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Everything posted by breakingamber

  1. No offense, but isn't that basically the WHOOCs? Also, just reading it again: The one about how the 'redeemed' girls face down Lighwards (and apparently chased Arsenal to Alaska?) makes me kind of sad now, based on way the now-mostly-redeemed Dr. is acting.
  2. LOL Impact's landing site. FYI, if you wanted to know, Karina's former house is at 3520 12A Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 3L5, Canada EDIT: I just wanted to share this with you. PanSolo stumbles into a car somewhere towards the back of the rollover coaster and fastens his seatbelt. He then engages in an animated conversation with nobody. It's just sad, really. breakingamber feels sorry for him and lets Voidus poke him PanSolo isn't drunk enough to confuse Voidus for Tammy. He thus turns to the empty space that he is drunk enough to confuse for Tammy and rambles.
  3. Alright. Thanks. I have a good idea about how I'm going to write my part now. Would the intersection of 34 St NW (the road going north from Checkpoint 1) and 16a Ave NW (first major road intersecting it) make sense? Karina's going to try and find her former home.
  4. ...note to self: read more Sanderson books. Oh, sorry to change the subject, but where are Impact and MV in Edmonton mapwise? I can't quite figure it out; are they inside Epoch's territory? Just outside it?
  5. Don't worry, some people(?) bloom a little later than you'd like. I'm sure you'd have preferred if she made her first deal for someone elses sole at age 0.3, though I doubt anyone else would. Other than me, of course. Mostly because I'm at least partially insane.
  6. I AM THE (former) RULER OF SALEM! AND IN EXACTLY ELEVEN MINUTES AND TWELVE SECONDS, I WILL... bow to you to show that I am most clearly superior and that I don't need to crush you like the puny bug you are to prove that I am more powerful than you. Also, my future plans for my character involve slipping through checkpoint A, not going through checkpoint B, witnessing an Epic fight and talking to MV. Oh! Jingle bombs, jingle bombs, jingle all the way... What state is Checkpoint 1 in right now? I'd expect it to be in total disarray and hardly even functional after this recent surge of Epics.
  7. I don't know why it's probably Jacklyn's fault, but it might be because of Nicroburst o.o EDIT: I'm just curious about something; this meeting in the stadium between just about everybody; what are the odds of it erupting into violence? Asusming you guys haven't planned this out already (just looking at the meeting doc)
  8. Because then I'd write a horrible heartwrenching scene about how a guy I didn't really care about died. Actually, that might be fun. Never mind!
  9. Two weeks ago The truck stopped. Again. Karina sighed, sat, and then stood up. Her back had been rumbling against the back of the pickup for the past hundred miles or so, giving her back pains to go along with her ever-more-painful headache. "Why did we have to sell the shock absorbers?" she mumbled as she climbed over the thin lip that had guarded her life as she'd travelled north. The driver, Clovis, was hunched over, a large map spread out over the wheel. He was mildly pudgy, but much cleverer than one might expect from the sports fanatic he was pre-calamity. Karina walked up to the truck door. "What happened? Why are we stopping? I mean, I'm in no hurry, but I hate just being a sitting duck out here. Is something broken?" Clovis continued studying the map. "Well, nothing's broken. Might have some trouble starting this hunk of junk up again, but the truck's fine for now. I'd hate to leave it behind." He had told her he'd gotten the truck from a Newcago scrapyard with his buddy Turt, who was snoring in the passenger seat. "What's the problem then?" "I think we've drifted too far west. Take a look." He pointed at his map, then looked at the compass dangling down from the mirror. "Remember when we made that detour to avoid Ashburn? That's Minot on the map." Karina frowned as she traced his thick finger down their route. "We took this highway west, passed through Bismarck, and now we're at this junction. We'll want to avoid Helena, because I've heard there's a bunch of different Epics fighting over it. Instead, we'll be passing through Missoula, where we'll probably also be able to get some extra gas. Then we'll head north and we'll be in Edmon- I mean, Olympia Polaris - in no time." Karina thought about it and said, "I don't like passing by Hauntsville," as she pointed to Spokane, "but it's probably necessary. We're avoiding Calgary for sure, right?" Clovis nodded, grinned, and then said, "Then it's settled then." He got out of the truck, flipping the hood over as he did so. "Could you hold these two wires together so we can get back on the move?" --- --- --- One week ago "Stop the car!" Turt slammed on the brakes as Karina screamed from the passenger seat. "Sparks, you almost gave me a heart attack. What is it, Indy?" She frowned and said, "I'm getting out. I thought I saw some smoke in those trees over there." Turt shrugged and said, "It's your funeral. We're almost to Edmonton; only an hour away or so. If you want to walk the rest of the way, go ahead. I'm not stopping here." Karina glared, then threw open the car door, grabbing her backpack and rifle from the back before she trekked off. The skinny freckly guy watched her go, then said to thin air, "I know you wouldn't like it, Clovis, but hey. I'm going home." --- --- --- Karina batted at the brush in front of her with her rifle, cursing under her breath. "Sparking bushes. Hope there's actually something back here, else I'm walking to Edmonton for nothing." She hit a tree with her rifle, and snow fell down on top of her. "Calamity it's cold up here." She looked up, and saw that the smoke plume was only a couple dozen meters in front of her. Karina pushed through the branches and bushes with renewed urgency, until she stumbled upon what appeared to be a campsite. Surrounded by corpses. Karina looked around at the carnage. The fire had burned out of control slightly, burning its way to a nearby snow-covered tree, which was slowly putting the fire out. If I'd gotten here earlier, I probably would've been killed. Later, and I never would have noticed this. Looking back at the corpses, their methods of croaking varied significantly. One guy was decapitated, another impaled, and two of them had been shot, one much more than the other. Karina noticed a piece of paper in one of the female corpses' hands, and wrenched it out of her stiff grasp. It read, "Taylor Swift drank a black cherry Perrier and shared the rest with a fan during her last stadium concert" Puzzled, Karina put the paper into her sack. Maybe it's just a treasured piece of trivia? A code, perhaps? She entered one of the several tents placed around the campfire, finding a mobile. She turned it on, and, unfortunately, it had a password on it. Sighing, she stuffed that into her pack as well, found some ammunition (into the backpack!) and started trekking north, hopefully towards Edmonton. Or, as it was called now, Olympia Polaris.
  10. Welp. Yay. I get to be wrong about the death of 2.2 million (?) as opposed to 1.3 million (?) EDIT: Apparently, he also ruled Houston at some point. Interesting. Here's my idea of an intro post.
  11. Well sounds like he destroyed at least one Texas city before Book 1, so I'll just pull up Book 2 and reread it. Guess where I'm reading it? https://www.freevampirenovels.com/young/yd4301.html
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