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Everything posted by STINK

  1. You know I'm honestly not feeling any of these votes probably since this 4 person PM group thing sprung up but I guess maybe today I can go through D2 because D1 doesnt matter and look at things and see who just aint looking that hot idk Im incredibly tempted to vote from one of the four Like I can see a case for the mistborn being evil and just shooting a villager but being new and confused so its ok etc etc Idk
  2. Something poetic. Inspiring? No, it’s too early to do something like that. Hopeful? An option, though not needed currently. A third word to round off the pattern? Possible, though I cannot think of one. Yet this does suffice for an introduction, no? Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honour for the next few days (if that guy in the audience doesn’t get me first) to present to you a piece of mine that I have been working on for at least some years, if not my whole life. I am Smirkai, and this is but a simple tale. ---------------------------------------- The sky was there, as it is wont to do. So too is the ground, and many other earthly elements. Fallion’s Tears was also there, which was good since I wasn’t quite sure if I was at the right place at the time. The coach-driver was also there, looking at me with a face that I wouldn’t describe as happy or generous. “Where’s your ticket?” A fair question, for you see my supposed ticket was in fact one of the few things not present in Fallion’s Tears or indeed the world. It may not be the answer he is looking for, but as a gentleman I must dignify his question with a response suiting my station. “My good sir, it does appear that this ticket you speak of was something that I should indeed have at this minute. But doesn’t this raise the question then of why exactly do I not have it and where did it go? I can answer those questions with one word, Charity. You see along this fine journey of mine I have realised the plight of many a people and so you see the ticket that I should be holding at this current time is in fact in the hands of some poor child somewhere, representing the hope they might have to move on to a better life at some point in the future” The driver, surprisingly so, is not a fan of this. ---------------------------------------------- I must bid this story adieu for now, as I would not want to recount what the driver then said to me and possibly shock anyone in the audience. Suffice to say, I am now looking for any companions or possibly a home to serve my unexpected stay in quaint Fallion’s Tears and of course while I cannot exactly pay with material goods, would not my stories and presence be enough of a payment for some? I am Smirkai, and I really need someone to help me out here.
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