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Posts posted by Spoolofwhool

  1. Enjoy



    "The void of voids is a voidish void, a voidish void only only voidish voids from the void. Voids are his. Oh VoidishVoid... voids are his. Void is but a voidish voids, and the VoidishVoid voids."
    Voided on the voidish void of the void Void of the void Void of the void Void, voidish voids before void. Void was a voidish voidish void of voidish voids. The void did not void. 


    Void-void-void-Void, Void of Void, voided void on the void he was to void a void. The voidish void was a Voidish void, void to him. But void voided as his voids voided and did not void for a void.

    Void voided in a voidish voidish void, voided by voidish voids that voided a voidish void upon the voids, voiding voids of void to void on their void as void voided, and voided, and voided, and voided, and voided. Void voided to the void voidish, the void too much for voids, their voids voiding to be voidish voids. Voids voided as if voids were void, at least until their voids voided voids out of the voidish void to voiding voids.

    Void did not void to the voids, void the voidish void, or void to void. Void void on a void at the void, a voidish void in voidish voids. Void at the void-voiding void voided void. Void was just a void, and Void were voidly to void. Void out here in the Void voided Void’s void were voidish and voidish. Void were voidly void.

    The voids voided a voidish void. The voids voided Voided like a void of voiding voids, voiding voids of voidish void through the void. Void’s voids—void were voided as voids by voids in voidish voidish voids—voided at their voidish voids. Void were voids with void of void voided with void. Voids, voids were voided—voids to the voidish voidish voidish voids known as voids in voidish of the void. A void. Voids did not void voids Voids; Void was the Voidish void for voids. Void voided, voidly, “voids who voidly void.” Neither void voided to void void as a void.

  2. 9 hours ago, Lunu’anaki said:

    The only thing I see wrong with any of this is your initial refutation of feruchemy. I believe the idea that tapping a metalmind just to be able to revert to normal in order to be end-neutral is fundamentally misconstruing the nature of the magic. There is work(in a physics sense of the word) involved with storing an attribute. Storing speed requires one to expend the energy necessary to move fast--in order to move slow. Storing mental speed requires one to expend the energy necessary to think fast, in order to think slow. etc. etc. I believe this energy expenditure accounts for the additive effect you can receive from the energy by storing it over time.

    However, you are right that even then, it doesn't account for the physical transformation in Feruchemy, or for that matter, a number of cosmere-wide things, and I think that this theory is one of the best I've seen in order to account for that "Spiritual Realm nonsense" Great job.

    I don't think you need to be moving or thinking to store steel or zinc. From how it's portrayed in the books it seems to me like it makes moving or thinking to be a lot difficult, such as Sazed feeling like he was moving through treacle. 

  3. On 10/26/2019 at 5:26 PM, GoWibble said:

    I'm not sure where this portion was explained. Maybe in a thread?

    Six months later and someone finally caught a typo I made. Should be iron not steel.


    On 10/26/2019 at 5:26 PM, GoWibble said:

    I had the thought earlier that there was some form of Concentration that is built into how you perceive yourself (Manifestation, right?) and that is just a weird way of convincing yourself that you have more Connection to something. This is seen a lot on Sel: forging and the mantras of the Hoids (I know). If you believe that you are something else, your Connection changes slightly to make up for it. I think that this is going along with your explanation @Spoolofwhool

    Yes, changing you self-perception can influence your Framework a bit which slowly changes your Manifestation over time according to my theory.

  4. I'm pretty sure you don't need to be moving to store physical speed.

    Either way, I disagree with this analysis. Steel feruchemy is storing physical speed and a natural consequence of storing or tapping this is a change in possible distance moved for the same given time period. This is just the relation between these physical measurements. Saying it's storing physical speed would be like saying that pedaling faster on a bike is increasing its potential distance. It's not an inaccurate statement but that's just a consequences of the fact that pedaling faster is increasing its speed.

  5. 1 hour ago, Karger said:

    True but the fact that it exists is noteworthy.

    Eh, I don't think so because my opinion is that there's a massive pool of investiture lingering in the Spiritual Realm anyways so this lost investiture would just be a small drop adding to it.

