, like enchanted glasses and mirrors. Child of Hephaestus, and would be muggle-born if his dad had been human. 

    Wand: 10" Walnut, Unicorn hair core. Shaped like a unicorn horn with a smooth handle.

    House: Ravenclaw (has extremely strong Hufflepuff tendencies, though)

    Backstory: Grew up going to Ilvermorny in America, enjoying life there and ignoring the odd Greek and Roman 'cosplays' he saw going on with other American kids he saw, and the odd monster or two that school didn't explain. When he got the chance to visit Hogwarts as an exchange student, he jumped at the opportunity, excited to experience the difference between the two schools. He got his first personal wand shortly after arriving in London, after a visit to Olivanders. Gets sorted with the first years on personal request in order to 'get the full experience'.

    Other: He loves to tinker around, but his distracted nature means he generally has two or three- or ten- projects going at once, which leads to a chaotic, if somewhat haphazardly organized, workspace. He is far too trusting, and tends to see the absolute best in people, even if they don't deserve it. It's hard to make him not give you a second chance. Or a third. Or a seventh... he's very forgiving- which is to his detriment, most times. 

    Okay. Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions on how to bring him in? 

    I updated him! Yay!

    Okay, chaos is stabilizing- back into the BREACH!!!


  4. On 4/28/2020 at 10:52 PM, Sorana said:


    Your character looks fine! I will add them to the character list later!


      Hide contents

    Name: Thulaen Withrrun

    Skills: Mastermind (65), Caretaker (ave.), Housekeeper (Skilled), Cooking (Expert). (all =40)

    Magic: Channeler (37 on the power scale/ 125 points, I think),  Healer (10 points), Dreamer (30 points, according to the list. She is untrained in this power.). 

    Biography: Thulaen was born in the Alleycity to two parents in a loving and successful marriage. Her father was a man from Elantris, her mother a woman from Westland who’d had a bit of training in the white tower before she’d run away and made it to alleycity through a number of weave accidents. Thulaen spent much of childhood learning how her Channeling and Talent worked and how to heal animals. When she was nine, one of the regular fights that occur in the alleys caught her as a bystander and she got knocked into the road where a car ran over her legs. She tried to heal herself, but the adrenaline and the lack of real or effective teaching left her attempt less than perfect. She managed to limp her way home and practiced her healing until she fixed what she could in her legs. From then on, she had trouble channeling much unless adrenaline was in her system. She spent years learning how to help out around the home to avoid being a burden on her parents, and was determined to have a positive outlook despite how much pain she was usually in, and eventually she did. Her hatred of violence also came from that moment. One day, she met Tena while on one of her less-than-common outdoor excursions, and she started going out more to meet her more often, quickly becoming friends with the woman and falling in love after maybe a month. When Tena asked for a date, she was more than happy to agree. Though walking hurts, it’s a pain she’s mostly used too- the more stress is put on her legs, though, the worse the pain becomes.

    Notes: Smells like cinnamon and caramel brownies. She refuses to fight unless she’s protecting her wife or children’s lives, and rarely leaves her home for more than an hour or two at a time. Struggles to channel unless she’s scared or full of adrenaline. The stronger her adrenaline rush or fear, the easier her power comes to her. Has trouble healing broken bone- the worse the break, fracture, or splintering, the worse her healing tends to be of the damage. Flesh and organs are easier for her, and animals are very simple for her to heal. She also has trouble moving faster than a speed-walk or jumping, and even standing up on her own can be hard on bad days. Though she has an easy time remembering and learning things, she has a really rough time making plans or thinking ahead into the future more than a few days, quickly feeling overwhelmed if she tries to think of everything that might happen that far- she usually avoids making many plans unless she wants to surprise her family. 

