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Everything posted by breakingamber

  1. Sparks. Fixed. Haha, I was wondering if anyone would catch that. import random list = ('You will fail miserably!', 'You will succeed admirably!', 'You will not do too well', 'You will be eaten by wild beasts', 'You will meet one of your idols by coincidence', 'You will not even start on your thing', 'You will die painlessly', 'You will die painfully', 'You will ask this "Magic 8 Ball" another question', 'You will start reading TVTropes', 'You will learn how to work a Python script', 'Answer blurry; try again later?', 'CHICKEN!', 'It will rain pancakes', 'You will have to listen to the horrifying, terrifying silence', 'You will write crappy fanfiction', 'You will play poker someday', 'You will will your will to will to Will', 'You will soon own a plaid jacket!', 'You will procrastinate.', 'You will ERROR', 'You will come up with something really creative!', 'You will pretend to murder someone and get arrested for it', 'You will insert some Python into your post', 'You will learn a new language', 'Your projects will be stalled for weeks.', 'You will save a life', 'You will break into a safe') input("Ask a question about your future!") rando = random.randint(len(list)) print(list[rando])
  2. I wish I could teach myself anything. I constantly get distracted by books, video games, and forum sites to actually teach myself anything/get anything done/do anything useful
  3. import random list = ('You will fail miserably!', 'You will succeed admirably!', 'You will not do too well', 'You will be eaten by wild beasts', 'You will meet one of your idols by coincidence', 'You will not even start on your thing', 'You will die painlessly', 'You will die painfully', 'You will ask this "Magic 8 Ball" another question', 'You will start reading TVTropes', 'You will learn how to work a Python script', 'Answer blurry; try again later?', 'CHICKEN!', 'It will rain pancakes', 'You will have to listen to the horrifying, terrifying silence', 'You will write crappy fanfiction', 'You will play poker someday', 'You will will your will to will to Will', 'You will soon own a plaid jacket!', 'You will procrastinate.', 'You will ERROR', 'You will come up with something really creative!', 'You will pretend to murder someone and get arrested for it', 'You will insert some Python into your post', 'You will learn a new language', 'Your projects will be stalled for weeks.', 'You will save a life', 'You will break into a safe') input("Ask a question about your future!") rando = random.randint(len(list)) print(rando) Jeez, you can input scripts? Cool! I learned something new today.
  4. Thread categorization time! We need a thread for 'technically non-canon but we're pretending it is because it's funny', 'previously wasn't canon/confirmed canon but now is through shenanigans', 'And then Nighthound Died', 'And then people other than Nighthound died', 'stuff that has nothing to do with the RP whatsoever', and 'Crimbo non-canon fanfics'
  5. Well, where would one put the 'fanfics' that are (kind of) confirmed canon? I would expect Oregon Easter Eggs, but... We're not in Oregon anymore, Winter.
  6. I thought weaknesses had no effect on motivators. IE; (I'm not sure if this should be in spoilers, so I'll err on the safe side): Either way, I guess I'll just have to wait. EDIT: Though then again, to my knowledge of the Reckonersverse, souls of dead Epics don't jump out and possess the holder of their dead-flesh-in-a-metal-box-thingy, so I guess a weakness isn't too far fetched.
  7. Haha. That makes a LOT of sense. Is @Edgedancer still around? I never figured out Nighthound's weakness either, and from what I read, he was killed through more or less ordinary means of hitting him until he stopped getting back up.
  8. Wow. That's really nicely written. Makes me wonder about Remington. See, some people were talking about him earlier this month (? maybe it was last month) and 'wondering if that guy survived the Oregon-alyse'. What did happen to our favorite rifle-toting 'named after two rifles' badass vanilla? (if he's not your favorite, we are no longer friends)
  9. Eh. Fair. Are you going to rejoin the RP? That would be cool; I remember your style of writing from Portland and I really liked it.
  10. Hypothetical question: What would've happened if David had killed Regalia in Book 2 before she could press the big red button that set off the Obliterabomb? Assuming it wouldn't go off anyway.
  11. Karina character bio: EDIT: Figured I'd toss a couple more in here, because it's fun. Boombox (deceased): Appartition (not going anywhere near Edmonton(for now)): Downfall:
  12. I wish you a happy birthday, I wish you a happy birthday I wish you a happy birthday, and a happy... crud. I hope you have a great year!
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