    1 hour ago, RShara said:

    I ran across this WoB today that I find seriously interesting and seems to hint that your theory could be correct.

    Interesting. Well it does feel like it might be indicating the the lost energy goes somewhere that isn't back to the shard.

  6. Good point Cal. I vaguely recall this discussion.


    On 5/29/2019 at 0:31 PM, Karger said:

    Thermodynamic still applies so there should be some way to regain that energy.

    Thermodynamics means that the energy exists but that doesn't mean that the energy is obtainable in any natural or easy way. My theory is that there's a giant pool of investiture in the Spiritual Realm anyways so based on Cal's theory it's just being dumped there.

  7. Edited Shardblade Wounds and Awakening since I realized that the damage is actually probably to the Manifestation not the Framework which is why it can be healed.

    @Confused Your interpretation of my theory is correct. I'll briefly answer your questions right now, but I can go more in depth later if you want more complete answers.

    11 hours ago, Confused said:

    1. Your theory is a plausible metaphor to explain varied Cosmere phenomena. My biggest question: How can SR Investiture “flow” through time when all futures are probabilistically and simultaneously “present” in the SR and time itself has no “flow”?

    1. I'm going to need you to expand on where this question is coming from since time isn't a part of my theory. I'm unsure what you're really asking with regards to the theory.

    11 hours ago, Confused said:

    2. Is Background Investiture raw SR Investiture undifferentiated by Shard?

    I imagine it more as a mess of investiture from all the shards. A giant homogeneous slurry of investiture from all the shards.

    11 hours ago, Confused said:

    3. We know there’s a pool of SR Investiture magic users draw on. Is this the same pool that flows through Frameworks as Background Investiture?

      Which pool are you talking about with regards to magic users?

    11 hours ago, Confused said:

    4. On your “exception”:

    On 4/21/2019 at 10:45 AM, Spoolofwhool said:

    An exception to the rule that the Framework conforms to the Manifestation, it is possible for an entity to induce or maintain a discrepancy between their Manifestation and their Framework. The cognitive component of the Framework can be influenced by extremely strong cognitive perception to create or maintain those discrepancies. Examples of this can be seen Lopen's arm which was missing for a long time yet still could regrow, or a trans person able to using healing to transition themselves

    As I see it, despite their PR Manifestations, (1) Lopen kept his pre-injury Framework, and (2) the trans person’s self-perception changed their Framework. Investiture in both cases enabled them to Manifest their self-perception fully.

    Is there a question here?

    11 hours ago, Confused said:

    5. Mechanically, how does a metalmind trap Background Investiture? Is Background Investiture Focused into Ruin/Preservation’s Investiture to make the Feruchemical gene or metalmind work? If so, how?

    I haven't really put any thought into this since it's not actually what the theory is dealing with. I imagine that it's being pulled through whatever spiritual components of the feruchemist allow them to do this.

    11 hours ago, Confused said:

    6. If metalminds trap Background Investiture, does the Investiture continue to accumulate until used? What if all the trapped Background Investiture gets used before a Feruchemical conversion completes? Does the conversion stop part-way through?

    Metalminds trap Background Investiture which is directed to it as a result of a feruchemist storing and away from their Manifestation for the duration of the storing. Once storing ends no more Background Investiture ends up in the metalmind because it's all going to the Manifestation of the feruchemist. I don't understand what you're ask in the second and third question, what conversion are you talking about?

    11 hours ago, Confused said:

    7. How does your theory affect end-positive magic systems, if at all?

    It doesn't... I don't really know what you're looking for here. It describes a means of how end-positive magic systems might affect the user, but nothing about how the investiture is acquired. Frankly I don't really care for the usage of the End-X classification anyways outside of the Metallic Arts they were designed for so I don't really have anything to say in this regards.

  8. 34 minutes ago, Calderis said:

    @Spoolofwhool but a Trans person can transition.

    Just like Lopen was able to regrow his arm because his Spiritual Aspect said it was still there, a transgender person could transition. 

