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Posts posted by emilylime

  1. Hi! I'm just wondering how detailed you should be in character pages. Like for example, is it going too far to add things like how Leyten insisted on ornamenting the carapace armor with specific patterns? I tried looking at different character pages, on this forum, on the Coppermind editing help page...but I'm still not sure.


    So, basically, what kind of information belongs on a character page? All the details possible, or...?

  2. I agree with all of these oh man ;w; But also... LIFT.


    "I can't affect the Physical Realm except in minor ways," Wyndle said. "This means that you will need to use Investiture to--"

    Lift yawned.

    "Use Investiture to--"

    She yawned wider. Starvin' Voidbringers never could catch a hint.

    Wyndle sighed. "Spread the seeds on the frame."


    "Oh, the theory itself isn't ridiculous," Wyndle said, speaking out of a bit of vine near her, the various cords of green moving like lips. "Merely the idea that you considers yourself to be pure in heart."

    "I'm pure," Lift whispered, grunting as she climbed. "I'm a child and stuff. I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows."


    "I ain't," she said. "Twelve's an unlucky number." She held up her hands. I'm only this many."

    "...Ten?" Tigzikk asked.

    "Is that how many that is? Sure, then. Ten." She lowered her hands. "If I can't count it on my fingers, it's unlucky." And she'd been that many for three years now. So there.

  3. As soon as Kherstor introduced himself as Ironteeth, Finner decided he might be able to tolerate accepting a new man on the job. And he grinned like a maniac when his partner said “Tinquisitor”. However, the “he’s not much in a fight” bit made him a little indignant. Finner was just fine in a fight. He just didn’t like guns, violence, or large crowds. And taking down gunned men was not his forte- at least, not when they saw him coming.


    Well, regardless of all that, Finn resolved to keep a sharp eye on the new man. Three people was two too many. If Jon didn't have such a large posse, he could take him down Finner-style, but as it was, he needed the extra manpower.


    “Used to work with him, hm?” Finn gave Kherstor a very pointed look. “Alright. Well. Here’s some ground rules then, buddy.” Counting each one off on his fingers, he continued, “No really loud noises. No betraying anybody to our troubled friend. No asking me questions. No hurting innocents. No stabbing us in the back. No giving anybody else information about us or our expedition, at all. No being a spy. And you’re to buy me food when I ask it.” Finner rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully. “I think that’s it. Oh, and I have one rule for you,” he added, looking at Kherstor stubbornly. “No making us follow someone we just met to the supposed base of a criminal mastermind. Especially if they used to work for said criminal mastermind.”


    He was itching to find out what had happened outside. The man who had narrowly avoided getting shot had paid and left the inn while they were talking- Finner wondered if he was thinking along the same lines. And where were the people who had agreed to meet with Finn and Kherstor? Had they run into more trouble?

  4. I'm really interested in how she'll react to seeing Kaladin again. I thought about her either crushing on Kaladin as was discussed already (I mean, he's technically lighteyed now, and also veeery muscular ;) ) or despising him. I'm kind of leaning more towards her despising him, to be honest. It would be easy to dislike someone for escaping a bad situation and leaving you stuck there, even if they had no way to help you. And- correct me if it's already been stated in the books somewhere- but she might blame Kaladin and/or Lirin for Rillir's death. Plus, the spheres Lirin took would have belonged to her.


    All in all, though, I agree with 1empyrean. I feel like we don't know enough about Laral and her personality to do any more than speculate.

  5. I think you are being unfair to Adolin here. Shallan has not share even one snippet of her past to Adolin. 


    This is a really valid point. Shallan can't really open up to Adolin because, as you said, she has everything to lose. This is part of the reason they aren't on the same level emotionally- she feels she has to be cautious around him, she holds back.


    Kaladin understands her simply because she is not hiding when around him, whereas with Adolin, she still try to play a role. 


    However, when I said Kaladin and Shallan understand each other, I meant more than just that they know each other's past. The empathy that they feel for each other is not just due to story telling. They understand each other. Chapter 71: (sorry for long quote)


    "The sensation- it's not sorrow, but something deeper- of being broken. Of being crushed so often, and so hatefully, that emotion becomes something you can only wish for. If only you could cry, because then you'd feel something. Instead, you feel nothing. Just... haze and smoke inside. Like you're already dead."

    He stopped in the chasm.

    She turned and looked to him. "The crushing guilt," she said, "of being powerless. Of wishing they'd hurt you instead of those around you Of screaming and scrambling and hating as those you love are ruined, popped like a boiil. And you have to watch their joy seepoing away while you can't do anything. They break the ones you love, and not you. And you plead. Can't you just beat me instead?"

    "Yes," he whispered.

    Shallan nodded, holding his eyes. "Yes. It would be nice if nobody in the world knew of those things, Kaladin Stormblessed. I agree. With everything I have."

    He saw it in her eyes. The anguish, the frustration. The terrible nothing that clawed inside and sought to smother her. She knew. It was there, inside. She had been broken.


    This is what I meant when I reference the chasm ordeal before. I can't explain it better than Sanderson displays it in this passage XD Shallan and Kal, they understand each other. Sorry, I'm not so good with words so I keep saying the same thing over and over. But it's true. And I don't know how to express it other than italics. It's not just understanding, it's something deeper. It's.... understanding. (Haha)


    They shared something, I certainly will not deny it, but it does not mean she won't be able to share the same thing with Adolin, once these two get the chance to speak up the real things.



