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Everything posted by Tulir

  1. Is that fact, that Taim is not Demandred? If it is, then there goes that theory.
  2. So I know this thread has kind of gone away from what I am about to say, but when I read about the "new metals", I immediatly thought about atium and Preservation's metal(I'm forgetting it's name), so maybe that was Sazed's or Marsh's "testing ground" for new metals.
  3. So I was thinking when I read the book for the first time, that Taim is Demandred. Reasons: Taim said "Let the lord of chaos rule" He seems to be gathering people to his side and not to Rand's Seem's like a evil person Just my idea, and I am wondering how everyone takes it.
  4. I would like to announce that I finished AoL yesterday!!!
  5. I agree with CrazyRioter. The original copy was Mac and that's why it crashed in the first place.
  6. I was thinking more along the lines of the world where Lightweaving comes from, because it deals with illusions.
  7. Tulir

    Questions on AofL

    Ok, that makes more sense.
  8. Wow. Just wow. I think, you just made my head explode. Wow.
  9. Tulir

    Questions on AofL

    Ok, thanks, though I still wonder how it is possible to store luck and identity.
  10. So last night I got and finished The Alloy of Law, and I saw something in the Ars Arcanum that I wondered about. I didn't get what the Feruchemical properties of Cadmium, bendalloy, chromium, nicrosil, aliminum, and duralumin. Cadmium: what does it mean to store "Breath"? Bendalloy: does it just store energy and give it back later to any task? Chromium: Does it make you lucky? Nicrosil: What does it mean to store "Investiture"? Aluminum: How do you store Identity? Duralumiinum: How do you store Connection and what does that mean? If anyone could answer these questions, it would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Is there any place online that I could read Aether of Night, Drogansteel, or White Sand? I keep on seeing people mention them but I haven't found them at all. Please help!!!
  12. Well, I agree with Sir Read-a-Lot about him being a Stonewardern, but couldn't there be more orders that we don't know? And didn't Talen'elat at the end say is was a Stonesinew, or something along that line? Couldn't that be based of of stone, too(if that is a Radiant order)
  13. I would agree with discipleofhoid because the other theory is so far out there. However, I do Like your theory, ReaderAt2046.
  14. I would like to announce that I am upset and happy that I discovered Brandon Sanderson and Wot. Sad becuase normal fantasy and books are ruined for me, and sad that I have finished all of his books, but happy because they write such good fantasy.
  15. Can I still create forms, or do I just have to stick to the already created forms? @Emeralis00: Can I use the Catek in your signature in mine? I really like it and I also Like cats, so I was wondering if I you would let me use it?
  16. Ok, I'm working on my app now and should have it up within the week.
  17. And I had thought Tien had gone to a better place(At least, the Parshendi would have probably treated him well), only to realize that he had been killed twice by practically identical methods.
  18. Is it still possible for me to join? I like the idea of this world and I would really like to join. Just I'm not sure if it is too late to join.
  19. I agree with hoser, that doesn't seem like Brandon would do something that predictable. I can't find the quote but isn't there a theory somewhere here that is discussing the fact that Kaladin probably holds a splinter of Honor and saying the Ideals helps him connect to it. If we take that as true, and I do, then how does that fit into this because I think this is a great theory, too.
  20. Something quite funny happened to me when discovering both of them. A friend of mine was reading Elantris in class and a picked up the book, read the back and inside front covers, then went to the library to chack it out. Didn't realize there were more books by the same author because my library only had Elantris and Warbreaker and that was checked out. Later that year, I picked up The Eye of the World and read it. I thought it was a great stand alone book. Then another of my friends commented to me when I was reading The Eye of the World, that there were other books in that series. I immediatly chacked them out and still didn't make the connection between Elantris and the last couple books of the Wheel of Time. Only this summer I realized Brandon Sanderson had writen more books and I finished them all as soon as I got them. I put myself as Robert Jordan fan because I found the Wheel of Time series before I realized that Brandon Sanderson had writen more.
  21. Ok, thanks. That just completely destroyed my theory for that, so might as well through out another that might fit here: Only windspren and some other spren(I don't remember exactly but I believe that Kaladin said only a couple types of spren that do this) and only the big ones, played tricks on people by making stuff stick together. This is what Syl said that she helped Kaladin do. So thats my idea.
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