    My bad. I thought the WoB said the opposite that, transition wasn't possible for trans people. In this case there would probably be a point that significant cognitive perception can allow for the creating and maintaining a slight deviance between the Manifestation and the Framework. I'll add it as an addendum to Rule 1. Thanks

  9. We clarified this on the Discord but I'll explain it for people who aren't there.


    The issue that I perceived with feruchemy is that from my reading it was being portrayed as the removal of a fixed quantity which was being converted into a flow of investiture. My reading of the Leras sun model is that it was an analogy for describing the relationship between the three realms, not the working of investiture in people. 
    The difference between the Framework and the Spiritweb is that the Framework does contain the Spiritweb but also cognitive components related to how people change. The Manifestation isn't physical but rather details whether an entity is primarily in the physical realm or not. So the difference between the same worldhopper in the PR or the CR would be the Manifestation dictating which realm they are in. Let me know if this makes sense


    The issue here was primarily a misunderstanding how of Rules 1 and 2 worked, which was clarified. Someone being trans would be a change in the Manifestation which would then induce a change in the Framework given Rule 1. As such healing can't make someone transition as since healing is would be about changing their Manifestation to match their Framework.

    Edit: I didn't actually know what the WoB said.

  10. or Feruchemy Makes No Rusting Sense Given Pure Canonical Explanation And Here's a Theory To Fix That (FMNRSGPCEAHTTFT)

    Thanks to @Calderis for helping me make this theory over a year ago and agreeing with an error in feruchemy that I had suspected. Thanks to all those other cremlings wonderful people in the Shard who kept encouraging me to write this (because apparently just referencing an unwritten theory is not okay.) Also, as a side note, I'm probably not going to reference any relevant WoBs or book passages, at least at the initial posting of this, partially because this is dealing with conceptual points not directly covered by any particular WoBs or passages and partially because I'm just lazy. I might add WoBs later on however.

    tl;dr: Feruchemy doesn't entirely work given the explanation along with a number of effects in other magic system. Thankfully my theory makes up for those deficiencies and explains them within a realmatic model I've theorized. (If you thought I was actually going to summarize this, you were wrong. Just read the post, it's not that long you chull.)

    Note: Despite the amount of content devoted to it, the focus of this theory isn't actually on feruchemy and some over-exaggerated wrong it possesses. The middle section is the important bit overall. 


    Feruchemy Makes No Sense
    Before you all skip to the end and start writing paragraphs and quoting books at me to explain how feruchemy works, let me just say this: I do know how it works. The basics, as I'm sure everyone is aware, are quite simple: a feruchemists stores an attribute into a metalmind, losing it proportionally for a time while storing, then later that metalmind can be tapped, which withdraws the attribute and adds it to the feruchemist's baseline. Now, the most important part of feruchemy is the idea that it's "End-Neutral." In other words it's governed by the idea that the amount of attribute withdrawn is, in a normal setting, exactly equal to the amount of attributed lost. The issue though is that you're only losing the amount of attribute during the storing process and that process can be done for as long as you'd like. 

    This makes no sense because investiture/energy/matter in the Cosmere should be preserved. Converting an attribute to investiture makes sense as a one-time process which makes you lose that attribute permanently until tapped as that amount of attribute is then physically or spiritually gone then restored, a true conservation. However, feruchemy isn't that and would frankly suck if it was. Instead you're losing an amount of attribute and remaining in that diminished state while investiture is allocated into a metalmind at a constant rate for some arbitrary duration of time with no further loss of attribute after that initial start. Finally, when you stop storing you regain that lost amount of attribute and the flow of investiture ceases. In other words, you're not converting a fixed amount into another fixed amount as is usually portrayed, but you're actually converting a fixed amount into rate of change over time. This is not how conservation of anything worksYou can no more do this than trade a piece of wood for a rate of change in local thermal energy over time only to regain that piece of wood once you decide you have enough energy. As such, feruchemy makes no sense for the dominant explanations, or rather the explanations aren't fully complete.

