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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I love it all as well. Get everything he does on release date. All I'm saying is Stormlight IS his main thing right now and by the time book 3 comes out he will have published like 6-8 books in between. Granted, they aren't Stormlight-like books that is another level...but that's a lot of story writing in between considering his entire fan base is dying to get the next Stormlight book.
  2. I love his other stuff ... but I can't say I'm super excited that he just finished his first draft of Calamity. I'm staring at that 25% prewrite for Stormlight and it just doesn't move. He's certainly free to do as he pleases .... but man all this other work is IMO deflating what could be a nonstop Stormlight phenomenon. I know he needs a break here and there but the way he writes we could finish up the first 5 in a few years if he put his mind to it. Anyone else hoping and/or think it's possible we could get a 2017/2018/2019 finish to the first half of that series? I mean I'm ready to work through that get another major Mistborn trilogy and then finish off Stormlight and get to Dragon Steel. At this point...it's decades away. Kind of depressing.
  3. Atium for sports/bodyguards/police PHysical powers for the same thing Emotional allomancy for commerce Honestly, if Brandon builds up a modern economy this is one of the most interesting things to look forward too. The more sophisticated the world gets the richer and more pampered those with powers will become. Introduce some conflict in the world that they must deal with and you have a decent story right there.
  4. What do they do just print it out on paper and then pay to mail it to you? Or do they give the digital copy and ask you not to share it?
  5. If it weren't built in the middle of nowhere then it wouldn't have been much a mystery to the modern characters or reader ... that's enough for me.
  6. Doesn't the Vin trick produce no shadow at all?
  7. Had not thought of/read of that yet! Nice.
  8. Given that the maps we've seen on continents on Scadrial look nothing like continents on Earth...I had always assumed that the "earth analog" comment was primarily Brandon's attempt to lay the ground work for future books as time develops...e.g., Wax and Wayne's era resembling the late 19th century in the US...the next trilogy resembling the '80s...more about humanity's path of development as opposed to physical geography.
  9. So he did have access to all the Alloy of Law metals? In that case it really is quite amazing how powerful he was. I suppose if he had gotten another crack at the Well he could have compounded Nicrosil and stored up the Well's power itself (wiki telling me that stores investiture). He would never have to breathe (cadmium) or eat (bendalloy) and is immortal (gold) ... is it conceivable he could shoot himself into space? But yeah, just the idea of bendalloy and atium on all the time (with no compounding) is impressive, mix with compounding whatever makes you think quicker and you could be a pretty unstoppable force in terms of everyone in slow-mo and you're super smart to know how to use the array of other powers you have perfectly.
  10. I actually did not know that was the case. So, is it safe to say that this era getting the extra books does not mean it is meant to be taken as one of the "prime" sagas for the planet? Like, in the end, we will consider Misborn to be 3.5 trilogies?
  11. TLoRs is very history driven, and most of it is on point. Mistborn is very history driven, and its all wrong.
  12. So the running theory is that Wax travels to the strange and exotic southern continent in search of the (now legendary) atium bracelets the Lord Ruler relied on to stay alive (and that powered some of his more impressive effects). Given the apparent mood of the series, I would say the Wax to Indian Jones comparison is valid. I'm really excited for some new Mistborn stuff, but I do hope it's better than the first. I read the first immediately after finishing the trilogy so maybe I'm jaded, but the "fun" aspect of it didn't make up for the fact that it wasn't on par in the slightest with the first 3 in terms of scope, novelty, or overall drama. I mean, lets face it, Brandon held back on developing the future in terms of what he was capable of and what he has promised to do. Understandable b/c it was planned to be a one-off (writing exercise turned into book)...but now that he has chosen to make this a trilogy he needs to give it the epic scale it deserves. We're going to read 3 Mistborn books in this era now...it needs to make up for lack of developing the era in the first.
  13. If the magic more or less equals out and there is not blatant advantage (like Kal being able to lash Vin in the clouds and juggle her there while they fight)...then Vin wins easy. Vins just more of a killer than Kal. If there is a fatal magic flaw...it would likely favor Kal (lashings, Syl's weapon/armor formations, etc).
