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Posts posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. I should probably be working on Storm's Reach (my NaNo Novel). Instead I'm on the Shard. Story of my liffeeee.


    Also did you know that plants grow faster when you play classical music to them? (I think this is true, but don't hold me to it. I could have made it up completely. It's been a long 8 days.)

  2. 1. I finished Name Of the Wind, it is amazing.

    2. Humorous villains? What do you guys think we do in the Dark Alley?

    3. Do I read The Lies Of Locke Lamora or the third Dresden Files first?


    The Lies of Locke Lamora! Do it! Just, DO IT!  :P








    Sorry, was that last one sad? Take this.




    I saw something the other day on pinterest about how Harry should have been in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor. It was awesome and completely changed my mind about HP. But now I can't find it.  <_<

  3. Im more "When you stare into the darkness the darkness stares back at you, then you ask it to hang out."


    Ah, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!  :ph34r:   :P




    Yeah, I'll get to it after my Mistborn reread. :P I have read the LIghtbringer series and plan to read Night Angel soon, and I've read Rothfuss. McClellan is on my list, I'll add Brett and Ryan too.



    I loveddd the Night Angel series, I'm hoping I can get to Lightbringer soon. Warning there's some mature scenes in Brett's work, so if you're not into that kind of thing you might want to tear clear. But it's still really good. I'm almost done with The Daylight War and am excited to pick up the fourth book, The Skull Throne. (I think? It's something close to that.  :ph34r: ) Ryan is really good too, and his stuff is more the standard hack and slash magical fantasy. 

  4. I'm back! I decided to take a leave of absence for a while to try and get a head start on NaNo this year. So... yeah.  :mellow:


    Finished the Grapes of Wrath. Good stuff!


    I'm reading East of Eden right now for my ENG 112 class. I'm only about 160 pages into it, but it's pretty good so far. I'd recommend it if you liked Steinbeck's other stuff. 


    it's 8 minutes to the beginning of NaNoWriMo where I am. Anyone else taking part in the madness here? (I'm tempted to just count the words I'm using for my papers and thesis and projects...)


    Heh, speak of the devil! I am indeed doing NaNo, and am very surprised at how well I'm doing this year! Although yesterday I was on the forums and saw a guy with 30,000 words already and I was just  <_<  <_<  <_<


    Anyone want to be writing buddies on the NaNo site? :P I'm RangerofAnor there, if anyone's interested.

    I can definitely understand that. Every time I do NaNo, I have always had periods of regret, because I find that it doesn't encourage me to produce quality work. I know they say to just fill words and to edit later, but I honestly do not like it and find it suboptimal. I like my writing to be considered and careful, even on the first draft. But my biggest problem right now is:

    A. I tend to write more fanfiction than original work, and
    B. I don't have the discipline to sit down and produce something.

    In that sense, NaNo is great for me because it gives me a month I can set aside to focus on original work, and even better, to do so in the company of lots of people making the same journey :) For that reason, I'm participating.


    Sure! I'd love to be buddies! I'll see if I can find you on there!  :D



    I didnt find The Well of Ascension that dark, then again... I... am... me.


    I have The Eye of the World in my book shelf, waiting to be read, someday, when I feel like it.


    I haven't really found anything of Sanderson's too dark, but my favorite genre of fantasy is grimdark......


    I too have TEotW just sitting on my shelf. But...it's so big and it's only the first book in the series. So many books to read, so little time. :unsure:  


    I recently read the first two books in the Gentlemen Bastards series and then I read the Dalinar preview from Oathbringer. So, when people were all commenting about how gorey it was, i was like "huh? Gorey?" And then I realized, yeah, I guess it was dark and gorey for Sanderson. Scott Lynch just dulled my senses.


    Ohhhh I love that series! The Republic of Thieves kind of has a bad reputation, a lot of people don't like it as much as the first two. But I'll tell you here and now I love it just as much!  :wub: Also if you like the darker themes of Lynch you'll probably like Brent Weeks, Peter V. Brett, Anthony Ryan and Brian McClellan. And to a lesser extent Pat Rothfuss as well. 


    Yeah. Ive read manga for the last 5 years and my tastes went way into the brutal and the bizarre so sure, Brandon has some very violent moments, but compared to what I am used to it is nothing.


    I have The Lies Of Locke Lamora waiting for me as well; I shall start as soon as I read the last couple chapters in The Name Of The Wind.


    I loved the Name of the Wind! It reminded me of a grown up Harry Potter. Even though the Kvothe is younger than Harry  :P Well. At least in Deathly Hallows.  :huh:


    WOA was difficult to get through. I feel you.

    Also, the move is 3 days away :(. Wish me luck.


    Good luck! Here, have an upvote for confidence! 

  5. You guys want to hear an awkward story? Great!


    So I was on my lunch break at work today. I had my food set down on the table, my drink set down on the table, and was poised to sit myself down at the table when I heard a woman's voice say "Hey,". I looked up. There was a middle aged woman sitting at the table next to mine, staring at me. "Hello," she said again. "You can come sit with me if you want." I very, very, very much did not want to sit with this nice lady. Of course, I had no idea how to tell her this without being rude, and she had already seen that I had heard her so I could not pretend I hadn't. Honestly, I considered just leaving and not even eating lunch but I was too hungry for that. So, I walked over and sat down at her table. I introduced myself. She returned the favor, but I was cringing on the inside so much that I legitimately have no clue what her name was. We didn't speak another word to each other.