    Finally, another issue with feruchemy are the actual Physical and Spiritual changes that the feruchemists undergoes while storing and tapping. Generally speaking, there exists the idea in Realmatic Theory that to create a change to a person's Physical, Cognitive, or Spiritual components there must be a cost of investiture to induce this change. This is generally supported by observation of Roshar's soulcasting where stormlight is used to change an entity from one essence to another or in soulforgery where the channeling of the Dor induces a retcon of an entity's history and therefore a change in its present. Now while the latter example doesn't actually fit this idea, feruchemy really doesn't since it also induces these changes during the storing and tapping processes for some variants. One obvious example is pewter feruchemy where the attribute of physical strength is observably lost or gained as a decrease or increase in physical musculature. Given the idea that these changes must be associated with an investiture cost, this makes feruchemy make even less sense as there is now also a hidden investiture alteration cost that is somehow being paid whenever storing or tapping starts and finishes. Thankfully this issue is actually non-existent per this theory and will be explained for both feruchemy and numerous other similar effects in the Cosmere.


    How This Theory Saves the Day
    At this point we're a large number of words into this theory and you're probably wondering what Background Investiture is. (or maybe you've forgotten those two words in the title and the title has scrolled off screen already due to length and your tab isn't big enough to read it, it's okay I'm not offended) Allow me to explain it then. Background Investiture is term I've completely made up (this means don't go around using it like it's canonical) and is a theoretical massive source of investiture which exists in the background of the Cosmere and is probably located within the Spiritual Realm. This massive body of investiture is basically responsible for everything in the Cosmere appears and is interacted with.

    To explain how Background Investiture does this, we're going to take another step backwards and reconsider what an entity is realmatically. In this theory, I'm proposing that realmatic entity, be they person or thing, is comprised of two elements: the Framework and the Manifestation. The Framework, as the name implies, is a spiritual and cognitive structure which dictates how the Manifestation appears (basically the spiritweb, but I'm avoiding actually using that term due to preconceived baggage it will bring.) Generally, the Framework would be imperceptible. On the other hand, the Manifestation is the part of the entity which is outwardly perceived in all three realms. It is formed from Background Investiture filling the Framework. However, any investiture which fill the Framework is temporary, returning instantaneously to rejoin the greater Background Investiture and replaced at the same time. In other words, you can consider the Manifestation to be a flowing stream of investiture shaped by the Framework. At this point you're probably following along pretty well so far, but you might have thought of something which disproves this theory: if this framework is in part the spiritual ideal and entities are constantly being formed using it why aren't people constantly being reset to their ideal form, instantly healing physical wounds and the like? 

    To rectify this problem, I'm going to further expand on the relationship between the Framework and the Manifestation and establish two rules governing that relationship.
    1. The Manifestation Replaces the Manifestation 
    As I said earlier, investiture forms the Manifestation and is constantly getting replaced as the investiture forming it at one point in time is returned to the Background Investiture in the next instance. Replace is a specifically chosen term, as an important facet is that when the Manifestation is being updated it does so based on the previous state of the Manifestation, meaning that any changes to the Manifestation, such as physical injuries, are preserved. This does mean then that the Manifestation can grow to be different than how the Framework wants it to be. To rectify these differences however, the Framework then slowly changes to conform to the new shape of the Manifestation to bring them both into alignment. To liken this to a realmatic example, healing in the Cosmere can be thought of as forcibly update the current Manifestation to the Framework, removing those injuries from the Manifestation and the replacements as time goes forward. However, as shown in canon, if enough time passes then healing becomes impossible due to cognitive perception and acceptance of those injuries. In this model this results in the Framework changing to match those injuries in the Manifestation and therefore preventing the injuries from healing as there is no record for a Manifestation to form without an injury. 
    1a. Where There's a Will There's a Way
    An exception to the rule that the Framework conforms to the Manifestation, it is possible for an entity to induce or maintain a discrepancy between their Manifestation and their Framework. The cognitive component of the Framework can be influenced by extremely strong cognitive perception to create or maintain those discrepancies. Examples of this can be seen Lopen's arm which was missing for a long time yet still could regrow, or a trans person able to using healing to transition themselves
    2. External Writing to the Framework Causes Local Reboots
    There are two ways for the Framework to be changed. The first is as noted above, when lack of alignment between the Manifestation and the Framework slowly forces the Framework to change to be aligned again. However, in the second case is when some external force, such as one the myriad magic systems in the Cosmere, causes a change to the Framework. When this happens the parts of the Manifestation relating to the parts of the Framework altered are immediately updated to conform to the new state of the Framework. This can cause abrupt and unnatural changes in the Manifestation. An example of this would be soulcasting which causes a severe change to the Framework of the target to change what it says the material properties of the entity is, resulting then in a sudden change in that entity's Manifestation which is usually observed as a change in physical realm. The investiture to soulcasting is then what is needed to change the Framework of the target not its Manifestation, with the change in Manifestation and appearance being a natural result of that change. There is no actual external investiture cost required to change the Manifestation, only the Framework, if the process to change it requires investiture.


