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Everything posted by name_here

  1. Wyndle clearly has absolutely no idea how it works. I wouldn't pay too much attention to the specifics of what he says.
  2. It's actually a pretty significant question, because if the energy comes from the calories of the food she can only get an amount of stormlight equal to the calorie content of the food, but there's no such restriction for an external source accessed by burning calories. Then again, she could theoretically also do some straight mass-energy conversion and get far more energy than she could possibly ever need.
  3. The Diagram indicates that the two spren Taravangian is tracking are Unmade, and even assuming that both of them are duplicate names for ones mentioned elsewhere, there are three or four of them mentioned so far. I doubt any of them were linked to Bondsmiths historically; Yelig-nar was most definitely hostile to humanity and Nergaoul generates the Thrill, while we don't know much about the others. Moelach produces the Death Rattles, but I'm not convinced they're intentionally helpful and the way they require the death of humans makes me think they're bad news. Precognition might not be exclusive to voidspren, but they definitely have it.
  4. Honorblades vanish on death of their Herald, from the prologue. The Shardblade that arrives at the Plains doesn't match the physical description of the one at the gates. The only way the shape of a dead blade could change would be getting resurrected by bonding to a Radiant, changing forms, and then dying again. It's far more likely the blade got swapped, and the only real motive for doing that would be if the original one was an Honorblade.
  5. I think the reason she didn't answer the Parshendi question is that she clearly hates the whole situation. She encouraged Kaladin to go to Dalinar's rescue, but left because the killing hurt her. The Parshendi were soldiers, so killing them in battle to save others was acceptable, but neither of the engaged sides were really in the wrong. So actually, I think if there had been a Parshendi Windrunner, his honorspren might tell him to leap into the fray. Though I would say that the more proper action for a Parshendi at the Tower once Saedas withdrew would be to call a ceasefire and negotiate. For Elhokar/Moash, I felt that Kaladin had sworn contradictory oaths and Syl wanted him to get more of the Words to determine which should be kept. Also, she wasn't that helpful in resolving it because the fraying of the bond seriously hampered her intelligence. I don't think Syl actively controls the bond. Remember, it goes both ways; when the bond weakens Syl loses intelligence. She goes back to being a talkative windspren when Kaladin has trouble drawing stormlight. As for Amaram, Syl clearly disapproves of assassination. She encourages Kaladin to report Amaram's crime to the local authority, which is a right and proper way of handling it. Dalinar's response is entirely reasonable; while he doesn't believe Kaladin he does investigate the charges. He doesn't find anything because Amaram successfully covered it up, not because he didn't look. If they don't bond, people don't Surgebind and don't get Sprenblades. Then they fight Stormform and Thunderclasts and lose, everyone dies, and the spren die too.
  6. I expect it moves more slowly over the ocean, gathering strength. As for how far north it stretches, apparently far enough you can't sail past the northern edge between Highstorms.
  7. Well, it's officially diagnosed as one. Personally, I feel the problem isn't with categorizing it as a mental illness, but with the stigma attached to mental illnesses. ASD impairs interacting with a majority of people, with attendant consequences for obtaining employment and sustaining friendships, and causes adverse reactions to common sensory stimuli. I don't think it benefits anyone to say those are not problems which we should work to resolve. They may well be caused by atypical chemical balances that cannot be separated from positives that people would like to keep, but there are non-drug methods of helping with the downsides. Personally, I'm not three feet from my prescriptions for two distinct mental illnesses, and am quite happy to have gotten treatment.
  8. The dates are Highstorm dates; we've matched them up with the countdown. The Highstorm appears to cover the entire continent south-to-north, while on the Shattered Plains it has hurricane-force winds in the Stormwall and so presumably moves faster than a car on a highway, and loses strength overland. There is apparently only one Highstorm, which circles the globe. The Everstorm is doing the same in the opposite direction. The frequency of Highstorms is variable, but apparently the Weeping is the only time they're ten or more days apart.
  9. Shallan was able to use Pattern as a Sprenblade, so she was pretty well bonded at the time she killed her mother. I'd put her down as having an anxiety disorder of some form, though, which could predate that incident and come from somewhere else. I don't really agree with diagnosing Renarin as autism spectrum; he's socially awkward but not in the right way so far as I understand it, and doesn't seem to have any of the other symptoms. I don't know if he'd fit any formal diagnosis for a mental illness, but he's high nobility in a warrior culture and can't fight and his respected role models yell at him for trying. He clearly has serious self-esteem issues resulting from that. Dalinar has apparently mellowed out considerably, but used to revel in violence and considered killing his brother over Navani. I don't think Jasnah fits, because she takes being wrong pretty well, really.
