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Everything posted by Tulir

  1. Can you get the exact quote? I have a copy of the book open and I can't find it.
  2. I am completely behind the idea that the Voidbringers are like the generals of the Desolations or something similar. I completely agree with name_here as how the Desolations happen, though I think that the Dustbringers still go into that formation as Odium's team.
  3. Can someone tell me where exactly Brandon Sanderson said that the third Shard was Cultivation? Because when I was reading the book, I thought for sure the spren were from a Shard with a name like Change, or Adaption.
  4. When the Radiants abandoned their Shardblades and plates in Dalinor's vision, he siad that they seemed to "darken", or something along those lines so maybe Shardblades now have Odium's taint.
  5. I agree, he would have been either of those two as well.
  6. I was browsing the school library, bored out of my mind by the school's books, and I saw the Eye Of The World. I decided to read it because I was bored and it was a thick book. I finished it then immediatly went to the better library and checked out all of them and reserved the ones I didn't check out. Brandon Snaderson and Robert Jorden: Best Authors Ever!!!
  7. Do we really actually know that? Or is it just thought to be the truth?
  8. Well, I was thinking that sense Taravangian is a king, he might want to help Szeth, but ya, he would attract attention.
  9. Magic!!! I've always wondered how he gets around and if he is a Shard or which Shard he draws upon.
  10. Ok, but then why doesn't the other gems in the world absorb Stormlight. If I was Szeth, I would just carry around a couple fist-sized gems and that probably would be enough Stormlight for practically anything.
  11. Good point, I wonder if he did or if he can sustainf himself on magic.
  12. "Marked with fire"--Kalak says that the place the Heralds go between Desolations is a place of pain and fire. Maybe they are the Knights Radiant or Heralds coming back after being marked like they were.
  13. I read the forum on whether chasmfiends are young thunderclasts and I know that the general consensus is that they are not. But when I had this idea I thought that it might make sense. The book states that the chasmfiends climb up on the platueas to pupate. And it also never says how the Shattered Plains formed and why chasmfiends seem to like pupating on the Tower. My theory is that the Shattered Plains are entirely pupating chasmfiends because we never see what they turn into, and the prelude states that thunderclasts ripped themselves from the rock. I know this sounds crazy and probably is, but I was thinking it might work. Edit: I thought about it more and I realized that this might be why the Shattered Plains are closer together near civilization so it is easier for them to attack.
  14. If we take the theory that the Shards created each race of humans on each planet from their memories as true, then might it be that some Shards messed up and created a race that can't eat food on another world because it is incompatible? So it could be possible for worldhoppers to need their own planets food to survive.
  15. So I was thinking and I wondered between the difference of normal gems and spheres. A sphere is just glass around a gemstone, so what allows the spheres to absorb Stormlight. The book says that it is the gem which absorbs Stormlight because cut gems can absorb more, so then couldn't normal gems absorb Stormlight? Why waste glass if it does nothing except protect the gem?
  16. Ok, that makes more sense. I was just thinking that it was in the future because Dalinor recognized the city.
  17. My opinion of when the Almighty/Honor died is in a time that hasn't happened yet. In Dalinor's last vision, the one with the Almighty, Dalinor recognized the city, making me believe it has yet to happen, and when the dark cloud came and destroyed everything except what the Almighty was standing on, it seemed like that was the end of Roshar. I know this is unlikly, but I think the visions were sent back in time to prevent what happened.
  18. Ok, so what I am about to say isn't really related to the subject, but I have no idea where else to put it. In the Interludes(I think thats what they are called), we are introduced to a spren researcher who appears to be immortal because he said his work would take only a couple more centuries, and to two ardents that were researching spren attributes and discovered that the spren change to match a measurement, and I was wondering, do we know how they relate to the book?
  19. Ok, I'm not sure if anyone else has posted something similar to this, but in the letter in tWoK, the author said that Rayse, holder of Odium, visited Sel and Splintered what Aona and Skai held, and killed them. I don't remember where I read this, but I believe someone said that if 2 Shards were on the same world, then there would be 3 magic systems. We have 2 of them, but I was thinking that if the 2 Shards were Splintered, the 3rd magic system that depended on the interaction of the Shards, would disapear. The other 2 systems wouldn't, because there was still the Splinters of that Shard to fuel the system. This made sense to me, but I'm not sure if this makes sense to anyone else. On a totally unrelated note, if we agree that some Elantrians did visit Roshar, would their magic work? I thought that the magic came from the Shards and their interaction with the world so I was thinking that the Elantrians magic wouldn't work. Please tell me if anyone thinks I am crazy.
  20. I like Sir_Read-a-Lot's idea about the Parshendi being the Knights Radiant. There isn't very much in support of the idea, but like many people said before me, the Parshendi act with lots of honor, and they go crazy when someone desacrates their dead. But I wonder about the idea of them coming back to life, because the parshmen also act like that around the dead.
  21. I don't remember exactly, but did the book discribe what needed to happen for a person to get an honorspren bond?
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