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Everything posted by breakingamber

  1. I've been trying to imply that GU's completely batshit insane at this point and only cares about murdering Gray Boy specifically for... reasons. Whatever happens to Blasto is a great idea though... okay. I'll go with that. Finally, I've been skirting around GM with these 'movies' because it's an extremely sensitive topic that nobody knows anything about. Is it reasonable for some tinker to throw the entire Earth Bet internet through a portal to Earth Aleph? That's how I'm assuming all this info gets there, classified government information included.
  2. For the record... that was similar to the plan I had for a funny scene in a fanfiction where a woman invites her good friends Taylor and Madeline over for a Slaughterhouse marathon, and they're looking at each other suspiciously and laughing together over some of the horrible inaccuracies while said woman looks at them like they're insane. "How the hell do you two know that <OBSCURE S9 FACT>?" "Firsthand experience." "WHAT"
  3. For some reason, I wanted to post this. In the Wormverse, the Slaughterhouse Nine are a horrible group of superpowered serial killers, and I figured that, after their collective demise, there would be movies made about them a la Scream. Thus: My vague ideas for the plots of the Slaughterhouse horror series and the reactions. The premise is a series of Earth Aleph movies created after essentially the entirety of the Internet was tossed through a portal during GM. They are inaccurate in many ways. Now, even after puking all that out, I need an idea for Slaughterhouse Eleven, mostly because it's a stupid running gag in my lousy fanfiction. Any thoughts? Also jeez I thought that would only take 30 minutes or so? I must be delusional.
  4. Bit of a dumb question: Has anyone seen a Reckoners RP character or someone seemingly based off one in another work, or used one as inspiration for a character in their work? Is this question comprehensible? I was considering using 'Orbit and the Belt' because it's a really nice turn of phrase, for example.
  5. Right now mostly I've got a planning document and a bunch of scenes in my head. I can share the doc, but I don't really want to because it is seriously unfinished. I'm hardly even in the planning phase yet, not to mention how much of a pain school is being right now.
  6. Argh, I just read some pretty good Worm fanfiction, and now I'm even more hyped to continue writing but I can't because all the people with whom my characters might interact have their writers busy. *bashes self in head repeatedly*
  7. Hm. I have part three of Karina's character backstory written, but I really don't want to post it until/if we get anything moving again, mostly because I'm trying to determine <REDACTED>.
  8. Sorry, serious is probably not the right word. On-topic might be a better one. Can we get @TwiLyghtSansSparkles back on the scene? I personally really want to know what happens with Jade and Nathan. Also I have a vaguely interesting idea and some vaguely annoying questions (mainly, "would MV recognize either of the two). I'd be game for writing Bloodlight or Arachnerd. Anyone else?
  9. Alright, serious talk now. Despite Saze's momentary comeback, I'm pretty sure that at this point we need to do something about his absence. I would suggest taking over his characters temporarily until he comes back for good. Who's game?
  10. Hooray! Saze is back! We need a lot of stuff for the meeting. Karabiner's entrance, as well as something to do with Arachnerd and Lord Kelvin approaching the stadium. Some stuff regarding Nate and Liam. EDIT: Also, would you mind joining the Discord? You can use this link: https://discord.gg/Y2ZvfuR . If not, would you provide some other method of contacting you? Thanks in advance.
  11. I'd agree with that. While Landy does have Chekhov's Guns in his works, they're typically heavily foreshadowed and one can almost guess exactly how they'll be used. Near the end of the first series, the books all tend to end the same way as well, with [REDACTED]. Butcher, on the other hand, tends to use Guns in much more subtle ways and across multiple works. In particular, the book with the lack of his blasting rod and fire magic being a key plot point was rather creative and made me smile when I read it.
  12. At this point, it feels like 50% of my posts are asking people to do things, 40% are talking about my reading material, and 10% are complaining about how hard it is to write. I've finished the Dresden Files, which was surprisingly good. It's kind of like Skulduggery Pleasant, except more mature. Maybe I should start on Wheel of Time next... or maybe Wax and Wayne? It didn't really capture my attention when I first started reading it, so I'm hesitant to pick it up again.
  13. To quote myself there, I think we need @TwiLyghtSansSparkles, @Comatose and @Sazedezas, and possibly @Voidus Additionally, we may need @DrakeMarshmallow to move the meeting along some more. At this point, we either need someone to claim territory to add more filler to the meeting to flesh it out a bit more or someone to notice the time bubble to move it along even further.
  14. Hm... that sounds like an interesting strategy, but it also sounds difficult for one to relate to that kind of character. For me, it's usually just strange and awkward rather than weird and funny. Although I guess that's the basis for cringe comedy.
