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Posts posted by Conquestor

  1. Ummmmm, I'm lost for words. What happened last cycle??? I'll probably go look through it myself, but a quick update would be nice! I was super busy yesterday and then forgot about the game this morning, but I should be here and active for the rest of the time.

    Also, only half of the players in the game voted... what's up with that?

  2. @Shining Silhouette You seem to be rather talkative this cycle, any reason for it? Also, Xino, you were evil with Stick for one of those games and did you just give more reasoning for this vote than any of your other votes last game??? :P


    Simeon looked around as people started shifting at the news of the betrayal and how anyone could be one of these "spiked". This is the sort of thing that Simeon has dealt with for his whole life. This time, a whole town was at risk of death and destruction. If these "spiked" managed to destroy the town... well that would have some big repercussions for the Venture's and many of the other great families involved in this mess. 

    Simeon walked away, giving it some thought. Some of the people were acting a little unusual at the meeting, but that could just be the nerves getting the best of them. It would be best to prepare his own house, just in case. "Tezin, I want each of the guards to be searched for spikes and each key location to be double guarded." Simeon said to Tezin, his Terris steward. Tezin started to walk off, but before he could get more than a couple of steps, Simeon stopped him. "Oh, and move the children into our room, just in case. Be careful Tezin." Tezin nodded knowingly and walked towards the Venture home. Simeon looked after him worriedly, his family would make it through this.

  3. Sorry, I meant to be more active this cycle than I was... Anyways, the reason for my vote on Xino, was to see if someone would try to defend Xino since I had no reads on them. Since no one even tried to defend Xino, I'm inclined to think that they are not elim. 

    As for Stick's posts this cycle, I love the in depth analyzing that she is doing, but it seems to strongly favor Devo over anyone else, meaning it looks like she is trying to protect a teammate instead of actually trying to find e/e interactions. (Given Illwei's posts, however, I can't really blame anyone for not finding anything.) my biggest thing is that I feel like Stick is playing very similarly to her last game where she was an elim and attempted to protect her teammate to the end... And it worked! I'm still so impressed by that Stick! 

    My impression of Devo from past games is that she is a win at any cost kind of elim, which means she's willing to bus a teammate and probably willing to get voted out if it means her teammates don't out themselves. If Tani really was an elim, then it would make sense why there weren't a lot of early on e/e interactions, and given that Stick has taken over Tani's role... Stick

    If Stick and Devo are elims like I think, Stick's death will confirm it for me. 


    @_Stick_ @Mark IV @Shining Silhouette @xinoehp512 @Devotary of Spontaneity

    What are your thoughts everyone else? Also, like Stick said, the cycle is ending soon. Also because I forgot to do this in the post... Xino

  4. 7 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

    All four votes were within 30 minutes, and it took that long to write the post because I wasn't going to switch just because Conq said so. I voted Mat initially as a placeholder because Illwei was null and then switched since Illwei had more plausible teammates than Mat. Currently looking in the Xino/Stick/you pool, noting that you voted Xino over Illwei or Mat then switched to Mat and then Conq while Stick voted Mat early and didn't come back and Xino didn't vote at all.

    That's fair, I wouldn't just swap a vote because someone told me to either, but because me and Mat pushed past our differences and swapped our votes, we got an elim. It's definitely not the best way to play, but it worked this time. 

    Xino, you have been pretty quiet. Any reason you didn't vote last cycle and any new thoughts for us this cycle? @xinoehp512who do you think is e/e with Illwei? I need to really look back and see but I'll do that tomorrow. 

  5. No Mat!!! It was too soon! We had just united our flag of confusion to finally catch a member of the Polaroid gang! That begs the question... Who are Illwei's teammates... 

    The first couple of people that come to mind are Devo, Stick, and Xino. There is a chance that Mark is Elim, but I'm happy to v lean him for now. 


    Also, there are at max, only two more members of the Polaroid gang, otherwise we would've lost. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    You voted Shining last turn, right? That’s mostly why it moved to Conq, I think. Why do you think people are voting me? The implication there is that you know, and I don’t :P

    Would rather go Illwei but also this is a 2-2-2 tie, yes?

    Edit: wait wdym Illwei is voting me, no she’s not lol

    Whoops, when I looked at the vote count I read Illwei (1): Mat as Illwei voting for you... It's Stick who is voting for you... Also no! Thanks to Shining who has made it 3-2-1.


    @Archer, did you set an end time for this cycle or is this one just for jokes and is going to go for one more full day? :ph34r::lol:

  7. Wait, what just happened??? I guess this is how you felt Mat! :P I'm wondering if it's possible that we are all village right now and if Xino, Stick, Devo, and Illwei are who we should be going after... This is so much changing and the last time I remember it being this crazy is in the first cycle of the last QF with Mat being the only elim. 

    @Matrim's Dice, there is also a decent chance of there being other vil manips as well that are going to mess with the current vote count, which is what I'm most afraid of.

    1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    Seriously people

    @Shining Silhouette @Mark IV @Devotary of Spontaneity @Conquestor

    Do all of you think that my exe taking off with literally zero resistance and questionable reasoning results in my red flip. This is a legit question.

