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Everything posted by Arrae

  1. @DroughtBringer and @Aonar Faileas, you didn't answer my question the first time, so I'll ask again. Can non-allomancers send in actions too, as long as they can be justified?
  2. I'll sign up as Rhiannon Aurette, who has a talent for leadership if she can look beyond her world of cliques and gossip. She's also Variel's girlfriend...for now. This game, I'll make sure to RP at least once a turn at minimum. No promises about other game activity. It probably won't be more than in LG39.
  3. Can non-allomancers send in actions like "I want to loudly trashtalk Locke and enrage him to the point where any offensive action he sends in will automatically be redirected to me?"
  4. Wyrm, can we get the link to the spec doc and dead doc too?
  5. And that is game! A victory for downtrodden skaa everywhere, or at least a first step, if Nickel and Hadrian keep to Armina's goals.
  6. Just wandering in to say that the title of this Day is awesome. So is the writeup.
  7. Wyrm, thank you for collaborating with me on RP. It was a joy working with you and reading your writeups. If anyone here has guesses about what Waern's secret is, please PM it to myself or Wyrm. The hints should be there between my RP and his writeups. The first to guess things write will get a thumbs up from the dead doc. (EDIT: elim teammates are disqualified from this competition because you already know.) @Orlok Tsubodai, please please please RP with this. Waern deserves to suffer.
  8. Good point. Very good point. Hmm, so it does. We'll see what I truly am tomorrow. Aww, no explanation? It's good to know you've alive, but no other thoughts? Ooh, let's make a poll! People who think I am a Thug: (3) Striker, Seonid, DA People who think I am a Seer: (2) Orlok, Wilson So... Orlok and Wilson are probably not elims, but they're suspicious? Which is it? I approve of this suspicion of Locke. Locke is terrible. He represents all that is wrong with the Nobility. Let's lynch (Or)locke!
  9. Armina whirled around and struck Locke with the flat of her forearm. He grunted in pain, allowing Armina to wrench her arm free. Then she shoved him backwards. "I don't do this out of principle," Armina said icily. "I do this because I recognize reality. The Final Empire is a failure. Things are changing. You can't keep the Skaa down forever." Armina backed up warily, watching Locke watch her. Then she turned and ran. She'd get him, all right. Some poison in his food ought to wipe that smirk off the smug bastard's face forever. @Orlok Tsubodai
  10. Armina's good mood vanished. For a moment, she was back in the halls of House Heron, scrubbing the floors as a condescending Lord taunted her about her family name. She bit back the first snarl of rage and glared daggers at Locke until she could speak coherently. "Never," Armina hissed. "Unlike you, I fight for more than a place at the top of the heap. This was never about the Atium. This is about e--" She stopped before she could betray herself. Her fingers twitched towards the blade concealed in her robes. After a moment of hesitation, she flexed her fingers and forced her hand back to her side. This wasn't the time or the place. "Watch your place, Locke. Say what you want, but at the end of the day it'll be your body lying limp in a ditch, not mine." Armina turned her back and left, more shaken than she wanted to admit.
  11. From a corner, Armina watched Waern order Locke to do janitor work, unable to suppress a grin. Locke quarreled a bit, before finally grabbing a broom and dustpan. Then he awkwardly knelt down and touched the bristles of the broom to the ground. Watching that insufferable git attempt to do servant's work was so satisfying. And to think that Armina had forced the Prelan to make Locke do this... "I hope you clean all of that up before Waern comes back," she said. "Here, let me help you." She strode towards a trash bin and swiftly kicked it over, dumping its contents over the floor. Then she picked up the bin and shook the remaining things inside onto the floor. Armina giggled at the expression on Locke's face. "You'd best get working," she said with a smug smile. @Orlok Tsubodai, you know what you owe me if you don't get some response RP up for this. Anyone want to be an upstander and help poor, dimished Locke?
  12. Just a friendly reminder that this Turn doesn't end for another thirty minutes. Get your thoughts in now before you die!
  13. Wilson, there are times when you are my snark goal. This is one of them.
  14. This activity is great. If I'd known that being lynched would have led to this explosion of discussion, I should have gotten myself lynched earlier.
  15. Because PK is an elim too, as you say yourself. It was a glorious opportunity for the village, but was needlessly squandered.
  16. Yup yup, that's always a good idea. Ooh, I think you're the first person to consider the possibility that I still have more Atium left. Anyone wanna bet on how many lynches it'll take for me to die?
  17. That's a very good question. Is a potential person a person? Potential teammate? How do you know I'm the Seer? Hmm. Whyever would you have joined a lynch if you didn't suspect something like this? After all, isn't the point of a lynch to kill an elim? "Chums" isn't the right word to describe El and Orlok's relationship. It's not deep enough. But yes, I do agree that El's vote on me was suspicious. Perhaps it could have been a bus attempt.
  18. Ah, whoopsies! I guess I wasn't as hard-confirmed a Soother as you thought. Somebody get a lurcher quick!
  19. Alright, took a closer look at Lemon and looked at her posts in the QF. I think Lemon is an elim[/color]. Their posts in the QF seem much more detailed than in here. I feel like Lemon isn't putting a lot of effort in analysis in this game, which would make sense if they're already elim. At the beginning of this game, I dismissed the things Lemon said as newbie inexperience, but it turns out that this isn't Lemon's first game, so they have less of an excuse.
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