    Weaknesses: Is untrained in her powers and can currently only heal and move relatively small and lightweight objects. (-15) Due to her broken legs as a child, and the imperfect healing she performed on them, she cannot run or even speed walk for longer than a few minutes without experiencing debilitating pain, and cannot jump or easily climb for the reason as well, making stairs difficult for her. (-25) She also generally struggles to use her channeling unless she is panicking or on an adrenaline rush, and has to hum a lullaby while she channels to focus her healing effectively. (-20) She cannot heal bone-related injuries without immense effort thanks to a mental block from her leg injury, and is better at healing animals than people. (-10)


    Current Total Cost:

    Skills: 105

    Investiture: 165

    Weaknesses: 70

    --> She's still a little too strong - although if I understand you correctly, she can only use her channeling for healing and moving small, light objects? If that's the case, she's approved.


    Yes, she can only heal and move objects that are under twenty five or so pounds. She doesn't know any other weaves and isn't looking for a teacher, so she's unlikely to learn more, even accidentally. 

  5. Spoiler
    On 4/22/2020 at 0:24 AM, Sorana said:

    Name: Thulaen Withrrun

    Skills: Mastermind (65), Caretaker (ave.), Housekeeper (Skilled), Cooking (Expert). (all =40)

    Magic: Channeler (37 on the power scale/ 125 points, I think),  Healer (10 points), Dreamer (30 points, according to the list. She is untrained in this power.). 

    Biography: Thulaen was born in the Alleycity to two parents in a loving and successful marriage. Her father was a man from Elantris, her mother a woman from Westland who’d had a bit of training in the white tower before she’d run away and made it to alleycity through a number of weave accidents. Thulaen spent much of childhood learning how her Channeling and Talent worked and how to heal animals. When she was nine, one of the regular fights that occur in the alleys caught her as a bystander and she got knocked into the road where a car ran over her legs. She tried to heal herself, but the adrenaline and the lack of real or effective teaching left her attempt less than perfect. She managed to limp her way home and practiced her healing until she fixed what she could in her legs. From then on, she had trouble channeling much unless adrenaline was in her system. She spent years learning how to help out around the home to avoid being a burden on her parents, and was determined to have a positive outlook despite how much pain she was usually in, and eventually she did. Her hatred of violence also came from that moment. One day, she met Tena while on one of her less-than-common outdoor excursions, and she started going out more to meet her more often, quickly becoming friends with the woman and falling in love after maybe a month. When Tena asked for a date, she was more than happy to agree. Though walking hurts, it’s a pain she’s mostly used too- the more stress is put on her legs, though, the worse the pain becomes.  (-10)

    Notes: Smells like cinnamon and caramel brownies. She refuses to fight unless she’s protecting her wife or children’s lives, and rarely leaves her home for more than an hour or two at a time. Struggles to channel unless she’s scared or full of adrenaline. The stronger her adrenaline rush or fear, the easier her power comes to her. Has trouble healing broken bone- the worse the break, fracture, or splintering, the worse her healing tends to be of the damage. Flesh and organs are easier for her, and animals are very simple for her to heal. She also has trouble moving faster than a speed-walk or jumping, and even standing up on her own can be hard on bad days. Though she has an easy time remembering and learning things, she has a really rough time making plans or thinking ahead into the future more than a few days, quickly feeling overwhelmed if she tries to think of everything that might happen that far- she usually avoids making many plans unless she wants to surprise her family. 

    Weaknesses: Is untrained in her powers and can currently only heal and move relatively small and lightweight objects. Due to her broken legs as a child, and the imperfect healing she performed on them, she cannot run or even speed walk for longer than a few minutes without experiencing debilitating pain, and cannot jump or easily climb for the reason as well, making stairs difficult for her. She also generally struggles to use her channeling unless she is panicking or on an adrenaline rush, and has to hum a lullaby while she channels to focus her healing effectively. She cannot heal bone-related injuries without immense effort thanks to a mental block from her leg injury, and is better at healing animals than people. 

