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Everything posted by LouiseSparrow

  1. Thank you! I don't have much online because I prefer to draw with pencils, however there's a few examples here if you're interested... http://s158.photobucket.com/user/plr_pics/library/Artwork?sort=3&page=1
  2. I think the best movie adaptations are the ones whose books you haven't read. However, having read the books I still think City of Ember, The Princess Bride, Stardust, City of Bones, Neverwhere and the first Harry Potter movie are good. I liked the Hobbit and thought LotR was well done. Eragon was terrible. I liked the Percy Jackson movie but I have never read it. The second Harry Potter film was not good and the rest were worse. The Dark is Rising was odd. I love the Chronicles of Narnia and still feel the old BBC adaptations were better... the new LWW felt off to me and the others were completely wrong.
  3. Spooks Apprentice by Joseph Delaney... I hated the end, up until then it was really good but it almost felt like he got fed up and finished it off quick so that he could get to the next series. I gave up on Janny Wurts Wars of Light and Shadow. I haven't entirely given up on The Sword of Truth but I've had book 6 for a few years and not picked it up. LE Modesitt Jr's, Spellsong Cycle, I loved the first 3 but chose not to read the next series because of the way it skips ahead, dismissing the original character.
  4. I loved Neverwhere and Good Omen's, I have American Gods but I haven't read it yet.
  5. I've read the first three books of the Spellsong Cycle and liked it, but I've never got around to trying any others.
  6. In general I'd rather watch sci-fi than read it but I do enjoy some. I read some of the earlier Star Wars books up to the Thrawn Trilogy. I read all of the Star Trek Voyager books as they came out and some of the other Trek books, notably anything by Peter David or Christie Golden or Jeri Taylor. I read the Alien Nation books and I like the Tennant and Ecclestone Doctor Who novels. I liked Dune, War of the Worlds and Hitchhikers Guide. I like Pern as fantasy though I know it's Sci-Fi too... for pure Sci-fi I thought Ann McCaffrey's Freedom's Landing was better. Other's I really liked: Hyperion by Dan Simmon's I am Number 4 by Pittacus Lore Entering Tenebrea by Roxann Dawson Diplomatic Act by Peter Jurasik
  7. Top 5 but not in a specific order Elantris by Brandon Sanderson Discworld by Terry Pratchett Belgariad by David Eddings Pern by Ann McCaffrey Narnia by C.S. Lewis
  8. As I remember there's a lot of sex in WoT, not explicit in a modern romance kind of way but I suppose it depends on what you find too much. I'm reading Warbreaker now but I haven't got to 'that bit' yet. My top recommendation would be David Edding's, Belgariad. Book 1 is Pawn of Prophesy, it's an old fashioned epic fantasy, not explicit and one of my all time favourites. Also: The Fall - Garth Nix Seventh Tower series The Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks Shannara series The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett's Discworld series Sabriel - Garth Nix The Spellsong Sorceress - L.E. Modesitt Jr Aldis Penwel by L.Walker
  9. I've read all of them, really enjoyed them
  10. I've read all of them, but I read them in order so it is difficult to say whether you really lose anything by not knowing the background. Except for the first two (Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic) They are all stand alone novels with enough about the characters to enjoy them individually, but as has already been said some of the characters cross over, especially the later ones so it enhances the story if you know their backgrounds. The style also changes as it goes along. If you're going to dip in, rather than start from the beginning I think I'd actually start with Guards Guards!
  11. Um... King's Quest? Monkey Island? or really old-timey like Pitfall, Frogger and Galaxian?
  12. Just finished watching Fringe through for the second time.
  13. Sooo scanning your list I'd say I'm a fan of: Avatar the Last Airbender Doctor Who Gargoyles Buffy The Vampire Slayer Wreck It Ralph Star Wars Star Trek Supernatural C.S. Lewis Good coffee Dr. Horrible (though I still think Once More With Feeling is better) Old-school Looney Tunes I would add, in no particular order: Fringe Captain Planet Jane Austen Discworld Pern Sir Arthur Conan Doyles: The Lost World (Tv Series) Grimm
  14. Hi all. David Tennant is without doubt my favourite of the new doctors and Tom Baker from the older series. I liked all of Tennant's companions but I think Sarah Jane will always be my overall favourite. Matt Smith has to be my least favourite, I didn't like him at all and though I thought the stories got better when Clara came into it, they still seemed pretty weak.
  15. May I join? I draw a little, write a little and try to sing a little
  16. I think Elantrian AonDor would suit me best, I love symbols and drawing.
  17. I loved it, I'd say it's definitely worth the price
  18. *Waves shyly* hi guys... I've been a fan for a while but only just found this forum. I love Elantris and Mistborn but am trying to read too many books at once so I'm a little behind on the others...
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