  15. Haha, I thought you said 'temporarily confused' for a minute there, and thought, 'isn't everybody?' I'm probably going to iron out some more of the kinks as I keep writing and revising what I've already written, but at the end of the day I know I'm just not a very good writer. I do hope to become better with time and practice though. Also, does anyone revise their posts they've already made because something was off or you'd written something wrongly or something just seems OOC etc.?
  16. So... um... couple questions. @TwiLyghtSansSparkles: Would Jade and Nathan even stick around for the meeting? Seems like they'd just hightail it out of there as soon as something looked vaguely like 'a bunch of Epics in the same location'. @Comatose: I was told that you could contact Saze? Would you be willing to do so @Voidus: How do you plan to coordinate the timeskip and stuff involving your two characters outside the time bubble? Hope I haven't irritated all the mods... oh wait. On a side note, I wish I'd thought through my character a little better. I'm rewriting her and her backstory left and right, and I just know there's bunch of contradictions in my posts I've yet to notice.
  17. Hm, that doesn't seem right. I believe Knighthawk mentions that he made several harmsways from other Epics to use one his wife, though none of them worked.
  18. 4 years ago Karina walked down the sidewalk and breathed in the arid Texas air. The sidewalk beneath her feet was cracked, but not unreasonably so and thus she continued walking on it. She waved at some of the people walking by, most of which waved back or offered some cheerful greeting in return. She halted when she recognized a minor Epic wearing a leather jacket and a somewhat stereotypical cowboy hat. He had a revolver holstered at his waist, and cowboy boots with spurs. He looked at her, and she quickly got out of his way but also prepared to grab her rifle and fire. His name is Shattershot, I think? He's one of Boombox's thugs, and he has the power to... she frantically racked her brain for information - to shatter bullets in midair as if they were frag grenades. Also enhanced reflexes. A good shot to the back of his head should take him down as long as he doesn't see it coming. He walked on past, and she watched him as he walked past, itching to take a shot at him and figuring another dead Epic could not hurt. Eventually, she let out a quiet sigh, turned around, and kept walking. Trying to kill him here in public would draw too much attention and almost certainly blow her cover. She still had a family to look after, and it was no secret as to where her mother and sister lived. Regardless, she couldn't help but feel like a coward as she approached her apartment building. Karina entered the the complex, waved at the woman at the front desk, and took the elevator to the nineteenth floor. She walked down the hallway and inserted her key into the lock on the door to her room, twisted it, and pushed the door open. Their apartment was of a decent size. Karina walked through the doorway into the sitting room and looking forward towards the kitchen, looking for her sister. For a split second, she thought she saw her sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. Karina blinked and then her sister was walking towards her. Serena wore a loose-fitting sports jersey and stained white shorts. Her black hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she folded her arms and stopped at arms length away from her sister, frowning. Karina hadn't noticed her sister's ill mood, and she casually took her rifle off her back, setting it down on a small table near the wall. Still oblivious, she turned to her sister, rambling, "Hey Serena, how're you doing? You know Davy? The Australian guy? He apparently got a real bona fide baseball for you." She leaned closer conspiratorially. "I think he likes you!" Serena scowled. "Where have you been?" The older sister replied offhandedly as she opened up a cabinet to retrieve a bowl, "Oh, at work. Moved some boxes around, worked with some weapons, you know the drill. Need to go back in about an hour, but I figured I might as well spend some time with you and catch up with Mama first. How was your day?" Karina found an oatmeal packet in the small pantry and prepared it to eat. She'd never told her sister nor mother she was a Reckoner, and didn't really plan to. It was just too dangerous both for them and her. Serena hadn't moved from where she was standing. She flatly replied, "Archangel got pissed off and blasted the marketplace. I'm out of work for at least a month." Karina finally processed that something was off, and turned back to look at her younger sister, and gasped. "Calamity, you look awful! What the sparks happened?" Her forehead had a very noticable, very purple bruise just above her right eye, and her entire body was splattered with dried blood. One of her legs looked badly charred, and her hair was slightly singed as well. Karina immediately walked towards her sister, exclaiming, "I can't believe you're still standing! You must've lost so - " Serena stiffly interrupted, "If you're worried about the blood, don't. It's not mine. Mostly it's Caden's and Julia's, they're the ones that pissed the sparking Epic off." She winced as her older sister poked gently at the bruise above her eye. Serena irritably brushed her sister's hand off of her face, then suddenly started shouting. "Where have you been the past three weeks? Mama's been worried about you and I've had to take care of her by myself! What in the world have you been doing?" "Three weeks? Surely it couldn't have been that long..." She trailed off. Karina realized with a start that she hadn't seen her sister this riled up in long time. She'd known her sister to be a rather reserved, cautious person, always trying to avoid offending whoever she was talking to. Now, she was