    Theme song: 'Say you won't let go' by James Arthur

    Current Total cost: 230 plus whatever her non-combat skills cost. I think. I’m not sure how much her weaknesses detract from this overall cost, or if I missed some power or strength. Once I know, I'll be able to make a better powerset. For now, this is to see what level exactly she's at and if I need to remove or add anything. :) 

    I added some weaknesses and clarified a few things. I hope it's better now. :)



  6. On 4/22/2020 at 0:24 AM, Sorana said:

    Rating and Questions see above in green.


    Both are fine. Thank you!


      Reveal hidden contents


    Of course. Rating see above in green.

    @18th Shard


    Okay, I will move Nnimm. And of course, you can have up to five characters in total. So you can create a new character for this era and they most certainly can survive it!


    Okay, thank you!

    So, the 37 was on the scale rating. The women's section has a power listing that goes from 1 to 72, and she was a 37 on that scale. With her channeling, she can move things around with her powers, but nothing larger than a bucket, but healing is her only real talent with it. Dreamer is thirty points. It's the ability to Dreamwalk (Enter the world of dreams and other people's dreams if she tries- though she mostly just ends up inside of her wife's dreams every night.) and sometimes get those weird prophetic dream things that are almost impossible to interpret correctly. Healer is just to imply that she has a talent wit healing, which was listed as being ten points. And yes, the leg thing is a weakness. I'll update her profile in a minute. :3

  7. Ax asked me to make a character for him, and I decided to go wild with it. It's a rough draft, and I'm free to changing a lot of things if I need too. I'm more curious about what her actual cost would end up being as I have her now. Would someone take a look at her? :3


    Name: Thulaen Withrrun

    Sex: Female

    Age: 29

    Sexuality: Lesbian

    Nationality: Westlander/Elantrian 

    Birthplace: Alleycity (2’nd gen)

    Physical appearance: 5’ 4” tall, she has a little fat on her and looks like a kind, huggable mother. She’s a bit on the chubby side, though not unhealthily so, and has very, very soft, pale skin with little in the way of muscle. She has golden-blonde hair and lighter colored, chocolate-brown eyes. The most muscular part of her are her arms and stomach from carrying her kids so much, making those places slimmer than they otherwise would be, and putting most of her chub below her waist. She has crows feet next to her eyes from smiling so much and has few other wrinkles. She has a constant smile as her resting face, and has few obvious problems- though an incident when she was younger and a bad healing job shortly after left a few scars across her legs. 

    Personality: Motherly and loving, she’s a peaceful soul who loves to make her family happy and does her best to take an interest in the interests of those she loves, making them the most important things in her life. She is self-sacrificing and generally scared of losing her temper and hurting someone. She does her best to teach her children how to be happy no matter what, and how to be kind and to only fight if there are no other solutions. Even if they don’t listen, she’d still support and love them. She has a tendency to laugh, and almost gives off an aura of comfort and safety. She’s an ultimate mom, and a devoted lover and wife. 

    Family: Tena (wife, twenty seven), Buvra (son, four), Dokena (son, four). Ailah (Mother, fifty four) Ominah (Father, fifty nine). 

    Skills: Mastermind (65), Caretaker (ave.), Housekeeper (Skilled), Cooking (Expert). 

    Magic: Channeler (37),  Healer (1), Dreamer (Untrained).

    Biography: Thulaen was born in the Alleycity to two parents in a loving and successful marriage. Her father was a man from Elantris, her mother a woman from Westland who’d had a bit of training in the white tower before she’d run away and made it to alleycity through a number of weave accidents. Thulaen spent much of childhood learning how her Channeling and Talent worked and how to heal animals. When she was nine, one of the regular fights that occur in the alleys caught her as a bystander and she got knocked into the road where a car ran over her legs. She tried to heal herself, but the adrenaline and the lack of real or effective teaching left her attempt less than perfect. She managed to limp her way home and practiced her healing until she fixed what she could in her legs. From then on, she had trouble channeling much unless adrenaline was in her system. She spent years learning how to help out around the home to avoid being a burden on her parents, and was determined to have a positive outlook despite how much pain she was usually in, and eventually she did. Her hatred of violence also came from that moment. One day, she met Tena while on one of her less-than-common outdoor excursions, and she started going out more to meet her more often, quickly becoming friends with the woman and falling in love after maybe a month. When Tena asked for a date, she was more than happy to agree. Though walking hurts, it’s a pain she’s mostly used too- the more stress is put on her legs, though, the worse the pain becomes. 