  10. First, spren in general apparently are cognative entities created by humans personifying forces or events, and not necessarily empowered specifically by a Shard. Bonding spren predate the death of Honor, because he was surprised by the creation of the Knights Radiant, which necessarily means he was alive to be surprised. Also, I'm personally pretty convinced that Highstorms have been around since well before the death of Honor, since there are all these convenient natural formations to shield cities from Highstorms and Nohandon's city was built in one. There is the whole cymatics business with the city formations, which could be taken to imply they're shaped like that for reasons other than Highstorm protection. but I'm with Jasnah on not trusting that. Being able to produce patterns that correspond to the cities does not by itself prove anything; it's only meaningful if those are the only patterns which emerge, or if there's a consistent rule to getting patterns that match the city shapes. Given an arbitrary plate and frequency, you could probably get almost any pattern. At most, being able to get the cymatics pattern for city formations demonstrates that they're fairly stable. As for my theory on the Stormfather, I think he's the spren of Highstorms, and was around before Honor's death and managed to recover a chunk of Honor's power on death.
  11. The Thrill is caused by some form of aura generated by the Unmade Nergaoul, who is in close proximity to Alethkar and Jah Keved.
  12. Yeah, a sword-and-dagger stance tends to be really good for parrying with the off-hand weapon. Plus, in the vision he wasn't wearing his Shardplate. One of the advantages of armor is that it means you don't necessarily have to parry every attack, but that's rarely an option without armor. That's probably why the two best Shardbearers favor Windstance, because they can ignore parrying and let their armor take the hits. Of course, it's better to not get hit even in Shardplate because the damage does add up and it slows down as stormlight leaks away, but there's also the overall tactical situation to consider. If they focus on parrying too much it leaves the enemy free to attack their allies and then isolate and swarm the Shardbearer. When Adolin opts to finish his duel as quickly and efficiently as possible, he goes with Ironstance, which apparently strikes a balance between defensive effectiveness and rapid, powerful strikes against a single target instead of a large group.
  13. Also, it would only be equivelent to lying to the police if Saedas had done something illegal. He had not, so telling a lie that no one at all actually believed did not in fact make it less likely he would be punished for his not-actually-a-crime.
  14. I think what Dalinar means by "wasn't intended to do" is "isn't very good at", as opposed to totally incapable of doing so. Other stances are better for parrying, but as Dalinar demonstrated by successfully parrying Eshonai, it's still possible to parry in Windstance. During the duel, the exact phrase is "Adolin calmly stepped back and used the proper Windstance sweeps for parrying a thrust." So clearly parries exist in Windstance, but they're referred to as sweeps and Adolin stepped back to use them. Presumably, they're awkward enough that he needed to give ground to parry and return to stance before his opponent could make another strike. Ironstance, say, probably has a form for parrying a thrust while maintaining position, which is important on a battlefield because eventually you run out of ground to give. It's not a good idea fighting on the edge of a plateau, for instance. As for why Adolin was parrying in Windstance, he was showing off. He was proving he was enough better than his opponent that he could use bad tactics and still inflict the maximum possible damage to his opponent's Shardplate allowed by the duel rules without taking a single hit. Normally, in Windstance he'd probably block the thrust with his bracer and make his own attack, sidestepped, or struck first.
  15. While I think it was created for a purpose, it does not work on the same principles as fabrials. Since fabrials bind spren in the gemstones, being able to replace gemstones in a fabrial implies being able to create the fabrial, especially because it can self-repair from any subsection.
  16. Your interpretation is not one I consider valid, in both the sense of the meaning of the oaths and in this specific application. Firstly, Nohandon is saying that an immoral action cannot be justified by its results. That doesn't actually imply that any moral action is justified regardless of results; the actual contrapositive is that having an immoral outcome is not a justification for a moral action without saying that a moral result cannot justify a moral action. So it being moral to kill Saedas does not mandate that Dalinar do so. Secondly, it being morally acceptable to do something does not mean it's immoral to not do that. Dalinar didn't take an action that caused Saedas to be let free, he just never killed or detained him in the first place. Those are distinct, so an ethical system can permit the later but prohibit the former. It can also both prohibt freeing a murderer and killing someone who does not pose a direct physical danger and has not been convicted of a crime, or it could potentially prohibit capital punishment entirely. Dalinar's system could easily say that both killing and not killing Saedas are permissible actions, so Dalinar could pick the one with the best results while holding the First Ideal. However, Dalinar could theoretically also flay the entirety of Bridge Four alive as an offering to Odium in exchange for peace, and the First Ideal means that wouldn't be acceptable even if it worked. As for what Kaladin would do, Syl apparently doesn't support vengeance killings. The Windrunner Oaths don't forbid killing him if done in honorable combat, but they also don't forbid not killing him, so both killing and not killing him can be evaluated in terms of how many people each would protect. EDIT: It should also be pointed out that the First Ideal is not stated in terms of propositional logic. Teft and Dalinar probably don't know what propositional logic even is.
