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Posts posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. As for your first question, I agree with Shardlet. I don't think it matters if they are  only Juniors, if they are Rithmatists and intend to draw a LoF then it will be a LoF, affecting even the things in 3D


    Now for your second question, I'm going to assume you are referencing one of the diagrams in the book. I can't remember what chapter it's in at the moment, but I think it's somewhere in the middle of the book.

    Anyway. When I saw the diagram, I took it to mean that the Rithmatist had not actually drawn those lines themselves, but had just used the Lofs  that another Rithmatist had drawn to their own advantage. Kinda like how Fitch did in the final battle against the Inspector.

  2. As per your WoR reference, it not only sounds like sparkflickers have an ornamental purpose, but a practical one too. Apparently it's used to make fire, and who doesn't love a good fire?


    Zea Mays, the WoK reference specifically says that "he didn't wear a sparkflicker", so I'm going to assume that they aren't their fingernails. (although that would have been awesome).


    As for the meaning of the saying "flick my sparks", it sounds like it would be used in the same way of "well I'll be a monkey's uncle" meant to show surprise.

  3. So I just got back from seeing the new Hobbit movie!


    I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about it?


    All the friends (admittedly most of them were guys) I went with loved it, but honestly I had mixed feels. It was a very good action movie; but that is just what it was, almost pure action. A solid 3/4 of the movie was fighting. And while I do love a good action movie, I like to have at least some kind of plot line to them. I started to feel like it was a Michael Bay hack and slash movie instead of a Peter Jackson film. I would only give it about 2 and 1/2 out of 5 stars.


    Although, most of the fighting was very cool and well choreographed. Especially the scene where Galadriel, Elrond, Saruman and Radagast are going on the 'rescue mission' to save Gandalf was pretty great. I loved finally getting to see Elrond and Saruman fight! (I know that technically Saruman and Gandalf fought in The Fellowship, but that was only like twenty seconds so I'm just going to say that it doesn't count) Especially since Saruman was on the good side this time. So that brought the rating up a bit.


    Now let me explain to you the parts of the movie that I did not like. The whole Tauriel, (who should not have been in the movie in the first place, she was completely unnecessary. We already had a love story arc with Gandalf and Galadriel) Legolas, (again, someone who shouldn't have even been in the movie) and Fili love triangle. It added nothing to the story, and was also not done very well. It felt like it was almost added in as an afterthought most of the time.


    Not only that, but people, some of those action scenes were a bit ridiculous. Like when Bard rode down the hill in a cart and rammed into that Troll thing? Or when Legolas hitched a ride on that bat, which took it exactly where he needed to go, just so he could hang off of it by his feet and shoot it in the head? Or the bridge scene with Legolas and Bolg? When Legolas defied the laws of physics and climbed up the pieces of a falling bridge???


    And finally, the two main bad guys, Azog and Bolg would not die!! Azog fake died once, and Bolg fake died at least twice! I mean come on, Jackson! I know you did not have a lot of content to work with in the last chapters of the book, but extending the movie by thirty minutes is not worth it to have at least three fake deaths.


    Okay. I believe I am done with my rant now. I know I'll probably catch some hate for this post, but oh well, this is how I feel. Let me know how you guys felt about it!

  4. Any Doctor Who fans out there, or am I the only one?


    If so, who's you favorite Doctor and why?


    Who's your favorite companion and why?


    What's your favorite story arc?


    My favorite Doctor is 11. (Matt Smith) Because he's always playful until something serious happens. Then the gloves come off and he's a total boss.


    My favorite companion is Rory. Just because he's so awesome. He's nice, caring and patient. (Need I remind you of the two thousand years he spent guarding Amy as a plastic Roman Centurion?) He may not be a huge manly man, but he is brave and does whatever it takes to protect Amy.


    My favorite story arc is probably The end of season five. You know, with the whole "Pandorica Opens" thing. That was pretty great. Although Blink, the 50th Anniversary (can't remember the actual title at the moment) and the Day of the Doctor are pretty great too!

  5. Well, let the community know your opinion!


    Which Spren do you like the best, and why?