    The end.

  6. Yeah, I'm trying to work with about six hours right now, and managing. I might go for five eventually, but at some point, you just reach a threshold. I wish I could go without a fourth of my life spent in oblivion, though. SLEEP! :angry:

    *shakes fist at sky


    Seriously, sleep is the worst. I hate going to sleep, I hate waking up, I hate how useless it is. <_<  I'm sure that there is a good explanation for it otherwise we wouldn't do it, but curses! I have stuff to do! Whenever I tell people that I hate sleep, they are always astounded. I'm glad I've finally found someone who has a blazing fury against sleep to match my own! 


    Pretty much my main pet peeve with Movie Dumbledore 2.


    ........I actually really liked Michael Gambon as Dumbledore......  :ph34r:

  7. The back story of The Lord Ruler. Harmony, that would be cool! 


    An illustrated guide to the Martial Arts of Shard Plate. With a few sketches of various Shardblades thrown in.



    Also I'm hoping we get a flashback of when Dalinar first met the Parshendi in Oathbreaker. 


    When it's over- The full Cosmere collection, with every book and novella in the Cosmere. It'd take a damnation truck to cart it around, but STORMS that would be awesome.



    Well, we could make one of these, or we could save the Amazonian Rainforest. Can't have your cake and eat it too.  :P


    Eh. It's totally worth it. Someone fire up the printing press!!! 

  8. So I am horrible at watching shows. Think I'm joking? 

    I haven't finished Merlin, The 100, Bleach, Sword Art Online, Arrow, Parasyte, and a whole lotta others. 


    That being said, I got up to Season 4 Episode... 11? I think?  :huh: Somewhere along there. And I really like the show! It's not the highest production value, and at many times it is ridiculously goofy. But it is still wonderful. Like a lot of other people have been saying, the relationship between Merlin and Arthur is awesome! The actors do a really good job of portraying them as best friends who won't admit that under pain of death. 


    Honestly, I always shipped Arthur and Gwen together. Team Garthur for the win!!!  :P

  9. *consults Google*


    Looks like it's similar but slightly less sour.  I still probably wouldn't like it.  I have some really weird food aversions to things that apparently everyone else loves.  Like:



    peanut butter



    "good" cheeses


    orange juice


    Popcorn is eh, I'll eat it but it's definitely not my favorite, and if I have another option I'll usually take that. Unless it's the really unhealthy kind from the movie theatre, but you know. Thats like 10 bucks soooooo. 

    :o  I love peanut butter!! Especially if it's some kind of dessert/candy such as peanut butter pie or peanut butter cookies!  :wub:

    I used to despise meatloaf with a fiery passion, but now it's just kinda eh. See the section on popcorn above. 

    Mmmm. Chilli is good. My mother makes one heck of a chilli. 

    Mmm. Cheese is good too. The only cheeses I don't like are pepper jack and swiss. 

    Cheeeesseecaakeeee. I'm so sorry you don't like it.  :unsure: Ah well, more for me I guess!  :D

    Orange juice is okay. Once again see the section above for popcorn. 



    Orange juice is good, so long as it's low pulp or pulp-free, but I prefer grapefruit juice. 


    On an unrelated note, I got some new clothes today. Time to change my style, hopefully for the better. 


    I like to chew my orange juice.  :P But pulp free isn't bad either! 


    Also, hooray! Shopping! I got a really cool Zelda t-shirt the other day. 


    Just wait till you get to college, then you'll really like free food. :P


    It's nice still living at home, because I get almost every meal free.  :P


    Why does everyone loves food so much? If I could live without eating with no side effects, I would probably forget food is thing.


    Mmmm. I feel that way about sleep. Honestly, do you know how much more productive I'd be if I didn't have to waste seven hours every day??? 


    I still need to read Rithmatist.  :ph34r: I'm not sure where I should put it on my priorities list, though—should I read it before or after I read Elantris?



    Ummm. Before! Elantris was definitely not bad, but I like Rithmatist more. Of course, Rithmatist is a little trope-y, so if you don't like that kind of thing then I would read Elantris first. 

  10. Ohhhh! This is awesome! I'm so in! Keep in mind that I probably won't be able to attend every week, but I'm pretty certain I won't be the only person with that problem. 


    What chat? 


    My vote is Nightmare Before Christmas.


    Nightmare Before Christmas sounds good, I've never seen it before so this would be an interesting way to experience it for the first time.  :ph34r:


    There's always Google Hangouts, but that uses email addresses, and so it would show our real names . . .


    That's cool with me! I have a fake account on Google Hangouts anyway.  :ph34r:  It's a long story.  :P


    You need to make an account on it if you want to get back in your room. You don't need emails or to make a new one, unless it goes 15 days without any chat.
    I can set it up for all of us, but I'm not sure if I can assign moderator powers to people who aren't me.
    Should I make it fully open, or password protected? If it was fully open, we run the risk of having non-members join.


    I am also okay with chatzy. But if we do go down that route (and it's looking like we will) then I vote password protected. I'm not a huge fan of random trolls joining my chatrooms.  :mellow: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. 


    Then I went back, returned the t-shirt and asked for a refund.  :P

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