    Feruchemy Makes Sense (Except for Iron)
    So now we're back to where we started, and with Background Investiture it properly conserves investiture. You've probably figured out how this is going to go but I'm going to lay out anyways. Background Investiture is the source of the investiture which invests metalminds. Under the Framework and Manifestation model part of the investiture relating to the specific attributes is usurped instead of being part of the Manifestation proper and is diverted into the metalmind where it is trapped rather than returning to the greater Background Investiture collective as is normal. When a feruchemists taps a metalmind the investiture in it adds itself to their Manifestation then returns to the Background Investiture collective. In this sense feruchemy is properly End-Neutral as it is taking investiture that would be normally part of the feruchemist and is storing it elsewhere then tapping it for use at a later point, as is described. Investiture has been conserved once more and the Cosmere has been saved. applause


    Other Issues and Points Explained by This Theory
    Herein I'm going to briefly discuss how a few other observed effects in the Cosmere are explained by this theory. Spoilered because this post is getting way too long.



    Savantism has been described as being due to a constant influx of investiture causing changes in the spiritweb of the magic system practitioner, such as allomancy. This description works fairly well for this theory that I don't think it counteracts. If it is considered that like feruchemy, as I described above, magic systems like allomancy passively enhance the user by adding investiture to expand their Manifestation, then if that change is held at a high level for a long time, then per Rule 1 over time the Framework would change to fit those enhancements. With the magic system using the Framework to undo whatever changes it is applying to the Manifestation when the effect terminates, those changes would become permanent given sufficient time, as seen with Spoolk and allomantic savantism.



    The changes hemalurgy causes to the recipient of spikes, the least of which allows them to survive the placement of spikes which would normally cause lethal wounds, can be easily explained by Rule 2. Hemalurgic spikes are binding a pieces of a stolen spiritweb to the recipients spiritweb, which in this model would cause a change to the Framework, thereby causing an immediate update to the Manifestation. This explains how hemalurgy is able to cause physical changes at the very least without the need of some investiture input to cause the changes, as the changes as simply due to the nature of the Cosmere and realmatics and a natural result of the change to the spiritweb.

    Shardblade Wounds and Awakening


    Like hemalurgy both the loss of colour to a grey pallor in both shardblade wounds and surfaces drained of colour for awakening is due to them damaging or changing the Framework the Manifestation, causing a physical change as a result. The damage is self-renewing until healing is performed at which point it is fixed according to the Framework.



    In the first section I made note of how soulforgery doesn't work under the idea of the actual transformation processes requiring investiture to transform. While you could argue that given the direct connection to the Dor would facilitate any transformation costs required, what you're failing to consider is how the transformation undoes when the soulstamp is removed. In that case the loss of connection to the Dor would grant the transformation cost required meaning that any soulstamped object is effectively changing back to its original form for free, which in the previous model doesn't really make sense. (You could argue that the soulstamp is investing the stamped entity with whatever investiture is necessary to undo the transformation at the end but I feel like that's just over-conflicting things.) Under this model however, soulforgery is just creating a fake overlay of parts of the Framework using investiture from the Dor, the overlay requiring constant upkeep, which then naturally fails when the connection is sundered, either due to soulstamp removal or the Sel-distance-dilemma. The Manifestation would naturally be updated at two points in this process, when the soulstamp is applied and when it is removed.