  14. I liked the book, but I couldn't help but feel like I was reading a book called "Sanderson does Harry Potter." Can't say it was my favorite for reasons explained by that comment...but it was good.
  15. That would allow you to hit amazingly skilled shots. Coin shot + tin would allow impossible shots. Then again, if tech-magic will become a thing--arguably, tin would be the easiest to replicate (at least for vision). I know its military topic...but think about some other stuff: emotional allomancy in entertainment (...and advertising) hemurlogy and other things in medicine spinners in gambling and sports Just to name a few. I think those will be every bit if not more intersting. Really I think mistborn has the potential to leave a very significant world-building legacy (pretty much the one thing it has yet to even approach after 4 novels). Really show world building over time but rather than one vast vision through evolution driven largely through plot and magic evolution. Nicrosil ferring seems weird. Burning investiture.
  16. I read that as nothing more than Brandon reiterating that Lerasium is a piece of preservation itself (in the same way the mists are, in the same way every human is innately invested w/ a tiny bit, etc, etc). If you were a savant at using the full, pure power of Lerasium--which is nothing more than pure preservation--then you are preservation itself/holding the shard.
  17. Maybe it's possible they didn't actually burn all the atium. Maybe they did and Lord Ruler had been keeping it manageable burning it and having it burned somehow...or even hidden in large quantities elsewhere (not likely).
  18. Part 3 to book 3 came out early and can be downloaded now. WOW! Not only was the entire series fantastic....but they killed the ending. Unbelievable. Highly recommend. It's been a while since I've read the series and I must say...this was just what the doctor ordered. Anyone else get through this entire series? I'd love to get your thoughts.
  19. Hey, I'm not just blasting Sanderson over this for no reason. Not even really blasting him, I love Sanderson. I'm just stating my opinion...I don't get it. Kaladin can kill Szeth to protect others, that really doesn't seem all that out of character and is perfectly fine. I would prefer that Kaladin to one that is ... in my opinion ... too far out there with his moral code. In the scheme of things...he basically just wrote that scene. Would probably have been better off leaving it. That said, I'm sure if he wanted to make the change he knew it would benefit what he was trying to do in the long run. So whatever. Personally, I'll take the Kaladin that is willing to do the job.
  20. If he wants to change Elantris that's fine but I don't see the need for what he did with WoR. WoR just came out. Love Brandon but don't understand this one. Not a big deal but still...could have done without this. If he was to change the end he should have gone ahead and scaled back the dragon-ball-esque style of the fight also.
  21. Hello all. Posted a bit, read a bit, figured I post a little intro here. I was introduced to Sanderson early last year. Not a big fantasy guy, prior to last year I had basically just read ASOIAF (loved Michael Crichton as well...not fantasy but "fantastical"). Other than that I had basically read a lot of non-fiction biographies or just devoted reading energy to school. Started with Mistborn on recommendation (another general lit board I visited has a lot people who love the series). Too date, the Mistborn series is my favorite Sanderson and one of my favorite series overall. Unlike most people on the board that introduced me, I thought it got better as it went (Kandra are awesome). Anyway, I've now read every Cosmere novel there is (and the Reckoners books). I haven't managed to read any of the shorts that are in compilations though...and after having read Emperor's Soul I know I have get them eventually. Just wanted to say high. I love Sanderson, he's now my favorite active author. I started with and talked about Mistborn, and truly love Emperor's Soul, but all the others are fantastic as well. Anyway, I'm very interested in overall Cosmere discussion now, and am digging the possibilities for the what he is doing. Hello. PS: Forgive the spelling and writing, it's late where I am and I've had some wine (the "violet" kind if you catch my meaning).
  22. 1. Wife listens to audiobooks with me. She misses chapters here and there but knows the stories to all primary cosmere novels through no consent of her own. 2. Sent sister the mistborn books. Don't know if she ever read them. Need to follow up and ask actually. 3. Told friend to read mistborn. He started. He didn't finish.
  23. Profs weakness is tricking him. How about that. Seriously though, Prof should have told the crew his weakness if he was really all that concerned about going evil.
  24. Going to a methadone clinic when you're addicted to heroine. Ya know, it helps the Sanderson itch but it doesn't quite scratch it hard enough.
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