    Yes, if Shallan had to impress Kaladin instead of Adolin, the two likely wouldn't have made the same connection. However, even if she wasn't playing a role around Adolin, I'm not sure Adolin could fully comprehend the feelings she describes in the above passage. Adolin has lived a priveleged life; he hasn't been broken the way Kaladin and Shallan have. He could sympathize, but I doubt he could empathize.


    Again, I'm really bad at explaining with words, heh. Also, this is quite the digression from the topic. Sorry!!l

  6. Kaladin may not appreciate her art, but he understands her in a way Adolin can't, as manifested by their heart to heart in the chasms when Shallan totally proves Kal wrong and calls him out on his crap. Also, there's this passage from when they're on their way to the menagerie in chapter 55...


    She hesitated, and Kaladin thought he saw something in her eyes A flash of something deeper. Pain? Worry? "And I could use some distraction," Shallan added more softly.


    "I actually despise hunting," Adolin said, as if he hadn't noticed. ...



    This is another instance, besides the chasm ordeal, of Kal understanding something about her that Adolin seems to miss. Granted, it could be that Adolin chose to ignore Shallan's pain/worry, but I find that unlikely. It seems to me like sharing an emotional connection like Shallan and Kaladin do is more important than sharing similar hobbies. I'm still not completely convinced that Shallan and Kaladin would be a perfectly matched couple, but I'm fairly certain their relationship would be deeper and more solid than Shallan and Adolin's. (The scene that always sticks out to me is when Adolin tells Shallan he'll protect her and she panics. Adolin just doesn't get her, I think.)


    Anyway, about Laral and Adolin... I really don't think there's much of a basis for a relationship there. Laral would likely be focused on being accepted into high lighteyes society, thus resulting in her conforming to how other court ladies act. And Adolin is way too used to normal court ladies. The reason he's attracted to Shallan is because she's different from all the women he's dated before. Laral, I think, would be unable to keep his attention.


    Before Finn could say anything by way of reply, the waitress came bearing the drinks. “Here you go, fellas,” she said as she set the mugs down.


    “Thanks kindly, Enah,” said Finner, smiling up at her charmingly. She flashed him a grin and left to serve the other tables. Finner picked up the drink and smelled it hesitantly. Extinguishing his tin for a few seconds to avoid the smell, he faked drinking from it, keeping his lips tightly sealed.


    Without warning, a shot rang outside. Finner spun his head just fast enough to see a bullet narrowly miss a man’s head and embed itself in the wall. Lucky fellow. Finner also felt lucky- if he had been burning tin at that moment, the gunshot would have been uncomfortably loud. As it was, he waited a few seconds before burning his tin again. Realizing he had automatically began tapping his metalmind as well, Finner reversed the action and began filling it a little, returning to his usual drowsy state.


    Finn turned back to Kherstor, setting down the mug with a thud. Wiping his mouth with his hand, he leaned in towards Kherstor in mock solemnity. “Anyway. What I think is,” he began whispering conspiratorially, “we need code names. For everything. It’s essential that nobody can ever understand us. Excepting us, of course. You’ll be Ironteeth. I’ll be something cool, like, Tinquisitor. We can call Jon Our Troubled Friend. And the metallurgist can be Stinker, for now.”


    Finner leaned back in his chair, stroking his chin. At a normal volume, he continued, “And I agree with you, Ironteeth. After ‘today’s main event’, Operation Stinker is one of our best leads for the ‘expedition’, though we also need to question Our Troubled Friend’s bandit minions.”



    The door bell tinkled loudly as Rasa burst back into the metallurgist’s shop, quickly shutting and locking the door behind him. His heart pounded in his chest from his brush with death; the boy waited a moment to catch his breath before crossing the shop and entering the back room where Jinks worked. The older man was peering at something through a microscope.


    “Master,” Rasa said, setting down his bag of coal. “There was fighting.”


    Without lifting his head, Jinks adjusted a knob. “Yes. I heard the shots. So what?”


    “The girl from earlier was out there.”


    The older man rammed his eye into the eyepiece. Cursing, he lifted his head away and rubbed the sore spot. “And why in Ironeyes’ name should that matter at all, idiot boy?”


    Rasa paused, then shrugged and left the room, reclaiming his seat in the corner of the shop. Jinks obviously didn’t know (or didn’t care) what Rasa meant by ‘fighting’. It had been intense, bordering on a riot. Nothing like a normal Roughs shoot-out. He’d almost gotten killed just walking back to the shop.


    Sighing, Rasa picked up the pieces of his half-assembled gun and resumed his work. There was nothing he nor Jinks could do to help. He didn’t know why he had bothered trying to tell his mentor about it. He could only send a silent prayer to the Survivor that nobody innocent had gotten hurt.


    edit: fixed spacing

  8. I was reading the Coppermind page for Slivers and it says that "Kelsier guided Preservation after Leras' death" with the source being this WoB: (sorry I don't know how to properly cite it)


    If you hold all the power that makes you a Shard, but the Lord Ruler held a little bit of it and then let it go. From then on they referred to that change in him—the residue, what was left—as a Sliver. When he held it he became the Shard for a short time, and Vin was a Shard for a short time. After Vin gave up the power, what Kelsier is at the end of the trilogy—that's a Sliver of Adonalsium. 


    How is Kel a Sliver? I didn't think he ever held Preservation... I'm confused.  :unsure:

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