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Everything posted by esamitch

  1. esamitch


    Can I upvote this 37 times please???? It's GORGEOUS! I've always had a hard time picturing Elend, and an even harder time getting it down on paper, but you NAILED it!
  2. Hey everyone! I had an idea to offer free coloring pages of Stormlight art, and when Vin snuck in there I figured I should just plan on doing ones for all the Cosmere. Please keep in mind that this is my first attempt; if/when I find a more efficient way to present them (maybe as full page pictures, better quality, etc) I'll probably update this issue along with any later ones that may come out. A lot of my inspiration stems from Tom Tierney, an artist who makes historical fashion coloring books for Dover. I'd love to get better at these and in a perfect world, maybe Branderson would let me publish an official Cosmere coloring book! But for now, I'm content with these. Print 'em out, share 'em with your friends! And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me pictures of your coloring!! Without further ado: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzBcHuou_cLubVBoYUJKQ2lDMTQ
  3. My take on this is FAR less well thought out and well worded compared to @Tharatariel10's reasoning. I'm just a raging Shadolin fan who sees a realistic relationship between Shallan and Adolin that's being very well handled. I also feel like too often in fiction relationships are presented early on just to be overturned for the more dramatic option, and a lot of times the reasons behind the change of heart (usually one sided, I'm looking at you rom-coms) doesn't really hold up under a lot of scrutiny. I'm positively giddy at the idea that we might potentially get to spend eight whole books exploring a romance...it would allow for a lot of development and interesting content without needing to be rushed or pushed to the foreground lest we forget it exists in the middle of all the other turmoil happening. As far as Kaladin goes, in the simplest terms I just don't feel like he needs a romance. Never while I was reading the books did I feel like that was missing from his character, and I never felt a desire to read a romance involving him. Only time will tell I guess! At least we can all agree that Dalinar and Navani are the greatest.
  4. I can't speak for Warbreaker, Mistborn Era 2, or The Emperor's Soul yet, as I haven't gotten to them yet, but it seems like Hoid has a much more prominent role in Stormlight than in the first Mistborn Series or Elantris. In the latter, he's only there for a scene or two, as a mysterious informant or beggar, respectively. I wonder if White Sand will keep him shrouded off to the side, or if we'll see a more prominent appearance a'la Stormlight. My guess is no, only because of the shorter nature of the series, but who knows? It's just so unpredictable.
  5. So glad you posted this @Tharatariel10/big sis! And thanks everyone for being so nice...It took some convincing on my part to get her to put this out there! I can tell you that Dalinar's theme is coming along awesomely, and it's my favorite out of the bunch so far.
  6. IT'S ME I'M THE YOUNGER SISTER!!! Haha at last I've dragged at least one family member into the depths of Cosmere obsessions...she writes the music, I draw the pictures! (She draws the pictures too but hey I need something to do!)
  7. I love this depiction of Eshonai! I've been procrastinating on trying to draw her, or any Parshendi for that matter, because I feel like they're so hard to capture! At least in my mind. You did a great job!
  8. esamitch

    Kholin Portrait

    Love it! The coloring is so beautiful.
  9. That is amazing!!! I can't believe anyone can read that fast....I used to be a lot quicker when I was younger, but after a bit of a reading drought around my first year of college I got a lot slower...I'm nothing like I used to be! Any tips?? How do you DO it??? :OOO
  10. esamitch


    what a sweet what a precious we need to protect him
  11. esamitch


    I actually made this for Cosmere secret santa on Tumblr last year, without ever having finished Elantris! I have finished it now, and I love Raoden he is my son and I love him.
  12. esamitch


    Thank you!!! That means so much coming from you!
  13. Aaaaah, how could you ask me that?! I suppose....Shallan??? I don't know I love her so much but I think I'm more attached to Kaladin and Dalinar! My best artwork I actually just put in the Stormlight fanart gallery, but EVERYTHING I've done is here: http://esamitch.tumblr.com/tagged/cosmere+fanart It's pretty much a bunch of Kaladins, a few other Stormlight people, and then a surprise bonus Raoden.
  14. esamitch


    Be still my beating heart I love these children more than life itself I didn't think I would but I do If they're not endgame I'm gonna flip a table
  15. esamitch


    Jasnah, more like BADASSNAH. Am I allowed to say that on here? Guess I'll find out. I've finally figured out a rendition of Jasnah that I like! I previously drew her a little too young and frilly. I also realized that her soulcaster/free-hand are on the wrong hand and I'm dead inside.
  16. esamitch


    Dalinar...or should we say, HOT DAD-LINAR This is my first attempt at depicting my chivalrous fave. I know he's supposed to be gruff and weathered and gritty looking but...I just can't bring myself to do that. He's a hot dad. Deal with it.
  17. esamitch


    He's one of my favorite characters, but I had no idea how to draw him until recently! I'm toying with the idea that sidecuts are popular among the young Roshar nobles, and Adolin would be able to use it as a way to be fashionable without compromising a (moderately) tame military haircut.
  18. esamitch


    Sweet, beautiful Shallan! I used to picture her a lot more like Merida, but with less crazy hair, but I'm trying a different approach. Still not sure of her bangs though!
  19. esamitch


    My child. After lots of depictions where he looked too beefy and more like a 35 year old, I think this is the Kaladin I'm sticking with. I'll have to update this so he's a little less malnourished and a little more newfound-Radiant-captain.
  20. Hello there! My name is Teresa, but most people on the Internet call me Esa because it's a much cuter and more endearing nickname. I've been a fan of the Cosmere and Brandon Sanderson for about four years, ever since I read The Way of Kings for the first time. Recently, I've been doing my best to read all of Brandon's books, even though I'm not a very proficient reader anymore (college and adulthood have kind of taken their toll on my time management). So far I've read both Stormlight books and Elantris, and now I'm working my way through Mistborn for the second time (though I never finished the trilogy...I dropped it for some reason halfway through Hero of Ages!). I've also gotten my older sister to read Way of Kings, and she's halfway through and completely addicted! Recently I've been trying to put myself out there on Tumblr as a fairly consistent artist for Cosmere stuff, mostly Stormlight. I thought coming here would help that! I'd also like to be in the loop for news and theories about Stormlight 3...I'm going a little crazy waiting for it! So yes, this is my eager, very very newbie-esque introduction. I hope I can dedicate at least a LITTLE time to this forum before real life and junior year of college takes over!
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