    Which realm someone is mainly in would be a result of their Manifestation and Framework. Therefore when a worldhopper uses a perpendicularity it is causing a change in the part of the Framework which dictates where they are between the realms. Per Rule 2 this then causes a Manifestation update to change which realm they are in.


    Concluding Statement
    Thank you for reading my first (and probably last) write-up of a major theory regarding the Cosmere. I hope that the point I was trying to make was clear enough, if not feel free to ask for clarifications in the comments. Feel free as well to offer any thoughts you have on the matter as well. 

    Once again, thank you to those unnamed (Calderis) people who helped me develop this theory.


    A place for any miscellaneous thoughts I might have for those who managed to make it all the way to the end of this post. (I seriously can't believe you made it through this ramble.) Example:

    • You may have noticed that this theory seems to be more about the Framework and the Manifestation than Background Investiture and might be a better topic name. This is a fair observation.


    Replies To Sharders
    A place for me to link any comments or replies which I think are significantly meaningful to this topic. Probably will stay empty though.

    • Calderis points out here and here that it is possible per WoB for someone's cognitive perception to actually induce what would be a change in the Framework, in this case making someone trans transition, which would allow healing to actually transition them. Adding this as Rule 1a.
  11. 14 hours ago, TheBeast22846 said:

    Could Nightblood be a nicrosil metalmind? Brandon has RAFO'd everything about what Nightblood is made out of, and has also stated that there is more to his astronomical amount of investiture than his breaths. Could this fit? Brandon has said that Nightblood was not black before being awakened. Anybody know what color nicrosil is?

    I'm not sure if this works, let me know what you guys think.

    Relevant excerpt from Warbreaker


    Vasher snorted. “You don’t even know what that is.”

    For once, Nightblood was silent.

    That was the great crux of the problem, the issue that had dominated most of Vasher’s life. A thousand Breaths. That was what it took to Awaken an object of steel and give it sentience. Even Shashara hadn’t fully understood the process, though she had first devised it.

    It took a person who had reached the Ninth Heightening to Awaken stone or steel. Even then, this process shouldn’t have worked. It should have created an Awakened object with no more of a mind than the tassels on his cloak.

    - Warbreaker, Chapter 51

    My opinion is that given Vasher being certain that Nightblood is made from steel, he's made of steel. The weirdness is probably the association with Ruin that has been mentioned above.

  12. An extremely beautiful movie. The visuals were extremely striking and I found that the fight choreography was well-designed and put together. You can see how the character and art designers put a lot of work into creating such a visually striking world with characters all having fairly subtle nuances to their design. The robotics were very impressive too with regards to the CGI.

    Other than that though I found it to be a bit of a late-down. The romance was pretty ham-fisted and the story moved so quickly and in such leaps and bounds that most character progression wasn't viewed during the progression, just the outcomes at certain specific milestones. Also I found the ending to be kind of anti-climatic since it was just her beating down a bunch of disparate barriers which presented themselves to her, not actual barriers the story organically built up for him to run down.

    I did go and read the original manga and compared to the movie, I'd say the story was a lot better there with some small changes actually changing how certain key scenes presented themselves.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Karger said:

    So according to your theory Ishar who the stormfather calls the maddest of them all does not have an unmade.  Why is that?  Is he crazy for unrelated reasons?  Also if each herald had an unmade corresponding directly to them then it would be one to one as each order has one herald as a patron. 

    I never proposed a theory, I just said that I think it's basically fact that there are nine Unmade and posted WoBs on that. With regards to your question though, I don't think that Unmade really correspond to Heralds and that any correspondence to Knight Radiant orders is pretty minimal, as Brandon points out.