    Notes: Smells like cinnamon and caramel brownies. She refuses to fight unless she’s protecting her wife or children’s lives, and rarely leaves her home for more than an hour or two at a time. Struggles to channel unless she’s scared or full of adrenaline. The stronger her adrenaline rush or fear, the easier her power comes to her. Has trouble healing broken bone- the worse the break, fracture, or splintering, the worse her healing tends to be of the damage. Flesh and organs are easier for her, and animals are very simple for her to heal. She also has trouble moving faster than a speed-walk or jumping, and even standing up on her own can be hard on bad days. Though she has an easy time remembering and learning things, she has a really rough time making plans or thinking ahead into the future more than a few days, quickly feeling overwhelmed if she tries to think of everything that might happen that far- she usually avoids making many plans unless she wants to surprise her family. 

    Theme song: 'Say you won't let go' by James Arthur

    Current Total cost: 230 plus whatever her non-combat skills cost. I think. I’m not sure how much her weaknesses detract from this overall cost, or if I missed some power or strength. Once I know, I'll be able to make a better powerset. For now, this is to see what level exactly she's at and if I need to remove or add anything. :) 

  8. At one point, it describes what what was happening in the age of legends. It shows cars (or something similar? I believe they were power-made, power-fueled flying machines used in the same way cars are used) and other similar things, and people experimenting with what the power could do, through trial and error, similar to how scientists work with traditional science in the modern day. Rand also starts colleges that quickly discover many scientific things including- if I'm not mis-remembering things- something approximating an engine and electricity... I think. Though that's a short, minor part of the story mentioned fairly off-handedly. We also see Nyneav (Nineave? I listen to the audiobooks) find a way to heal certain things in a way no-one had ever managed before. We then see some yellows who witness it immediately make hypotheses on how the technique could be improved and changed or adapted in a way that could improve it's effectiveness. So there is some, but I don't think that it gets to the point, or in the way you mean. 

  9. ... Wow... 

    Would I want to though? I could just run through the scenarios presented... 


    (1. Nathranking)

    1. Where would it come from, your creativity? And how long would it last? Please be more specific or you'll end up like the poor creator of the codex in Oathbreaker...
    2. What's to stop it from beginning again? Long-term, sustainable solutions solve problems, not simple quick fixes- and wishes are notoriously bad at making things better if given wiggle room. 

    3. As mentioned, unless you add stipulates to it, people will rediscover it. It was invented in the first place, so it'll be invented again somehow. Maybe change war so it must be fought in certain, non-violent or at least non-lethal ways? War is remarkably useful for advancing technology after all... Still lawful, but everything has good and bad in it. 

    (2. NottTheBrave)
    1. You specified! It'll still most likely pop up again later, but you're on the right course. Maybe add something to prevent it's resurgence? Reappearance? Whatever the best word might be, I assume you understand what I mean...
    2. Some people have dietary problems that prevent them from living such lifestyles. Gluten prevents people from eating wheat and other things, some have higher protein needs than others, and some cannot drink milk. Though it's rarer to have conditions preventing you from eating certain plants, they do exist. Maybe make it so they will enjoy vegetarian meals more, are capable of ingesting them by removing allergies and such? Or maybe create a plant that makes a meat substitute that tastes like meat but is effectively a vegetable? You have a good idea, maybe expand on it so it becomes more feasible?
    3. What specifically would happen? If all pollution vanished, great! But could that be sustained? Maybe find a way to wish for a sustainable, pollution removing animal? Or plant? Or machine? I'm not sure, but I like your idea regardless. Good wishes. 