absolutely furious. And not undeservedly so, I guess... Three weeks? "Yes it clearly could've been that long, because it has! Answer my question! What have you been doing recently that's so important that you let your sister get burned and beaten by some random Epic?" Karina defensively replied, "Well, it's very important but I can't really tell - " "Oh it's so important. More important than your mother and sister," Serena interrupted. She snorted derisively. Sarcastically, she continued, "Well don't let me stop you. Go ahead, with your secret meetings and your stupid friends. They're clearly too good for us." Her tone changed again, back to seething rage. "For that matter, even when you were here, you really weren't, were you? Always looking at a stupid book or working on your stupid sparking rifle." She walked over to said rifle and picked it up. "When was the last time you really even talked to us? Not just the basic banal greetings, really talked to us, asked us what we thought and our sparking hopes and dreams and whatever else?" Karina started to wonder if something was really wrong. Her sister rambled on for another minute or so, and eventually Karina interrupted, "Do you want me to leave? You're clearly worked up and - " Evidently, that was the wrong thing to say. Serena snarled, and suddenly Karina hit the ground, dazed from her sister's surprisingly strong left hook. I didn't see that coming... that's strange, some part of her brain felt. Most of it, however, was preoccupied with the dull pain in her cheek. Karina made an effort to sit up and leaned against a nearby chair, then groaned as she felt a vicious headache coming on. She forced a laugh, though it sounded more like coughing. "Sparks, you hit hard. That'll leave a mark." Serena was sitting on the nearby couch, her head in her hands. The younger girl looked absolutely miserable. The SKS-45 lay on the table in front of her, forgotten. Her older sibling shakily rose to her feet, then sat back down beside her. Silence reigned for a couple minutes, as the two siblings simply sat next to each other. Karina's cheek slowly turned purple. Eventually, Serena slowly sat up and broke the silence. "I'm sorry. That... that was... I'm sorry. I don't..." She made an incomprehensible gesture where she clenched her and unclenched her hands repeatedly and waved them around in circles. "I mean..." Karina tried to smile comfortingly. "It's okay. I'm sorry too. I guess that you really do have a point." Serena frantically gestured and started to speak, but her sister held up a hand and continued. "I haven't been spending much time with you, come to think of it. I've just been really busy. It's just that - " Serena finally interrupted, "No no no, it's fine, I know what you do pays pretty well and we need to to pay for the apartment and for Mama - " Now it was Karina who interrupted, " - but that's no excuse for me to go and ignore my family." She looked at her younger sister, and felt a pang of sadness seeing her sister so miserable. She looked up at the clock, and realized with alarm that she only had about 20 minutes left until she had to head back to base. She brushed aside her concern temporarily; right now the important thing was patching up her relationship with her sister. Said sister frowned, then asked a question she'd asked likely dozens of times before. "What do you do, anyway? You need your rifle for it, so I thought it might be a protection job, but then again..." She shrugged. "...I can't figure it out." Karina considered the question. In the past, she'd always tried to dodge the question, usually by giving out specific details about what she'd done that day. She tried not to lie to her sister if she could, though it was sometimes inevitable. Today though, she had a strong impulse to tell the truth. I'm a Reckoner. One of those shadowy people in the shadows that kills Epics across the Fractured States. "I'm a Reckoner. One of those shadowy people in the shadows that kills Epics across the Fractured States." she quietly answered. Karina mentally slapped herself. Serena's eyes widened. She opened her mouth, then closed it. Something went through her eyes - Fear? Surprise? Admiration? - and her face grew pale. "You've got to be kidding me." Karina immediately considered pretending that she was, in fact, joking. She realized she couldn't lie to her sister, and instead turned back to her sister, whispering, "Please don't tell anyone. Not for anything. It's really dangerous both for you and Mama to know this. Please be careful, I shouldn't have told you. The gang believes that my family doesn't know... dammit how am I going to break it to them?" She got up and paced around the small space, her headache forgotten. Strapping on her rifle, she turned back towards her sister, her voice softening. "Look, I've got a job in just a couple days. After that, we'll probably have a break for a while. I'll find a way to tell the team later, but I'll take a break from that stuff for a while." Her voice quickened, and she was on the edge of rambling. "We'll have some time together, I'll tell Mama, maybe I'll really let you meet the rest of the - " Karina paused and took a deep breath. "Just don't tell anyone, okay?" Serena had composed herself. Her face was unreadable. She nodded. Karina looked back at her sister, then opened the apartment door and walked through.
  19. Now why didn't I think of that? EDIT: So, this next passage works under the assumption that the reason most Epics are just plain evil from the get go is because they use their powers heavily during their Rending. If someone was, say, knocked out during before they could use their powers extensively, would they still be fully corrupted? ANOTHER EDIT: Do you think all Reckoners teams would have harmsways and/or some other healing device? I'm inclined to say no.
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