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Posts posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. So recently I puchased Forbidden Island and we've been playing it a good bit lately, it's a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying the concept of it. FI is my first co-operative board game, but I want to buy others like Forbidden Desert, Dead of Winter and Betrayal at House on the Hill.


    Anyway, my family loves board games, and I know that we aren't the only ones. What are a few of your favorites? Mine are Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride and Risk.

  2. Okay, thanks to you both! I love the books but have never really been into the whole theory aspect of the fan base, so I wasn't really sure about this whole idea. 


    Also, yes, the Lies of Locke Lamora was pretty freaking fantastic.  

  3. I have a theory. I'm not sure if there is a WoB that renders said theory inert, but I figured what the hedge, it wouldn't hurt to get the opinions of the mortals. 


    What if you could lash Shardplate? First of all, would it even work? I don't believe there would be a reason why it wouldn't, unless the Shardplate's magical properties somehow make it were Stormlight can't be used against them. 


    But think about it, You could lash a Shardbearer to the ground, tripping him up. You could lash him to a wall, so that he becomes immobile and can not fight you anymore. You could Lash him to the roof, and presto same as Lashing him to a wall, with the added bonus of him becoming confused as hedge. 


    I realize these are already things you that we know one can accomplish with Stormligh, but as far as we know they have not been attempted against a Shardbearer. Additionally, there are two other uses I can think of for Lashing a Shardbearer. You could Lash him into another enemy, this would push the Shardbearer off balance, and could seriously injure or kill the other enemy if they are not also wearing Plate. The other option I could think of is Lashing Shardplate off of its bearer. Maybe not all the pieces at once, but if you focused all of your concentration onto one piece of Plate, such as the breastplate, then possibly it would succeed. The bearer would be fighting, impervious to injury and then all of the sudden his chest and stomach are exposed for a killing blow. 


    I don't know. Someone with more Rosharan knowledge (sadly I don't get nearly enough of it here in Camorr) should tell me if this is possible or not. Also, if you do think it will work, can you think of any other uses for this technique? 

  4. Okay, while I may be a very powerful and demanding deity, I am, unfortunately, not omniscient. 


    So that being said, how the hedge do I put things into spoiler brackets? It's driving me crazy, and I've already spoiled events in SA for half of the Right People. 


    Please help? 


    Also, the first person to give me the desired information will be guaranteed success on their next heist. I'm okay with giving bribes. 

  5. Shardplate, hands down. You put it on and you gain super human strength and near-invulnerability. Yes, it might take a while to put on but it is worth it. 


    I can imagine wearing the Plate and just yelling out, "Faster than a speeding spren! More powerful than a chasmfiend! Able to leap wide chasms in a single bound!" 

  6. I feel like I have too many books in my TBR pile, so I'm actually going on a book buying ban . . . it's driving me crazy and I don't know how much longer this will last  :blink: Anyway. I guess I'll tell you the last few that i bought? 


    Cinder by Marissa Meyer 

    The first three books in the Gentlemen Bastards (please excuse my french auditors, it's part of the title :P )

    The Last of the Breed by L'Amour

    Ready Player One by Earnest Cline  

  7. Slow Regard was actually really good. Like, if someone had told me "Here, read this. It has nothing to do with Kvothe, and there's not any conflict in it or anything, but still read it." I would have stayed as far way as possible. However, that being said I think that it is a testament to Pat's ability that I freaking loved that book. I get bored easily, so if Mr. Rothfuss can talk about making soap and keep me interested, you know he is excellent at his job. 


    Also Foxen. Just . . . who doesn't love an unidentified little glowing object with emotions? 

  8. I recently finished the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks, and I wanted to hear what y'all had to say about it. So discuss down below! 


    Personally I really enjoyed the series. It was dark and gritty and real. The characters really acted like they were cold blooded killers, thieves and the like. Also the characters are awesome! I love Azoth/Kylar, and loved his development throughout the first book. And Durzo. Mmm, Durzo was the perfect combination of sarcasm, mystery, and epicness. It was so cool to learn about his past and the different things he has experienced. I usually don't go for characters with mysterious pasts/previous scars whatever, but Weeks really did a good job with this one. 


    Okay. Now, I also really liked the way that everything tied together in the end, which kind of gave me a Sanderson-esque feel. However, that being said the epilogue sucked. If there was one problem with this series is that it did not really give much closure. At least, not enough for me. 


    Anyway, those are my thoughts on the series without going into too much detail. But what did you guys think of it? 


  9. I wish I could upvote this twice. Those are awesome! :D  Also, did do this by memory at the class? Because if so I am very impressed. 

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