    (3. Nameless)

    1. Godhood. You're asking to be god. Is this your intention? If so, you're good. If not, please clarify. 
    2. Selfish, but understandable since you don't want others to screw up what you've done. Maybe also add a clause that simply prevents other from finding it so it doesn't end humanity or something. 
    3. Perhaps don't end death itself? Considering a lack of death by natural causes will mean either suicide or purging is needed to end the ever-increasing number of human bodies on our planet that no longer have room to exist together without starving/dehydrating/infecting/murdering/exposure/etc... each other to death? Find a way to sustain infinite humans, or you'll create a terrible, self-massacring species...

    (4. Kidpen)
    1. Very good. No complaints. 
    2. Dangerous, but also okay. You'd get extremely bored, but still. Okay. 
    3. N/A

    (5. Draginon)
    1. No complaints- only changing taste, therefore very few consequences other than much higher numbers of vegetables sold than candy, effectively destroying the sweets industry. 
    2. At all times? Even right after withdrawal of the money? Wrecks the economy. Absolutely worthless money constantly increasing in size and decreasing in value, ad even if that wasn't true, some would just draw endless amounts for whatever, or cigarettes, or alcohol... maybe change this to be more restrictive and contained, and responsible so it doesn't end the world as we know it... and probably also all banks on earth...
    3. Beautiful, perfect, only one complaint: please stipulate that time decrease doesn't decrease the books final quality... please...

    (6. SingingMosaic)
    1. Interesting wish. Would solve many problems, well thought out... I like it. 
    2. Wish for more information, but no automatic solution. Wonderful. Humans need things to work towards- instantly solving things like cancer, or disease, or death, would remove human desire to progress because it has no value. Sure it's cool, and fun, but it's pointless and nothing takes much effort, so what even is the point? I like your wish because it avoids that trap. Good job. 
    3. N/A

    (7. Retrac)
    1. I hope you also have the information that comes with those degrees. maybe specify?
    2. So... how heavy are you now? And how hard is it to build visible muscle mass? You'll never look fit, and people will wonder how your bones haven't snapped under the insanely increased weight over such a short span of time and area affected. Which the most likely would. Perhaps adapt wish to better prevent such problems...?
    3. I love this. It has no negative consequences, because it's only courage. You can, but you'll also know when you shouldn't- hopefully- so no downside that I can see here. 

    (8. AonEne)
    1. Already answered. 
    2. Already answered. 

    3. Good, you also fixed a wish. 


  10. 1. I would wish for the ability to grant any wish- reality altering or not- whenever I chose to do so.

    2. Then I would wish to know generally whether the wishes would have a positive or negative effect based on my personal moral compass.

    3. Third, I'd wish that once I'd granted their wish, no one, including the reciever of the wish granting, would know who had granted their wish- only that their wish had been granted, with the exception of myself. (I'd like to be aware of my ow wish-granting adventures.)

    I would then grant the joking wishes of my friends that I was immortal, and systematically get them all dates and fantastic lives while also ending world hunger and world peace with the ease of a few sarcastic quips and racist jokes. I'd continue to do so until I'd become a functional god, granting the wishes of all those that prayed to me with desires that fit my own moral compass's version of good (Which would hopefully improve and grow as I gained power and knowledge) and- in effect- become a living god very similar to the one that most Christians believe in. Unless he doesn't do this sort of thing for a reason, in which case I'd probably stop granting wishes at that point and just watch the world while granting wishes where it'll do the least harm and most good, and where no one would actually believe something miraculous had happened so that whatever reason that god who- may or may not, depending on your beliefs- exists has for their perceived 'silence' will be maintained. :3

  11. Gallen nodded, looking around. "Horses... Never enough horses..." He sighed, looking at the elf. "Will you let her ride with you? I think she'll have it easier with you than me. Your kind have a way with animals." He spoke tiredly, as if mentally suffering from fatigue. Or like he generally didn't care. He was more worried about her safety, honestly, than he was about her comfort; but he also was kind enough to balance pragmatism with benevolence. He looked at his horse and the farm-girl's, wondering which he'd rather ride, and then which he'd rather she ride. He was willing to trade horses... besides, then he wouldn't have a man riding with him chest-to-back. It was an uncomfortably unfamiliar feeling, and one he didn't quite care for. He'd endure, if she preferred, though. 

