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Everything posted by STINK

  1. To be frank (however that guy be doing) Fun fact, I guess images don't get brought along when you quote someone but I'm sure you get what I'm attempting to do here. Is the whole debacle with page 6 there's options (most of which are unfounded but hey D1) then Matrim gets involved with quotes upon quotes and people quote the quotes of the quotes of the last 9 pages or so and then the vote has solidified around two people. Ok I wrote this then looked at the votes on Stick to like solidify my thoughts and think I got to my crux of it. So main thing here is that's three votes on Stick just because? At least with Matrim I can see some discourse, where the Stick votes are Illwei did it then others have said good reasoning I'm hopping on? Illwei's reasoning (from the boxes of 123) is "Stick is an Elim because her posts, despite interacting with people, don't seem to have any sort of thoughts behind them. A kind of idle banter that isn't idle banter at first glance but still is. Speaking without saying anything." Which like idk apparently that spoke to three or four different people enough to switch their vote to Stick? Or Illwei is just some figurehead I'm missing out on due to not playing the last games cause people keep talking about the last few games and isn't that just great. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that no matter what Stick flips, we get to conclude that people follow Illwei? Don't like reasoning? Maybe they are just not in thread? At least the Matrim vote debacle has some discourse behind it, but then that doesn't really mean anything for being elim or village? I hope anyone gets what I'm like meaning here I might have to make a second post with more stuff but I do wanna be watching six nations so Idk bad vibes
  2. Fairly certain this is all the @'s I got while I slept for apparently like 14 hours last night, not gonna read into why I slept for so long no thank you TLDR on Sokratic stuff for everyone, Sokrates is like the OG tunneler who will ignore everything you've said or done all in the pursuit of that almighty topic. So yeah, similar to how in this thread (and I guess many threads for D1) the first like two notable things that happen get focused on and it's all in the pursuit of solving whatever that may be and everything else in the day kinda seems to fall off to the side? Like why are the two current candidates to die (we stopped using lynch as a term right?) both people that were just active near the start? My ISO's main conclusion to me was that they felt neutral more than elim since I can't personally tell if they're doing elim or village tells and all the meta talk about playstyles is just annoying and not very fruitful within the course of this game. With the addition of their role being a Scientist (gotta get the capitalisation right), I don't think that role is alignment indicative really with the bonuses it would offer to any group of players. Whole vote gives me bad vibes, but maybe I'll reconsider closer to the end of the cycle idk I gotta go eat lunch/breakfast now ciao ciao for now
  3. Done it in a few games in the past. Usually when someone requests funnily enough now that I think about it O.o Sadly despite all my work, there is still some game knowledge in my brain
  4. Hello yes in this spoiler I will be attempting an ISO but now I am just kinda annoyed at life for wasting so much time on a spoiler box so no guarantees on whether it'll be the best one you've ever seen or just average Also halfway through this I started trimming some quotes when they said stuff that like doesn't matter like voting on TJ or w/e for readability and writeability Conclusions I don't even really make in the spoiler box but you can see the thinking happening probably: Would bet on Matrim being a neutral or just has tells I can't put to being either elim or village Too many takes on which player has which alignment without reasoning, at like 8 or something like that. Kinda suspicious if you ask me. Slight bias towards elim/neutral Illwei is doing the same thing too so not a fan of that sorry Turns out ISO'ing someone thats just quoting a lotta people isn't that fun really, wcyd. Was nice to fill up time in the day tho, can't wait for when we finally get PMs please someone do whatever you have to do for that I spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out that spoiler thing without being able to ask anyone before I just rage-ate lunch.
  5. Ok but like legit how do I put quotes and stuff for an ISO in spoilers I cannot find anything online on how to do this???????? I can make the spoiler box through this post editor but then thats just a spoiler box I can type in and the post preview never seems to agree with my spoiler tags im trying to put around quotes so I imagine that means they're not working or the post preview is broken and I don't bloody know which one is which or if I'm just wrong about both or everything
  6. Ok I was gonna make an ISO post cause I got bored but I don't remember how to do spoilers and I don't wanna just do an ISO without first figuring out how to do spoilers again so if anyone could advise that would be great tyvm has to be the letter I in there for sure
  7. As has already been said but I just wanna say it again cause I also gotta get in on this hustle but it's however much RP you want it to be. You can write massive RP posts if you want and no-ones gonna stop you, or you do no RP and no-ones gonna stop you. Some games will incentivise RP through the game mechanics, and for all we know this game could have something like that as well Who doesn't tbh Ok but why is this in box 3 What kinda game show is this
  8. Is it worth me reading the last 4 (4????????) pages? Like I could but can I just mostly assume it's D1 fluff and get on with getting back to pyre orrr
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