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Everything posted by Arrae

  1. Vote Tally: Pyromancer (6): Magestar, Monstermetroid, Hemalurgic Headshot, Straw, Randuir, Fifth Scholar, Steeldancer Straw (3): Drake, Stick, Randuir, Eternum Hemalurgic Headshot (2): Livinglegend, Fifth Scholar, Elbereth, Arinian Arinian (1): Bard The Sand Lord (1): Pyromancer Orlok (0): Monstermetroid Fifth Scholar (0): Pyromancer Stick (0): Randuir
  2. Vote tally: Headshot (0): Legend, Fifth Scholar Arinian (1): Bard Orlok (0): MonsterMetroid Fifth Scholar (0): Pyromancer
  3. Please don't double-post. If you want to say something else but nobody has responded yet, you can edit it in to your last post with a tag to show it wasn't part of the original post. The only exception to that is if you have a vote, because sometimes GMs can miss votes that are edited into posts later.
  4. GM note: We’ve decided that it would be best if we posted the old distribution, so here it is. Young Bard - Jeral - Researcher Arinian - Unnamed Character 1 - Researcher Eternum - Habrian - Researcher Fifth Scholar - Darrel - Researcher randuir - Met - Researcher Steeldancer - Steeldancer and Eobard Thawne - Researcher Straw - Straw - Researcher Jondesu - Quintus - Researcher Droughtbringer - Ralar - Researcher Devotary of Sponteneity - Reed - Khrissala livinglegend - Unnamed Character 3 - Researcher Orlok - Locke Tekiel - Researcher MonsterMetroid - Willie - Researcher Magestar - Moro - Researcher Hemalurgic_Headshot - Jiamo - Researcher Megasif - Mega - Researcher Sart - Sam Taswell - Researcher TheYoungPyromancer - Kelsier - Survival _Stick_ - Stick - Researcher shanerockes - Philepe De Pedro Von Leiderhuch Johnson III - Researcher Drake Marshall - Everen - Hoid Elbereth - Elaria - Researcher
  5. Aww, thank you. I'll leave it to Seonid to answer that question. As far as fluff goes, in general I'll avoid putting deliberately wrong information in the writeups, but I may take artistic liberty with things I see happening in the game.
  6. The current setup that Seonid and I are running off of is where Silverlight is at sci-fi levels of technology and every other world is as technologically advanced as shown in the most recently published Sanderson book in that world. It's up to you how much you'd like to incorporate the setting or not.
  7. It might be best to wait until the game has started first to discuss strategy, which will be in about three days. Players don't tend to check the signups thread that much, so your potential audience is a lot smaller. Besides, you don't know what alignment you'll get, so you don't want to say anything that could potentially hurt your side later Once the game starts, though, feel free to post as much strategy as you can come up with.
  8. Mafiascum has something called newbie games, where they get an experienced player to explain the game to new players (anybody who's played less than a certain number of games in mafiascum, regardless of experience level in other places). If we have games where there's a small number of dedicated mentors compared to newbies, we could just put a blanket ban on killing the mentors for the first two cycles. It's a more heavy-handed solution, but it'll ensure that the mentor tays alive long enough to give out some advice.
  9. Accounting: what was real and what wasn't? For this game, a lot of RL events that I've referenced were either completely made up or embroidered versions of the truth, since I don't have similar life experiences as Kas or Wyrm. For example, when I said that when my logic prof told me to leave the students alone and not interfere with their learning, that was based off of something I found in the LG15 dead doc, and couldn't be something that happened to me, as I've never even met a logic teacher before. Similarly, when I said in the AG4 dead doc that the group of players I DM for had asked why my narrating was so different, that was also not real. I don't DM, but Wyrm does. Anything I've said related to timezones is completely false because I don't live in a close timezone for either of them. Instead of setting my alarm for 4 AM every day, I actually stayed up later to try to mimic Kas's schedule. However, any RL event I mentioned that had an impact on the game was true, just put in terms that I thought Kas was more likely to use. Thus, I called my literature essay a paper, my homework coursework, and so on. I have no idea if Kas celebrates Chinese New Year, but I do, and thought it was plausible for him, so I gave myself a break around that time. The views that I expressed in the dead doc are supposed to represent what Wyrm might think, not what I think. Generally, that meant that I spoke from the perspective of a GM, not a player, and ramped up any irritation I felt towards inactivity. There are some things that I answered as me, not as Heron!Wyrm though -- I said that if I ever felt up for GMing again I'd run a game similar to what Megasif suggested, with few roles, 13-15 players, 3 elims. I'm on the GMing list, and I don't have a game, so I'll try to come up with something like that, or