  14. All WoBs on the matter indicate that there are only nine Unmade. Unless Brandon is deliberately lying to us to mislead us, which would be incredibly out of character for him as far as I can tell, I can't see how there could be a tenth Unmade. I'm not entirely disinclined to believed the "Unmade were dawnshards" theories, but I think it's fairly strongly stated that at this point in time there are still only nine Unmade. 


    Pagerunner [PENDING REVIEW]

    The Starfall vision. Ten Deaths, referring to the Midnight Essence. That's what the one Radiant said, they're the Ten Deaths. Is that the Unmade, the Ten Deaths.

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Well, there's nine Unmade, so...

    JordanCon 2018 (April 22, 2018)



    Also, does each of the Unmade have a corresponding order of the Knights Radiant?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Eh... Kind of.


    Ok. So there are nine Unmade right, so which one is left out?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Bondsmith. But it's not as one to one, there's some fuzziness in there.

    Oathbringer San Francisco signing (Nov. 15, 2017)


  15. On 1/10/2019 at 5:21 AM, robardin said:

    I guess hemalurgy can be stacked as well, then? We have seen hemalurgy used to stack a stolen Allomantic ability on top of what a person's already got, like Vin's and Marsh's bronze, but I don't think we've seen anybody getting the same power multiple times via hemalurgy alone (i.e., Suit theoretically using his two spikes to double up on A-steel to out-Steelpush Wax). It seems plausible, but I could also see a reason for it being mechanically impossible as well.

    As long as there are enough bindpoints for a power I see no reason why taking multiple spikes for the same power wouldn't cause an amplification.

  16. On 1/7/2019 at 0:31 PM, robardin said:

    So, assuming the number is 5 to come to 22 spikes for Marsh, and that one of them is indeed for A-gold... What are the other four likely to be, that were so important to Ruin's long-term plans that he harvested full Mistborn and Feruchemists for one ability each? A-nicrosil, F-nicrosil, F-duralumin, and F-aluminum?

    This is on top of a WoB stating that Marsh was spiked for A-duralumin by means of a Mistborn. Man, a lot of extremely rare resources sure went into the making of Marsh. (Weren't Keepers even more rare than Mistborn at the end of TFE?)


    EDIT: In another thread, I realized that for Marsh to live into Era 2 and beyond via the same trick as The Lord Ruler (compounding atium), he must also be compounding bronze to stay awake to do so, just like TLR did. So he's got a spike for F-bronze in his count, too.

    He could have also doubled-up on some powers to amplify them. Extra steel allomancy could be useful.

  17. On 11/23/2018 at 9:51 PM, Ookla the Ookla said:

    My question is in regards to Forgery. What happens with that? After all, we know a forged object still stays the same on another planet, right?

    Edit: Nevermind.


    Forgery fails off-world or even outside of the active Domain it seems.


    Brightlord Maelstrom

    Forged items. If it's one of those where it's permanent or it's not going to die after a couple of hours, can you move it off-world or would it transform once you moved it too far from its location?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Forgery requires a constant little stream of power to keep it going so yeah if you moved it off-world the Forgery's going to collapse.



  18. He was a reduced-strength mistborn, not lerasium.



    Also, you should tell us what the last two metals are.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The last two metals are Chromium and Nicrosil. We'll reveal what they do on the Allomancy poster. Suffice it to say that in the next trilogy, the main protagonist would be a Nicrosil Misting. And, to make a Robert Jordan-type comment, what those two metals do should become obvious to the serious student of Allomancy... (It has to do with the nature of the metal groupings.)

    Happy Man

    If I read the poster correctly, and have the correlations down, these metals are the external enhancement metals.

    The simplest idea is that they do to another person what Aluminum and Duralumin do to the Allomancer burning them. If this is true, then Chromium would destroy another Allomancer's metals (useful skill, that, especially in a group of Mistings fighting a Mistborn) while Nicrosil would cause the target's metals that are currently burning to be burned in a brief, intense flash. This could be used either to enhance a group of Mistings or to seriously mess up an enemy Allomancer.

    Peter Ahlstrom

    The other metals do not have exact one-to-one power correlations like that, so it seems more likely to me that they would work differently. It could be like an area effect weakening or enhancing spell. You would want an enhancer in your party, and you wouldn't want to go up against a weakener.