    I personally am a big Pattern fan. I love his personality and thoughtfulness, and his ability to mimic anyone is quite nifty as well. Also, his questions about human behavior make for some pretty hilarious reactions from Shallan  :D

  6. The first Fantasy book I remember reading is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Lewis. But, I wouldn't really say that got me into fantasy. If I was to choose a turning point I would have to say Burning Brightly by Mercedes Lackey. After I read it, I couldn't get enough of Fantasy, I searched high and low and devoured almost every Fantasy story I came across.

  7. I would recommend finishing LotR (although it may take a little patience to get through.....Tolkien has a habit of describing hills and trees in detail), and then immediately reading the Hobbit afterwards (Which, in my opinion is ten times better than LotR).


    Also, the Obsidian Mountain Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory. Although there are a few scenes that might make you uncomfortable, it should be fine. I really enjoyed this series, and it was one of the first really big Fantasy things that I read.


    Lastly, I would look into the King Killer Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. This series is awesome, and totally epic!! I love it, and am frothing at the mouth for the third book to be published. But once again, the first book is pretty clean, there are a few scenes in the second that may make you a tad uncomfortable. Nothing too bad though.

  8. I liked Jasnah's character, so I was pretty happy when she came back. I wasn't really sure she would come back, but I did not mind the resurrection.


    As for Syl.....I just had a gut feeling that she wasn't dead. I just knew it, I'm sure most of you have been in that situation before.


    I really liked Szeth during WoK, but I found him more and more annoying as WoR went on. So I was happy when he died, like, actually really happy. When he was brought back to life I was honestly disappointed. I mean we're already 2200 pages into the story and we haven't had a single MC death! *sigh* 


    And finally, Eshonai was the same as Szeth for me, but on a lesser scale. *SPOILER* After she changes into Stormform she becomes a real jerk. I honestly don't care if she stays dead or not.  

  9. I honestly don't really know how I feel about Renarin. At times he's kind, brave and likable, but then at other times he sits in the corner crying and going crazy because he can't handle the situations. I really enjoyed reading about him through WoK and the first half of WoR, but at the end of WoR I began to get annoyed with him.

  10. Crap.  Now I can't stop thinking of a Master Chief-Luke Skywalker-Szeth brawl.  Darn.

    I'm sorry to say, as awesome as he is I don't think Chief would stand much of a chance. Both Luke's lightsaber and Szeth's Honorblade would go straight through his armor. So unless he was excellent at dodging in his armor (which, thanks to gameplay, we know that he isn't) he wouldn't last very long. I guess his strategy would be a quick strong offensive, but even then as soon as he getsd close Luke could push him away or Szeth could Lash him into a different direction..... as for Luke vs. Szeth, that would probably be a much more even fight. 

  11. I would spend time on a strong defense, a nine pointer if I had the time. I would use strong defensive Chalklings, then shoot out a few Lines of Vigor to pound away at my opponent. I would probably enhance my offense with some simple Chalklings too. 

  12. In the book, Fitch (I believe it was Fitch, but it may have been another of the Professors) talks about how in a duel, it's not illegal for two Rithmatists to battle in the same circle, but if they do and that circle is breached, then both of them lose. Not just one. It would take a great deal of trust, timing, coordination, whatever to do this with another Rithmatist. So that's probably why this technique is not seen often.


    Also, it probably has been done before. Otherwise, theoretically, they would not need to have this rule in place.


    And lastly, that was a duel. As king of nowhere said, the strategies in a war would be completely different than in a duel.   

  13. Oh, where to start?

    Kaladin, Shallan, Teft and Adolin Kholinar (Stormlight Archive)

    Vin, Spook and Elend Venture (Mistborn Trilogy)

    Kvothe/Kote, Denna and Wilem (Kingkiller Chronicles)

    Moist Von Lipwig and Sam Vimes (Discworld)

    Connor (An Abundance of Katherines)

    Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus)

    Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Severus Snape (Harry Potter)

  14. Hello everyone! I'm a huge Sanderson fan. I've only read the Stormlight Archive and the Mistborn Trilogy so far, but I'm already hooked! I can't wait to meet all the other Sanderson followers, and am currently recruiting my brother into the ranks.


    I'm a Freshman in college, and currently going through NaNoWriMo and end-of-the-semester stress. 


    It's good to meet you all! 

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