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Everything posted by Maya389

  1. What are the shards of Adonalsium? I have a shallow understanding of them, but can someone explain it in more detail?
  2. oh and also what about gary oldman as clubs?
  3. ya but clubs??? jeff bridges?
  4. i think India Eisley would be good as Vin
  5. i feel like if Hoid, Lopen, Shalan and maybe Jasnah were to have a converstaion that would be verry intresting..
  6. I almost didnt finish WoK because i felt like jasnah hald every thing together but then i dicided that not finishing it would be a sin so...
  7. oh and also theres Jasnah so four not three
  8. if Adolin became a radiant that would mean that all three of the kohlins would be radiants...
  9. how are you all using them????
  10. all of the drawings are super pretty!!
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