    Nicrosil is a rather more complicated alloy than the others. It's an interesting one to pick, rather than something simpler like nichrome (though I guess that's actually a brand name)

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nicely done.

    Ookla is right, the others don't have 1/1 correlations. But I liked this concept far too much not to use it.

    In a future book series, Mistborn will also have become things of legend. The bloodlines will have become diluted to the point that there are no Mistborn, only Mistings—however, the latter are far more common. In this environment, a Nicrosil Misting could be invaluable both as an enhancer to your own team or a weapon to use against unsuspecting other Mistings.


    I take it either Spook did not have children or Sazed made him a reduced-strength Mistborn rather than giving him the full potency of the 9 originals and Elend?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Spook is a reduced power Mistborn.


    Very interesting about the Nicrosil.

    So, if there is no more atium, then that would mean in any future trilogy, there would only be 14 metals, right? Somehow, that doesn't seem right, but maybe that is because it irks me that one quartet to be left incomplete with the absence of atium.

    Would it be possible for Sazed to create a replacement metal, by chance, or will the temporal quartet remain inherently empty? It doesn't seem like it's too far of a stretch for Sazed to make more metals: after all, the metal Elend ate was a fragment of Preservation, and now Sazed holds Preservation.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a RAFO, I'm afraid. Suffice it to say that what the characters think they understand about the metals, they don't QUITE get right. If you study the interaction between the temporal metals, you might notice an inconsistency in the way they work...

    Peter Ahlstrom

    Uh-huh. That was already noticed by theorizers in the forums here. Gold works like Malatium and Electrum works like Atium. Yet they're on opposite corners of the metal square.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ah. I wondered if that had been noticed.



  19. 3 hours ago, Lidolas said:

    We haven't seen much of real Knights Radiant armor, only left-overs.  Even if an active Knights armor has similar limits, I bet Kaladin could make a Syl-shield that would take plenty of coins or bullets.  And isn't there some WoB about using spren as long-distance weapons?

    Yeah, the shardplate of Radiants probably can repair itself much more quickly than the shardplate that much. Still, developing technologies would still neutralize any advantages that shardplate and shardblades have before too long. With regards to long-distance spren weapons, that's probably possible to a degree, but guns would still out-range them in most causes probably.

  20. Long range weapons are always going to dominate. Coinshots in a modern city could probably easily beat a shardbearer since they could remain out of reach and shoot coins which could probably slowly damage the shardplate until it locks up. Guns would probably have a similar effectiveness against shardplate. A shardblade sword is fairly useless until you're in melee range and provide hardly any defense against bullets until then.

  21. 17 minutes ago, Themasterhunter said:

    A soulcasting savant using the Gem for the blood essence, similarly to the way kaza uses smoke

    Not really, because then they could just remove blood toxins or replace blood. Wouldn't actually help with the issue of them bleeding out and you'd be spending a lot of time soulcasting to replenish. A flesh soulcaster who could repair the body would be a far better medic.

  22. 10 hours ago, StormblessedSurvivor said:

    I think of it similar to Mistborn. Stormlight is like the metals, kind of filtering the power to the person who is burning it. What the Heralds had with Honor's power fueling them is like someone consuming the mists, the god's straight power, much more powerful, fueling them.

    Not really. Stormlight is the power that the metals brought. What's filtering and shaping it within the surgebinder is something else. Past that the rest of the analogy is correct, with the mists being a more direct amount of a shard's power fueling them.

  23. 9 hours ago, StormblessedSurvivor said:

    I supect the Stormfather would have been killed if he was bonded during the Recreance; after Dalinar summons the Stormfather as a Shardblade, he says to Dalinar "It is either this or oblivion."

    I disagree. That line by the Stormfather seems to be referring to the lot he threw in with Dalinar, that he had to bond with him and work with him, with the alternative being that Odium would win and he would be destroyed. Pattern's line seems to very strongly indicate that the Stormfather survived the event which killed many spren, which would've been the sundering of the bonds they held. 

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