  12. Gallen hated that he'd been so silent, but... she'd just been in her first life and death situation... how does one exactly deal with a girl in that situation? Not only that, the elf said she'd wanted to cry... he was bad at comforting girls. He was a soldier, and he'd never had to comfort anyone but his own girl, and she'd died before he could marry her... In a battle where she'd killed thrice over again the number of men he himself had. It was embarrassing, honestly, but... still painful. He shifted, uncomfortable but trying not to show it. "I don't know why there was an army here... the bigger question is first who gathered an army here, and then why. After all, knowing why they were here won't tell us who did it, but knowing who is responsible might tell us why they were here." He got down off of his horse, pausing and considering. "You know, farm girl... if I am to be honest, you fared better than I did the first time I fought someone. I ended up with a black eye and a broken arm. You kept enough of your head to escape even after being thrown from your horse. You have more potential than I, so if you let us train you then you'll be better at defending yourself an others than I am. If you wish to learn." That was the best comfort he knew how to give. It had worked on his girl, so... he hoped it worked on this farm girl. 

  13. On 2/4/2020 at 11:28 AM, Grey Knight said:

    The man stared at her, mouth gaping open. The space marine, meanwhile, burst into laughter. It boomed across the courtyard, startlingly deep and resonant.

    "Blood of the Lion," he said at last, still chuckling. "I haven't been that amused since one of the cleaning servitors turned out to be an inquisitor!"

    "Ma'am," the robed man said, staring at his feet, "I'm just an Adept. I'm civilian clergy. No combat experience whatsoever." He grimaced. "My boss, though, she's a real nutcase. Hyper conservative, prone to shooting first, thinks she's the Omnissiah's gift to humanity. She claims that this compound is, well..." He shuffled awkwardly. "Heretical, ma'am. Since you don't recognize the Lord of Machines in your pantheon."

    "And unfortunately," the space marine said, his face growing stern, "she is the only tech-priest in this city with enough skills to install the plasma reactor." He growled. "Martians. Bah. I will speak to her, but the awakening rituals will have to wait until tomorrow. The heart will have to remain here until then."

    @ShadowLord_Lith @Sorana @Silva @Voidus

    She nodded. "Well then, that's more understandable. As for your boss... tell her that, as a pantheon might imply, we are still learning the history of our gods. It isn't that we don't recognize your god as a god, it's simply that wer haven't learned enough of our gods histories to learn how your god fits in with their lives. I'm certain we'll probably find the connection someday, maybe even recieve a vision of their history and how your god influenced them, but... until that day, wer are not blasphemers, merely children seeking the truth who have not yet found the whole truth. Wer will in tone, but her aid can only help to ease and lighten that path. Her holding back will leave us in the dark." She paused, considering that. "I have no idea how true that is, but the fact remains that it's what you can tell her to get her to hopefully come and get working. If not, I'll just have you take me up to get personally so I can hear from her lips what 'penance' I'll need to pay..." She shook her head, crossing her arms and sighing, then pinching the bridge of her nose and grimacing. "I need more sleep... I don't get paid enough for this. I'm not some diplomat, I'm a schoolteacher. What's more, I teach the science behind impossible, magical works of insanely complicated natural laws that don't work together and shouldn't exist with each other around, but somehow manage because an almighty, all powerful being decided he'd make us all and see what happened... she can even help me teach science to the children if she wants! Let's see her stay up for hours every night trying to figure out enough to stay ahead of the kids and answer their questions..." She continued muttering, her free hand twitching as she mentally relived the hours and days and weeks of work she'd put into the repairs of that one small fabrial on top of her already painful schedule. 