maybe use a pre-made game that fits those parameters. Also, Hael, good luck with uni and life. Onto other things! My RP this game was heavily, heavily inspired by something Kas wrote a long time ago, called "Nine Characters in Search of Answers". If you haven't read it, you should. If you have read it, you should go read it again. Give him upvotes, because he deserves it. Also, I borrowed one of Kas's poems, so go check that out too. @Kasimir, again, thank you for letting me borrow your work. This game has taken a lot out of me, so I'm probably going to take a short break from SE, so my homework and sleep levels don't suffer any further As you might be able to see, there's still a lot of traces of Kas in my system, so I'll be spending my time letting that fade. (Sorry Kas, you're a lovely person, but semicolons suit you much better than me ). @Orlok Tsubodai, @Elbereth, and @STINK, thank you for doing all the behind the scenes work it took to run this game. I had a lot of fun with it
  10. Thanks everyone. Heh, most of my research was actually reading Kas's old games and taking notes on his playstyle and writing quirks. I specifically asked to be a pinch-hitter to get more time to research him. Then he made a PM with me, so I got some impersonation tips from him. A few of my posts (mostly from the start of the game) are Kas's old posts with his content ripped out any my own plugged in, but as the game went on I didn't have as much time to do that anymore. My Wyrm impersonation, on the other hand, was a huge rush job on research, and I don't think I could've pretended to be him for longer than a few days, so it's a good thing I died when I did.
  11. There's always another secret. But I promise, this is the real me, or as real as you can get on the internet. Thanks Seonid
  12. Heh, nice try, but that wasn't quite what I meant. See, I RPed as so much more than just Kharsis this game - A man with a spear slung over his back stood in the pouring rain, watching. Far off in the distance, a line of men and women crept solemnly towards him, bearing a dark casket on their backs. The rain beat down their backs and spilled onto the street below, creating large puddles that reflected the grey sky above. The man sighed and bowed his head. He had hoped...but no, it was not to be. Those of their nature rarely ever, ever survived. He’d been lucky to make it through, that time in the warcamps, but there were many others who hadn’t. Valens, Kassien, Kaian... He closed his single eye in remembrance. He thought back to a conversation he’d had, in a room with hot mugs of tea and biscuits fresh out of a tin. “Why do we bury the dead?” “Er, well, I guess…It’s our way of showing respect for, uh, our common humanity: us and theirs. We’re showing respect for who they used to be. And acknowledging that one day, we, too, will…uh, join them.” Ah, Sonder. His flame had been snuffed out too soon, before he had barely even begun to live. Just like so many others. The procession advanced closer. Slowly, gently, the villagers lowered the casket into the ground. A family stood near the hole where the casket had disappeared: a man, trying to stay stoic and miserably failing; a woman, tears carving pathways down her cheeks; a confused baby, uncharacteristically silent; a young girl, quietly sobbing as she rubbed the cast on her leg. Beside them stood two friends, a joking guardsman and a seasoned accomplice, blowing their noses into handkerchiefs. They tossed flowers into the grave, brilliant flashes of colour in the downpour. His single eye glistened in the light. “I can’t save the dead,” he murmured, walking forwards, echoing what he had said so long ago in that room. “But I can pay my dues. I can bury the dead. And I can show respect to each one of them, including you.” He tossed his bouquet of flowers and watched it fall into Kharsis’s grave, petals fluttering in splashes of pinks and blues and purples. A final goodbye. “Did you know him?” someone asked. The guardsman. “After a fashion,” Kaddar said with a sigh. His shoulders slumped, giving him a look of a much older man. “I’m sorry I couldn’t have gotten to know him better.” He turned and left, disappearing into the hazy rains. - Dedicated to Kasimir. Thank you for letting me pretend to be you and play with your characters. I enjoyed it a lot
  13. What criteria are we giving out the passes for? Last year it was for cosmetic roles, but this year it hasn't ben specified...
  14. Arrae

    Happy Lunar New Year 2018

    Hoid looks so much like a grumpy teenager who doesn't want to share here. This is great.
  15. All the hugs for Claincy! Not sure what you're going through, but I hope it helps.
  16. Nah, Nationals is coming up soon and I really don't like being in a game when it happens. I tried it once and it was awful.
  17. This looks awesome. I won't have the time to play, unfortunately, so could I get a link to the spec doc?
  18. Arrae

    Emotion Spren

    This is really cool. I especially like the handlettering you used to label and describe the spren with.
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