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Everything posted by breakingamber

  1. RECKONERS: STILL ************* 'Huh, I didn't think that they were immat- oh, it's a different paint colour. Dang. I was hoping to find out how to actually contact them' Reckoner two blocks away peering through the window (?): We need better recruitment techniques.
  2. I'm back...somehow. Also, most of my blood is missing. I'm playing a former Reckoner character who is interested in contacting Reckoners in Edmonton. Any ideas about how how someone with zero technical experience might actually get in contact with them?
  3. Oh god hide your puppies and eat your babies, the fated return of the Lady is here! Oh, I'm overreacting aren't I. I'll probably be fIIIIN-
  4. At this point, I'll need to stop reading this forum else my sides will split in half like something else that splits in half. also:
  5. Not much, I think? You might want to write something about the Epic meeting in the stadium but I mostly just wanted to ask you a question: What are your plans for the Reckoners in Edmonton?
  6. Looking side to side, hoping he doesn't confuse anybody I like to think of the RP as a colossal game of tag, where someone slaps someone else in the face and tells them they're it. Except multiple people can be it at the same time, and the boundary of who is and isn't it is much less clear. Fun! Alternately, a D&D game where in any given encounter, people always roll either a 1 or a 20 on their Charisma/Wisdom/Epic ability check
  7. Also now The girl nodded slowly and slightly. While Karina knew she was an Epic, she couldn't help but see a young girl, not a monster who may have murdered an entire neighborhood. She almost seemed... human. Karina fingered a small metal box in her pocket, remembering some things she'd rather forget. 'Are you alright? In the head I mean. Or did you just not realize what I am?" The Epic pulled a small piece of cloth out of her pocket, wiping her nose while still crying. "I'm MV. An Epic." An electricity-based Epic? With flying powers, perhaps?". Karina shrugged her coat off. Honestly, I don't even need it at this point. These sweaters are warm enough. Holding it by the hoodie, she reached out to the younger girl, replying, "At this point, I'm pretty sure I have a subconscious death wish or something. But you remind me of someone." Karina winced as a pain in her head blossomed, almost as if it were saying, 'Run away now! EPICEPICEPIC YOU'RE GOING TO DIE' Karina blathered on regardless, trying to mask her pain with a smile. "My name is...Indy. Call me Indy."
  8. Now Karina had done some dumb things in her life. Apparently, getting murdered by an Epic was about to be the last one. The girl she'd attempted to comfort simply walked off the edge of the building she had been standing on, landing on the ground without breaking a leg, a sweat, or anything else, despite a quiet crunch sound being heard. As the Epic locked her pink-tinged eyes with the vanilla's brown, Karina instinctively took a step back and tightened her grip on her rifle, figuring that if she was going to go out, she might as well try to take this Epic with her. I hope she isn't a High Epic. That would make things a lot harder. The (relatively) young girl said something Karina didn't hear, then turned and walked down the street deeper into the suburbs. Karina was hit first by a surge of relief, but stayed on her guard. Many Epics could kill without seeing their targets. In fact, some Epics had to. Karina wondered when the wave of force was going to smash her into jelly, or the bone spike was going to smash her skull open. Could this be an illusion? A trick to get me to get me to do something? All of a sudden, the girl sighed and sat down, muttered something else, and tucked her knees in. Karina looked more closely, and was shocked to see that the Epic was crying. Karina didn't think she'd ever seen an Epic cry. Not even the Kraken, with four out of eight limbs cut off, hadn't let loose that salty trickle of tears (though he had let loose a rain of gore when she shot him in the face). Karina hesitated, raising her rifle slightly. I could probably end her right now. It was a possibility to be considered. Eventually, Karina came to a decision. I'm not going to live past thirty, am I? Sparks, I'm a sucker for... never mind. Karina slowly walked towards the Epic, careful not to touch her, and sat down beside her. Is she wearing jeans and a t-shirt? In Canada? Karina looked down at her thick coat, and felt slightly guilty. Looking at the blonde beside her, she hesitantly unzipped her coat and asked, "So... um... uh... are you cold?" Sparks, I'm going to die here.
