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Posts posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. Other than the occasional curse I don't know any swedish but I love the idea of this thread since I enjoy learning languages so much so I may pop in to learn a bit or ask something. Anyways, awesome idea Winter!


    Heh. Assassin's Creed taught me how to curse in Italian. 


    Back to Swedish, I don't know any of this stuff! But it's interesting to see you guys talk about it! I may or may not stick my head in and comment/ask a question every now and then. 


    First question, what is the Swedish alphabet? How does it differ from the English one? 

  2. I have been thinking up some of the wildlife for my steppes. I have also named my territory the Karraig Plains; because carraig is Irish for rock and I imagine them basically like the Plains of Rohan.  :P


    Babhlas are large, docile herbivores about four feet tall at the shoulder and six-seven feet long. Babhlas are incredibly intelligent. They have large, bowl like shells that they use, in addtition to their size, to protect themselves from predators. They roam around in small herds of ten to fifteen individuals. They have short, wide tails that they store fat in, and two short, fleshy appendages on the ends of their noses. Babhlas use these to interact with their environments. They're basically a mix between turtles and elephants. :ph34r: At the moment I don't really plan on the babhlas using any magic. 


    Fiacla are the apex predators of the Karraig Plains. Fiacla live and hunt alone, only interacting with their own species to mate and raise their young. These creatures are fiercely territorial, attacking almost anything they discover inside their domain. They have long legs, which they use to run down their prey. Fiaclas have broad, flat heads and a mouth chock full of pointy teeth. They also have retractable claws on their forepaws, and claws on their back paws which they cannot retract. Their tails are long to help them keep their balance in high speed chases. Male fiaclas determine dominance by the amount of yellow lumuoles that they have ingested. The male with the higher lumuole count wins, and gains the other males territory. This is significant because the larger a males territory, the more likely he will impress a female and convince her to mate with him. Fiaclas also use green lumuoles to help them detect their prey, by seeking out the life....ness..... of their prey. The point is it helps them hunt.  :P


    And then I have the groundwork for a third species, which would be small and omnivorous. They live/hunt in packs but other than that I don't have a lot on them yet. 

  3. That puts you close to the Niran part of the Mirani population, which will be detailed more in a post hopefully that will be up by tonight. Depending on how your people's culture is, there may be the opportunity to engage in a lot of border scuffles. The Niran are much more likely to fight than the Meran(up in the forests) are, due to their constant exposure to yellow lumuoles and general disposition. 


    I was thinking of smooth beaches, but some rockiness would be good in the steppes. How about the further inland you go, towards your population, the rockier the beaches get, and the further west you go, the sandier and smoother they are? Twi, I hadn't thought of much of the ocean fauna except for fish. :P If anyone further north than Twi wants to design creatures for the warmer seas, go for it. I'll incorporate them however.


    Border scuffles! I like those! Let's do it.  :ph34r:


    Does anyone with a society near mine have an emphasis in agriculture? Pastoralists tend to barter with agriculturalists for grain and such and I'm wondering if any of the existing cultures would fit that group.



    Ummmm. I'm thinking that my people would be more nomadic herdsmen since, you know steppes. Of course they could be semi-nomadic and change locations every few years. Would that work? 


    But then our people would have an interesting interactions dynamic, slaughtering each other one year and then trading peacefully the next.  :P

  4. Kobold, TwiLyght, Morzathoth & Warden: Please check that you are happy with your spots.

    Slowswift: I'll need a lot more information that that. Even if it's just a vague idea, you can still change it later.


    Regarding a second continent, I'd rather it be displayed in such a manner that the current map doesn't have to shift. Either have it in the empty space, or right on the other side of the planet (we can make this where humans came from originally). I'm using Photoshop CS2 for making this, so I can reimport the image with a new continent on the side, but not if the continent itself has been shifted to fit the new one in. Does that make sense?


    Anyway, here it is.


    attachicon.gifWho owns what.jpg


    Hooray! I have neighbors! Mailliw, Gwslow and Edgedancer feel free to PM me if you have questions about my territory. Same goes for any future neighbors or even anyone else, really.  