    Also, doesn't the same apply to me? Again, perhaps the four of us (Mat, Shining, Mark and I) are vils and we are just playing into the elim's hands. Also, doesn't it seem weird that Devo hasn't voted?


    Also, if there is a three elim team, don't we have a good chance of losing if we get this vote wrong?

  8. Just as I thought! I voted Shining to see if I could get this cycle a little more riled up and voila! It seems that in one way or another, people are attached to Shining, for some reason. It looks like it's Illwei versus shining, with the possibility that Mat could pull into the lead. I read Shining as neutral, but was testing to see if there were any connections i.e. if anyone really wanted them to die. I didn't really want to kill Shining, like how I didn't want Mark to die. I do think that it's interesting that both Mat and Stick came out to vote on separate people, perhaps proposing wagons that people might want to join instead of on Shining? I do doubt that though as Shining's recent posts really ring village to me.

    Mat, I think he has been manipulating us using Shining as a shield to defend himself. He hasn't really given too many reads on other people, but seems pretty sure that Shining is village.

    5 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    I doubt that’s true :P

    @Shining Silhouette how do you feel about xino? Cause I sorta feel like it’s not useful to vote someone with as little posts but the same could be said in regards to Illwei, and at least xino has voted. Which is analyzable.

    If this isn't fishing for votes, what is? What about all the other players Mat? I know that you are calling Shining out because he was selfpres voting, but this seems more like you are trying to save Illwei than actually trying to get Xino exed.



    @Shining Silhouette, you have a free vote now, no one is voting for you.

  9. @Mark IV No, I have no more questions, your answers were very satisfactory. I wouldn't say I trust Xino though, they've hardly said anything, but voted on the same person as me. I would say I'm more neutral about him. Mark. Also, if no one else is going to do it... Shining. Why is everyone have a total lack of voting in them this cycle! @Shining Silhouette You and Mat seem like you two are pretty close... Mat has defended you for two cycles, you talked about voting on him instead of JNV in the first cycle, but conveniently change your mind after that cycle is over.

    @Illwei Any words of wisdom??? I don't think Mat would stick out his neck for his teammate that much, but maybe he was trying to switch things up?

    Teammates... I'm going to go back through cycles and try and figure out who could and probably isn't on a team/are coordinating.

  10. 2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    Lol. When you put it like that it makes it obvious I wasn't thinking about it at all, doesn't it :P

    I voted Tani as an inactivity poke in response to a less than productive VC but you're right that those don't really correlate together.

    I figured that's why you voted Tani, it was just kind of funny! 

    Also, @_Stick_welcome! Appreciate you stepping in, even though your busy!

    Also, are we just going to let Mark die? So far my vote is the only vote out this cycle which might mean that he's not an elim because no one seems to care that he'll die... @Mark IVI,  are you around? 

  11. I'm just going to quote myself because I have questions that I posted EoD...


    @Mark IV Mark, you seem rather quiet and your vote on JNV last cycle is both very analytical, but also backtracked on itself a lot, as though you wanted to make sure you could back out of your assumptions if they became dangerous to have. The biggest one is JNV where you talk about how his post isn't elim but change your mind for info gathering, which isn't an inherently bad reason, but who are you vil and elim reading currently? You also said that Mat and Devo would be good to look into if JNV flipped elim, but that because you hadn't read them as elim yet, you wouldn't feel comfortable analysing them. Did you mean deeply or at all? 

    @Matrim's Dice I just want to clarify, why did you see the vote count 1,1,1, say that was pitiful and then vote Tani to make it 1,1,1,1?

    Okay, we are down to two-thirds of the players that we started with. I guess I'll start with Mark for now, but we'll see what happens.

  12. 2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    Not a comment on you, I just meant that your reasoning was disproved almost immediately and xino himself said he had none.


    Oh no, I was being dramatic, don't worry, I wasn't hurt by the comment! :P I was also curious as to why you did say that though. Also, I went back and looked, apparently she voted 3 hours before the cycle ended and I believe and hour or so before the cycle could've ended. It just felt soon, because there were a bunch of posts after she voted...

    Vote Count:

    Wizard: Danex, Mat, Shining

    Devo: Conq, Xino

    Shining: Devo

    1 hour ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

    Did you have suspicions about Mat at the time? What changed your mind if so?

    Elim Wizard likely is with at least one of Conq or Xino. Neither of them can be the vote doubler so e!Wizard not voting in self-defense is strange. I dislike Shining saying he would have voted for Mat to "tie" it but now doesn't suspect him. That seems like a way to avoid voting for a teammate.

    Wait... Elim wizard means that me or Xino are teamed with wizard... Why? Wizard also seems suspicious because his playstyle has changed up, yes? (Among other things) Would we really expect wizard not to save himself both cycles??? If he's an elim, his teammates either don't like him, or they were planning something tricky. 