  9. I mean, honestly, if anything, she would likely be firing shots simply on the basis that she's an Epic. But from what I've read, that has a good chance of actually killing MV, and if not, then certainly Karina. Is Comatose still on regularly?
  10. Hm... where do I go with this? I have half an urge to have Karina follow Megan, but that's both out of character and stupid. But simply interacting with other characters of your own construction is not very fun.
  11. Considering that there are probably countless AUs about this, we can probably have both. Also, working on a flowchart. This one, specifically: Did I miss anything big? Or small. I'm willing to add more stuff. I'm a very technical flowchart-statistically-liking-person-also-I-like-using-dashes-a-lot-
  12. Introducing... the NextMove GPS? It also can tell what you're having for lunch AND what you're having for dessert (but only on Tuesdays) Three motivators in one GPS-sized package!
  13. 'Uh, uh, I'll ask her if she wants to go kill some vanillas?" ERROR: Tsundere likes vanillas for some strange uncalculable reason... rebooting 'Dammit' "Why are you talking to yourself?" Also, @Voidus: What was/is your long term plan for MV/Impact's story arc?
  14. An hour ago, give or take a dozen minutes Of course, things were different now. From what she'd heard on the road, Edmonton (That was still the name of her city, and anyone who said otherwise was a sparking slontze) had naturally been ripped apart by Epics. She still didn't know much, but she did know that to get to her house, she'd have to enter Epoch's territory, which, according to a particularly elaborate speaker, "was a maze composed of the sands of time, fortunately navigable by anyone with a shred of sparking common sense." On one hand, it would probably be a bit of hassle. On the other hand, at least she had a lower chance of randomly being murdered...she hoped? She'd been wrong before. Walking down the ruined road, Karina winced as she tripped over a bit of rubble and her hand high-fived the asphalt. When she looked up again, she noticed a long line of people near a particular highway entering the city. Refugees from Oregon? Wonder what happened there. Karina got in line and chatted up a refugee next to her. He was, in fact, from Oregon, and was more than happy to share tall tales of what had happened. Naturally, Karina didn't pay much attention to the clearly made-up stories (a rain of pancakes? What is this, a Paul Bunyan story?) and simply trudged forward with the rest of the line. Eventually, she made it to the checkpoint, and after they searched and confiscated her pistol (but not her rifle, thank goodness), she was in. She bade farewell to the guy she was talking to and walked north. The streets of Edmonton were still more or less the same. A right turn on 12th street still lead to the Corner Pantry. Going left on 23rd still lead to the school. Karina had lived here for years, and still remembered these streets quite well. The occasional rubble pile caused her to navigate around, and sometimes she crossed the street to avoid an unsavory-looking group of (everyone), but it didn't take long for her to reach her old family home, the for-sale sign still stuck in the front yard, somehow. Karina smiled. I never thought I'd be back here... what is that? She ran inside the once-and-current shelter. Peeking out of a broken window, Karina inwardly cursed. Sparks! Epics! Two Epics faced each other down on the street not far outside the house, one male wearing a black trench coat, and one female with blond hair that almost could pass for a vanilla if not for the fierce expression on her face, as well as the fact that she was hovering above the ground. The man tossed out several small round objects, and Karina instinctively ducked as they exploded. Looking back up, a thick smoke cloud surrounded the combatants, obscuring them from view. Suddenly, more things happened. A red van barrelled down the street, and a girl almost identical to the Epic Karina had seen climbed out and ran towards the scene. What are you doing? You're going to get killed! The van disappeared somehow, and all of a sudden, Karina lost eyesight somehow. She stepped backwards, slipped on a piece of glass, and fell hard on her back. She just lay there for a couple seconds, thinking. All right. I've never heard of twin Epics, so this new girl must be a sister... wow, that sparking sucks. Karina's eyesight returned, and she shakily stood back up, peeking out of the window again. The male Epic had vanished, and the Epic one grabbed her probably-sister and flew her to a nearby rooftop, where they exchanged words Karina couldn't hear. Surprisingly, the Epic left her sister live and flew away. Karina decided to take a risk and walked back out the door. Poor girl. Doesn't look like she has anyone taking care of her anymore... I know how that feels. Walking to the foot of the other building, Karina yelled, "Hey! Are you okay? Was that your sister?"
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