    Is there any kind of consensus on what the oceans, especially the southern oceans, are like thus far? I wanted to add more than just my seals, but I didn't want to conflict with anyone else's worldbuilding.


    I was thinking of having my shores very rocky, although not cliffs like Winter's. As for flora and fauna, I haven't really come up with anything yet but I don't really have any objections to you doing so either.


    It's kind of scary how fast this thread is moving. 5 days and 15 pages.


    It's gloriously chaotic. 


    Thanks everyone! I'm glad you like them. I have a map for one of the shores of the inland sea, so far, but I need to do more work on the continent as a whole. I'm not as good at climatography as Sir Jerric is. (Actually, Sir Jerric, I'd kind of like you to take a look at one of my maps and help me with that at some point. If you have the time...I can PM you with it.)


    Anyways, here is the magic section! Mek, is it alright if I have symbiotic colonies of white lumuoles basic telekinesis, and serving as a power source for other kinds of magic? I just like the visual of sorcerer Dromeans so covered in white lumuole colonies that they look albino!



    All Dromeans have a high magical potential, and the Sorukaana are no exception. Their settlements and cities are built around Lumuole hot spots, and each hatchling is given a symbiotic colony of white lumuoles as soon as they hatch. This is done by making incisions into the forearms, and then immersing them into water suffused with white lumuoles. Each settlement has a ritual bath built over a hotspot and seeded with white lumuoles for this purpose.


    These white lumuoles allow the hatchling to perform limited feats of telekinesis. Although they cannot move heavy objects, this telekinesis is a great aid to their tool manipulation abilities. In addition, it finds use in combat as well, allowing the use of weapons such as spiked chains or chain-maces that would otherwise be far too dangerous to the user to be practical. The white lumuoles also give sensitivity to magic used by other creatures.


    The colonies glow faintly, leaving white patterns on the skin of the hatchling, that remain until death. These lekia, as they are called, have distinct traceries and patterns that indicate the settlement of origin, as well as often mimicking the patterns of some famous ancestor.


    Upon reaching sexual maturity, Sorukaana are given a second set of lumuole symbiotes, the color of which can vary significantly. One of the most prominent among the nobility that dwell in the capital is blue, due to the nearby inland sea and the marshes, which are the primary hunting ground of the Dark Hunter packs. Due to this preference, middle-class Sorukaana often imitate this, even in locales where blue lumuoles would give only limited benefits.


    Soldiers, as well as some prospective Dark Hunter packmembers, often take red lumuoles instead, as the fire producing abilities are highly valued in Windshriekers. It makes an individual a far more attractive pick for the pack, but often leads to societal pigeonholing as second-class.


    Those Sorukaana who desire to become sorcerers are permitted, after intense testing and scrutiny, to take yellow lumuoles as a second symbiote. The first thing they learn to do is to access the power of the ubiquitous white lumuole to manifest power that would normally fall under the purview of another color. To increase their access to power, these sorcerers will often score themselves with intricate arcane patterns before immersing themselves over and over again in white lumuole pools, repeating this process often until their bodies become so covered with white lumuole veins that they appear albino, except for the golden traceries of the yellow lumuoles. Unlike other castes, sorcerers have lekia all over their bodies, although they still tend to cover their forearms due to societal modesty standards.


    Sorcerers are forbidden from political office, but are otherwise highly respected, and each of the Dark Hunter bands includes one.


    I really like this, Seonid! I especially like the lekia. They're like awesome fantasy tattoos! 


    I realize that most of my posts on this thread have just been crazily (sometimes incoherently) praising everything people say......... ah well. 


    I'll actually contribute soon. I promise. Probably.

  5. I realize it would be very unlikely, but why can't someone be the descendant of two demigods who had ingested different kinds of lumuoles? Then they would be able to access the abilities of both types of lumoule, say green and purple to enhance their shapeshifting ability.  

  6. My little brother is the only child in our family who is not either in college or graduated from college, and he's a junior. My sister, who is the oldest of the four of us, has a Master's degree in Psychology and recently had her first child. I know I shouldn't because I'm really not, but sometimes I feel really, sparking old.  

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