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Everything posted by djammmer

  1. And in both the Kholin's case... and Shallan's case, the spren are choosing multiple people in the family (assuming speculation on Shallan's brother being a proto-radiant). Makes you wonder what the back story on Lift's parents will be.
  2. Although not always that simple, black & white. I.e. Kaladin's slave scar on his forehead. Kaladin seemingly has been healing himself a long time. But not his scar, because he thinks it should be there. Perhaps Dalinar is the same - he been unconsciously healing himself; except for things he thinks should be there (like battle scares)?
  3. Totally agree. My initial hypothesis, was that Renarin's witnessed the murder. But I like yours as much... He foresaw the murder. What if it was both: he foresaw it, then he followed Adolin (in the shadows) to see if it would really happen, and he saw it. I bet that is a big part of the evolution of a truth watcher... Is learning that the foresight they have is actually true. Initially when he started foreseeing things, probably thought it was luck or coincidence. It would take a number of them actually happening to believe that it is actual foresight. What if he was still deciding how accurate / real his foresight was and that's why he followed Adolin. so yeah, I agree with you.
  4. Exactly. Love Jasnah. WoR chapter 7 was really shocking for me. I had to stop reading for a while.
  5. That's interesting. When you put it that way, I feel like it's something we've seen Vasher do before.
  6. Now I'm wishing for a formal way to name these levels... The way warbreaker has names for the different thresholds of breaths, or Roshar counts ideals.
  7. Intriguing connection/observation. I wish we knew more about all three of these. Something is going on there for sure.
  8. I love that talent granted by the Aviar. I wonder if we've seen anyone outside this planet use it? (I.e. Can Hoid hide his cognitive self?). And the potential connection to the survival shard is interesting.
  9. Thanks. Wasn't sure... and had to guess to use the word he vs. she... not knowing. So it is "he". Interesting.
  10. People travel at different temporal timelines. One person's staleness is another's freshness. But there's also the joy of shared experiences and shared knowledge... Which is why forums likely even exist... So even though the "I am a stick" deleted seen is "been there done that" for many people... When someone shares their excitement over finding it for the first time, people in the community will share (relive) that experience, and shared joy\excitement. Because shared experiences build communities. you will undoubtedly see people get excited about this for decades... As there will always be someone discovering it for the first time.. And it will always be fresh to someone. In my family, it's become a punchline / soft jab to anyone who is being overly stubborn to quote the stick... "I am a stick!" Which based on our shared experience/knowledge is a soft way to tell someone to stop being so stubborn.
  11. Well, she did find the gate. And she found Urithiru. And she not only saved the armies... But the women and children too, from both the Parshendi and the Everstorm. Isn't that her "leap over the chasm to save the army moment"? And she had to reveal lies and her true identity to do it. And she saved Kalidan in the chasm. And she survived the ship catastrophe. And the frozen wasteland, including multiple death/murder possibilities. And she learned to play politics among the alethi princes... All while living one (or two) other secret lives. so I humbly disagree. I saw growth and progress, and satisfying "leap over the chasm" moments. And now she is revealed as a KR, as the most knowlegable about the KRs among the current KRs (at least until jasnah returns), showing up as a natural leader (or at least appearing to be) for both the knights and a people that need leadership. And she admitted her dark\tramatic past to her self... Where I think acceptance is one of the hardest and necesary steps to overcome. (What's the saying? "Accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and have the courage to know the difference?"). So I see her working and growing through her brokenness. i admit, I initially glossed over and then eventually skipped outright, her chapters in WoK. I was so in to Kalidan and Dallinar that I couldn't wait to get back to their stories, and found stories about a girls brother pulling legs off of creatures (just to torture them) to be boring by comparison. But I realize now it was more than that. I was uncomfortable with the explicit abuse, but even more so the implicit and implied abuse... And the extremely disfunctional family, and relationships. And as a parent in real life, it makes me cringe to see caregivers and providers who take improper care of children... Neglect is bad enough, but abuse...!!! So while I skipped Shallans chapters in WoK, she's probably my favorite now. Definitely preferred reading her to Kalidan in wor (whose whining started to grind on me.). And Shallan probably has the most intriguing unresolved future plot elements... The ghost bloods, further family secrets, Mraize and the world hoppers, her and jasnah reconnecting, Adolin vs. Kalidan, pattern, and how she fits into the KRs. Can't wait.
  12. I always imagined that they weren't just gently dropping the coins.... But using pushes to shoot the coins into the ground... So it's not just friction keeping them from moving.
  13. Exactly. This part gave me a broader excitement for the rest of SA. I was always looking forward to learning about the 10 KR classes... And their diversity and differences. But I used to be myoptic in that thinking... Just thing about thier diversity in combat skills/styles. But this ending with lift showed me that the diversity is way beyond that... That Lift could transform Nale with just a hug. (Or help him to grow.... A 10 or 13 year old pro-radiant could help thousands year old herald to grow.... Because of her unique approach. And there's no way I see any of the other character radiant we know about using that approach and getting that result.) imagine diversity of approaches and skill sets we will get will all 10 KR classes working together.
  14. just like Spiderman... Except upside down. Spiderman doesn't fly... He cruises through the city with upside down arches (I.e. Pendulum swings), and when he gets to the peak of a swing he re-anchors a new pendulum... Using forward momentum, inertia while transitioning. aren't flying mistborns the same thing, just upside down?
  15. Totally agreed. He's referencing dirt/ground, not a name of a planet.
  16. Isn't this more or less what happens in emperor's soul?, it even references the cognitive/spiritual realms...
  17. Although what we've seen with other Spren, is they often don't know, nor can they remember how KR things work. If Renarin's spent had this level of knowledge... She would be the first.
  18. Do we know the source of the diagram? Are we sure it isn't a Ruin kind of thing, where some behind-the-scenes actor is intentionally manipulating a character of power... With partial or mostly-truths?
  19. What if Ranarin, being a truth watcher, witnessed it. He is very adept at creeping in the shadows. I think he had something on his conscience later.
  20. Just heard Brandon Sanderson compare his writing style vs. George R. Martins style as "Gardeners" vs. "Architects." Sanderson said his style is more the Architect style. Of course after reading Lift... we know what the gardner spren is like. I'm wondering what the architect spren is BTW - hearing Sanderson describe the "gardener" writing style sounded very much like how Lift approaches things.... "doesn't really pick a goal, just wanders there w/o a plan; and deals w/ whatever happens after arriving there."
  21. While possible; i much more like this hypothesis: I like the concept of the "stormlight archive" being 10 in-world books that talk about high level ideals / philosophy / ancient wisdom. That's why I'm a fan of oathbringer being something more majestic, like something from Ishar, or a guidebook for the Bondsmiths... as opposed to a travel log from a sword.
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