    @Mark IV Mark, you seem rather quiet and your vote on JNV last cycle is both very analytical, but also backtracked on itself a lot, as though you wanted to make sure you could back out of your assumptions if they became dangerous to have. The biggest one is JNV where you talk about how his post isn't elim but change your mind for info gathering, which isn't an inherently bad reason, but who are you vil and elim reading currently? You also said that Mat and Devo would be good to look into if JNV flipped elim, but that because you hadn't read them as elim yet, you wouldn't feel comfortable analysing them. Did you mean deeply or at all? 

    @Matrim's Dice I just want to clarify, why did you see the vote count 1,1,1, say that was pitiful and then vote Tani to make it 1,1,1,1?

  13. Quote

    (Illwei) Low info kills are generally made when an Elim is widely village read/is very present in the game, and either those village reading them are widely village read, or they have teammates that are the same @Conquestor.

    Okay, that makes sense given my experience. I would assume that the elims are some of the more active ones this game. Given how helpful you've been and how much you are playing like your vil games, I'm going to v-lean you. Since you are way better at reading Mat than I am, I'm gonna trust you on this one and put Mat in my V-lean camp.

    2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    The worst part about this is that neither Devo vote means anything

    Ouch! What do you mean you my vote doesn't mean anything? I agree that my reasoning wasn't perfect, but I was going based on my hunch and what I saw as potential elim activity.

    Speaking of which I agree that Wiz is acting very elimmy. He just seems very sensitive to being labeled as an elim.


    That is a amazing writeup.

    I'm not going to make the same mistake as last time Mat..

    Also, this is an interesting post by Wizard...


    I needed a refresh as well but I think I understand now. PM's? Send a few. I will have variable activity as well as lower activity.

    The only problem I'm running into is that it is really hard to see who would be teamed with Wiz...

  14. Hmmm. There isn't a lot to go off of last cycle, but I did notice something that did peak my interest... Devo, you seem to be voting much earlier in the cycle than you usually do. Why is that? I know that multiple people have brought up something about Devo constantly changing her playstyle to make it hard to tell whether she is an elim or not. It was said though, that she especially switches things up when she is an elim. I don't really know if that applies here, but that's what I got. She also jumped on to JNV with Shining, after Wizard and Mat were voted for... Diluting the voting pool, protecting someone, or a random vote? Too many possibilities!

  15. Dang it! I got busier than I wanted to... I also didn't take into account the fact that I'm in the MST timezone... I'll do better this cycle! Anyways... 

    I definitely agree that TUN was a weird kill. Did he even say anything last cycle? If not then I would chalk it up to a "low info kill". Who is more inclined to do that as an Elim? I remember that Kas, Fifth, and Devo did it in the last MR (evil Librarians) but I can't remember who else has done it. 

    It's also unfortunate that we lost two information roles. They were both Unrestricted, which was also interesting. Also, I'm suspecting that whoever the vote doubler was, is likely to be vil. I do doubt that the whole train was pure, so I'll go back and look later. My biggest question is, was someone trying to protect people last cycle? 

  16. 5 minutes ago, dannnnnnex said:

    one of these days i should remember that you can't make jokes C1 without having everyone just analyze it

    because it's C1

    and there's nothing else to analyze

    Everything is suspect! Leave no stone unturned. Etc. The important thing about C1 is that the elims are going to want to establish themselves. C1 and C2 sets up how the elims are going to play for the rest of the game. At least, that's what I've seen. What we'll need to watch for is patterns. Of course, on C1 itself, there really is nothing to go on... :shrug:

  17. Hey! Sorry, I uh forgot about this, which is so unlike me... 

    I would say that the last couple of posts have been rather interesting. The way I see it, Shining could be defending Danex or Wizard could be defending JNV or Mat could be Defending Shining or JNV. There's also the decent chance that no one's defending anyone, but that is the most boring option, so Mat, because there are more odds of you defending someone. I don't really see this vote sticking to the end of the cycle. I promise to be on more tomorrow, especially around 1pm, so I can guarantee that I get something in. 

  18. @dannnnnnex What's a sword vote?

    Also, my thoughts on pms is that they should be used strategically. I'm assuming that most pms won't get more than 2-3 messages per cycle. (Depending on the amount of pms each person has and how much they want to use those roles in that given cycle.) I will probably be at the lower end of pm messaging, I usually am anyways, but I will reach out if I think it's necessary and will respond to any pms given. 

    As for the coins... That will be an interesting sub game. I'm curious about whether it'll be highly desired and useful, or just something extra and fun. 


    Tommy peeked around the corner again. His target was definitely there. He took out his camera quickly before his target could take the young blond from his car into the hotel. He snapped some quick pics, 23 to be exact, and moved to follow. He needed so many pictures because you never know which one will be best! He wasn't the best camera man but he was dang good at following a story. 

    He moved into the hotel as his target went up the stairs. He took of his fedora and moved over to the stairs. He heard the door to the third level close and ran up the stairs to it. He quietly opened the door and searched up and down both hallways. "There!" Tommy thought to himself. He snapped some more pics of the two of the heading into the room. Ding! Ding! Ding! The steps below him rang out and he decided that he would rather not get caught snooping again. 

    He put his camera away and walked out of the hotel. He was heading back to his apartment so he could sort through the pictures and take the best ones to work in the morning. He would then write out the story, if he's lucky, it might even get the front page! 

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