  17. The difference is that transgenders identify as something other than their biological sex (either the opposite gender or a nonstandard category) while homosexuals are attracted to people of the same gender. If a transgender individual is born as a biological male, identifies as female, and is attracted to women, that person* would be considered homosexual and transgender. Possibly. I think a Soulstamp could be used to swap biological gender in much the same way that it can turn gold into lead. That would assume it works on the history of "the child of X and Y" instead of "Z, whose parents were X and Y". Even failing that, though, it should be possible, because as it turns out the biological/self-identification buisness wasn't confusing enough. See, it turns out that having two X chromosomes doesn't necessarily result in a female body, and having an X and a Y doesn't necessarily result in a male body, and some people have two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome. So a Soulstamp could swap the expressed gender without changing the chromosomes. That's not exactly optimal, though, since a mismatch like that comes with some side effects, usually including infertility. As for spren genders, they're whatever gender people perceive them as. *This is a standard translation for a gender-nonspecific Japanese pronoun, which I am using because gendered terminology in this sort of discussion always leaves me confused over whether that person is biologically male and self-identifies as female or the reverse. In other English contexts, use the gendered pronoun the specific individual prefers.
  18. It's only terribly confusing to people who want to do high-precision mathematics. Generally it's good enough to just know the rough lengths and relative values of the units of time.
  19. Drehy was mentioned to be homosexual and apparently will get a boyfriend eventually.
  20. I'd say it's a bit more complicated than that. The First Ideal is, after all, only one of the Oaths binding an Order. An extrajudical killing of a man who does not pose an immediate threat may very well be forbidden by the Bondsmith Oaths because it is in opposition to the laws and ethical philosophies that hold Alethkar together. Other orders could hold it is nevertheless permissible and required, while Shallan and Pattern would probably say he should be permitted to atone for his past crimes but would accept killing him if he remains a threat. As for Syl's response to the trolley problem, she'd probably say you should free the first man and block the trolley yourself, or more likely that Kaladin (the only person she's specifically advising) should use Full Lashings to stop the trolley and save everyone. Of course, the point of the hypothetical is to set up a binary choice where either one person on the tracks or ten people on the tracks die, but I don't think Syl actually accepts the premise that there's ever going to be a binary choice like that and her philosophy has no answer because it does not believe in the question. If pressed, probably she'd say leave the first guy because removing him would qualify as murdering the ten and is thus an unacceptable method of protecting, but would also say the same in a save-ten-kill-one formulation of the question.
  21. As far as I'm concerned, there is no evidence for or against Jasnah being homosexual. However, there is evidence suggesting prior assault. Specifically, her comment after killing the street gang about "men like those" with an uncharacteristic edge; I rather suspect Dalinar burned out the eyes of some other "men like those" for what they did to Jasnah. She also apparently had some sort of falling-out with Amaram, but given how he's maintained an ironclad reputation it was probably over an unrelated matter. But I don't think that's necessarily why she's opposed to marriage, since she seems to get along fine with her family and Taravangian. She's pretty independent-minded and wouldn't like being required to be subordinate to anyone, particularly to the extent required by Vorin marriage.
  22. Actually, I think in this metaphor system the Stormfather would be the wind that Fleet's soul is racing. The Highstorm came at his command two days before the middle of the Weeping in a year where there would be no mid-Weeping storm, so I wouldn't say he's racing the wind. Also doesn't strike me as a particularly good metaphor for Honor vs. Odium; the storm is a Highstorm and therefore of Honor, and I got the sense Honor's containment of Odium started before his death. However, it could be a metaphor for the Heralds; one or more of them trying to show they were strong enough to aid Honor against Odium and, while failing in a physical sense, demonstrated their courage and will and convinced Honor to raise them and let them help with the Oathpact. If a specific Herald, it'd either be Jezerin (the leader and associated with the Windrunners) or Taln.
  23. Adolin has a dead Shardblade and can throw it as a sword that remains a sword. Argent is suggesting it would not be possible to throw a dagger and have it become a sword. Personally, I suspect there's probably some size limitation. Probably you couldn't make a weapon terribly much larger than the current standard Shardblade
  24. My argument is from order of causation. If Taravangian opted to make his destination saving the people in his hospital, he would be following the First Ideal by not murdering them. If Dalinar opted to make his destination bringing Saedas to justice, he would be violating the First Ideal by leading his badly outnumbered army against Saedas's troops and killing thousands of largely innocent people. If he could arrest and try Saedas and doing so would result in a civil war, he would be following the First Ideal by doing so. Because in one case the civil war is the action and in the other it is the result, and the First Ideal says that you should not perform an immoral action in an effort to achieve a moral result.
  25. It's also entirely possible that Shai has only a limited number of Essence Marks and simply has not actually wanted to make a male Soulstamp. It'd certainly have to be pretty lengthy, and might need to explicitly include things which could ordinarily be left out. It'd need at least twice as much history as her other stamps if not more, because the major divergence is so long ago.
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