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Posts posted by emilylime

  1. I know this is the correct pronunciation but I've never liked it personally, sounds too much like I'm saying "shalom" (means peace in Hebrew if anyone is unaware). Instead I've always thought of it as Shay-lan. I know its wrong but for some reason I really like how it sounds.

    Same, it sounds too similar to 'salon' to me. As in like, nail salon or hair salon. I still pronounce it that way, though.


    Oh man! Other people who say suh-DAY-us! That one I've never been sure of but I'm to tired to change it now. I've also heard SAD-ee-us but it never felt right for me.

    I've complained lightly about Aons before, in that I feel like it would make sense for them to have cardinal vowels. I believe the E in Aonic is an "ee" like "see" which makes Sarene's name suh-REE-NEE and the Aonic nickname "Eenee."

    I still use cardinal though and, with cardinal vowels E is "eh" like the first vowel in "day." So Sarene for me is almost like suh-RAY-NAY and her nickname is "ay-nay."

    AYYY. Same!!


    Okay, if it's pronounced suh-REE-NEE, then her nickname sounds a lot more natural. Eenee. yes.

  2. Shallan

    Shall-un? Shuh-lawn?

    When my cousin met Brando sando, she told me he said it was shuh-lawn. Fortunately, she also told me about Yaz-nuh, otherwise I'd still be saying Jazz-nuh. And now I say Yezrien and Yah KeVED.


    Also, I read Sadeas as suh-DAY-iss, but everyone I know who has read SA pronounces it in different ways. His name is the one that bothers me most. I have no idea how to pronounce it, and when I say it out loud it's different every time. do we know how Brandon pronounces it?


    Also, how do you pronounce Sarene's nickname, 'Ene? I say een but that doesn't sound right to me. It's kind of an awkward nickname.

  3. I tried to take it as Kaladin and I had a really rough time haha.. But I ended up getting ISFP which is what this thread nailed him as. But, the way this website describes it, I'm not sure that's his type.
    This part of the description made me laugh though...

    ISFPs enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they've expressed more than once the phrase "Don't box me in!"

    And if he's ISFP this would explain his and Shallan's shouting matches (especially the first one) :

    However, if a criticism does get through, it can end poorly... if the comments are more biting and less mature, ISFP personalities can lose their tempers in spectacular fashion.


    Edit: The more I read about it the more I'm convinced he's ISFP...


    EDIT: I got ENTJ for Kelsier

  4. The Dark Alley is a group/clan/guild in the "social groups, clans, & guilds" subforum. Their thread is pretty self-explanatory. I still don't completely get it myself, but they primarily focus on offering people 'spiked' goods. Like, as in Hemalurgy from Mistborn. They basically just want to spike everything and everyone, as far as I understand. Its members are people you definitely don't want to meet in a dark alley...


    Disclaimer: I am not and never have been affiliated with the Dark Alley and therefore don't know what I'm talking about please don't spike me

  5. I don't oppose the DA, I just firmly believe that all people should know what exactly is in their cookie. Freedom of choice to be spiked or not. Isn't that in the Bill of Rights?

    You know, I'm pretty certain it is. If it isn't, it's an implied right for sure.


    but yeah DA FOOD IS SPIKED. (not with alcohol, literally spiked) Sometimes not even real food... Redbird offers spiked echidnas.


    EDIT: I realize it looks like I'm replacing "the" with "da" but I meant it as in d.a. (dark alley).... lol

  6. Where's the exact quote? The wiki doesn't have a source. Although, that's not as relevant now that we know his book will be the third. If Dalinar does die, I highly doubt it will be before the 5th SA book.

     He's in charge of uniting the Radiants, after all, and he can't do that if he's dead. Plus, he's bonded to the Stormfather.

  7. Failure. Getting things wrong. Not being good enough.

    Seconded. I'm also afraid of mental illness.


    And... this one's kind of childish and embarrassing... but I'm terrified of the dark. Specifically, being alone in the dark. If there's someone else and I'm talking to them, usually I'm okay, but when I'm alone I just picture all these different monsters (usually stuff like the aliens from Signs or Slenderman) and I start panicking. At night, when I turn off my light, I usually (against my will) panic-run to my bed and then bury myself in the blankets. And I get too scared to reach out and turn on/off my lamp because I just imagine a creepy hand reaching up from under my bed and grabbing my arm.... 


    I'm also scared of deep water, and... erm.... whales.....


    I promise you I'm an adult :'|

  8. Aimians have deep blue nails while Herdazians have "crystalline, slate-colored" nails. Granted, the color of slate isn't normally captivating, but we are talking about a Herdazian supermodel here, after all, so a top-notch Herdazian manicure must be involved. :P

    EDIT: Why the heck am I talking about manicures?! *runs away from thread*

    I never knew that!! That is so cool!!! lol!!


    edit: is there anything else I should know about Herdazians that I somehow missed while rereading the series?!  :ph34r:

  9. Out of curiosity, I just took the test as Vin, too. There were a few difficult questions, but I also got ISTP for her! I read it over and it seems to fit her really well.


    Now I'm severely tempted to spend an hour or two taking this test over and over again as different cosmere characters :3

  10. Welcome to 17th shard, Mr Herdazian! Do you happen to be friends with a certain fellow named Lopen? :)



    Do Herdazian supermodels polish their crystalline fingernails? If so, would that make it harder to use sparkflickers?


    Also, do you wear lots of crystal jewelry, or do you feel that your fingers are fabulous enough to be sufficient adornment?


    Oh, and welcome to the forums!

    Is it possible you're thinking of the Aimians?

  11. Well, I was going to ask why there was so much talk about Nighthound dying, but then I read a couple of his posts.


    So instead I'll just ask: what happens once yall completely obliterate Oregon? (Pun intended)

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