  14. The female professor stepped up to the babbling man and glared at him. "Shut up and listen, kid. If you're going to act like a child, then expect the treatment due one- you can only control your own actions, so calm down, calmly explain to your superior what is happening, and do your best not to make your sniveling, stuttering, and fear make him angrier. Now, you 'claim' I blasphemed. Explain how already so I can apologize, we can all move on, and I don't screw up again- and if you don't take my advice I won't attempt to stop the big one if he chooses to punish you- I doubt he can hurt civilians, but I won't even try to get in his way if you don't grow up and get a backbone. Honestly, you're supposed to be in a military force, and you can't even keep your spine straight in front of one man? I'm weaker than you and I could stab him if I had too- I'd be killed instantly but hey- death is literally everywhere all the time. There's always a bigger fish, so stop worrying about what might kill you and just try to live life. Honestly... how am I- an old, civilian woman who's never been in combat except as collateral damage less of a coward than a man who fights his enemies for a living? You're potentially in combat every few days, the way you seem prepared for it." She crossed her arms, looking at him fiercely like a teacher staring down a disobedient student when she knew she had the power and authority to back her punishment up- even though in this case she utterly lacked the ability to do anything except keep her word and stay out of the big man's way. 

  15. She sighed, nodding and following him. "Fine... very well..." She huffed, grimacing and following him, honestly more annoyed than frightened. Not much frightened her honestly. Especially not people. She could understand people. Even if they made no sense, were infuriating, made choices that basked her, and were impossible to predict sometimes. She'd seen enough in her life to simply not care. Especially that last war... after that, what was there to honestly be worried alot from someone as unimpressive as an interstellar army that traveled through the universe through sheer force of knowledge, wil, and the application of knowledge to bend reality to their will? It eased no different from everyone else she'd seen. She was weak, and she knew it. So, since almost everyone was stronger than her, she'd become desensitized to things like fear when in the presence of those that could kill her easily. After all, they usually head more reasons not to hurt her than they did otherwise. Add looping as it remained that easy, why bother writing over something completely out of her control? Instead she focused on what she could do. Mainly, her own actions and her own class. The children especially. 

    (@Grey Knight)

  16. The woman sighed, standing up out of the chair she'd sat in and glowering at him. "If whatever I did blasphemes against some other persons religion I'm sorry, but why does it matter to them if a 'Heathen' did something blasphemous? Isn't that to be expected?" She shook her head, annoyed but too tired to get really angry. "Just take me there so I can fix this mess and get on with my life. But know that I won't avoid such actions in the future unless it's convenient to do so. So tell your 'priests' to grow thicker skins. You'd have thought that full-body armor strong enough to stop sisters knows what would be better at ignoring unintended insults..." She started walking towards the door, gesturing for him to lead the way.

    (@Grey Knight)

  17. Gallen shook his head. "You'd be afraid of the ways men find to break the wills of others. we succumb more easily to evil, but we are also capable of greater good as a balance. Your people are stagnant, and we bring change. If there's a way to break an elf's will, it'll be discovered before the century is out. And every nation will know before the end of the decade after. If she has pursuers, We ride. Onto my horse, elven-kin. He can still ride faster overburdened than any elf on bare foot." He looked to the path, following the trial as easily as the others, if with a little less experience. 

  18. Gallen huffed. "We get it. You made a terrible mistake and can't undo it. We've all been there to some degree. Cheer up- believe it or not, life still has value even if you've ruined the best parts of it. So do what we're humans do- try your best to make up for it, then move on and do better. Maybe one day you'll earn whatever it is you're trying to get. Until then, oh wise immortal one, listen to the wisdom of those younger and lesser than yourself. Life is short for most, and precious to them. If it's long to you, it will still be too short. So make the best of it, live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment like it might be your last, and make peace with yourself. Grow a tree or something if you need to. Instead of chasing what your father made, make something of your own. Make him proud by creating something worthy of his legacy. Look to the future and let go of the past." He went silent, sto watching for the farm girl. 

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