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Posts posted by DanTheSeamonster

  1. Luck for you has been wished. :)


    Thanks! I'm fairly certain that I passed!  :lol:


    So, in the past few weeks, I've germinated a couple of story idea seeds for my own original fiction stuff.  I thought when I started writing Swift as Steel that I'd just get this one fanfic book (wait, no, series) out of my system, and that would be all of the literary creative talent that I had to offer.


    Nope.  If anything, writing stuff has made me just want to write more stuff.  And the more stuff may eventually become publishable stuff.  I have no idea, but I keep getting the rather distinct impression that Djehuty* is laughing at me.





    *Djehuty, more popularly known as Thoth.  One of my Three.  The Egyptian god of wisdom, magic, oh and writing.


    Kaymth, are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? If not, you totally should! It's amazing how motivating it is. I have countless story ideas floating around in my skull, but can never seem to work up the energy to write them down. Last year I didn't quite reach 50,000 words, but I came super close. Whereas normally it takes me a year to write 50,000 words.  :P

  2. Tacitus sipped wine from his goblet. He could feel his blood begin to boil, could practically hear it. How dare she! He looked at the invitation to  Urbain's ball. He had found it stuck in his door that morning, he had to use pewter to remove the blasted thing for The Lord Ruler's sake! Still, no one had been hurt and it was not as if she was threatening his House.

    "Dear?" He called to his wife. 

    "Yes?" She answered from their bedroom. 

    "How do you feel about going to a ball?" 

    "I would love to! But first, come here for one moment. I have something to show you." Her voice had gone silky smooth at that last bit and Tacitus rose an eyebrow, intrigued.

    "I'm on my way," he said as he stood. 


    Who: Tacitus Protegat 

    What: Trying for an heir 

    Where: Keep Protegat

    When: G4T2A1

    Why: To secure an heir for line Protegat

  3. I went to a used bookstore and bought ten books for 18 dollars. Today has been a good day. :D


    Sooo....... my library has a book sale every Fall and Spring, Hardbacks are a dollar, large paperbacks are fifty cents, and small paperbacks are twenty-five cents. 


    I got a lot of books. 

  4. Guys, have you heard about the mass flooding in Tacoma? It's insane! I've never seen anything like it, especially around there!


    There's been a lot of flooding in Columbia (South Carolina) too, what with the Hurricane and all. :unsure: Thankfully it seems like they're starting to get the help they need to get back on their feet. At the risk of sounding like someone's grandfather, I'll say that we live in pretty crazy times.  

  5. I hope no one minds my presumptuousness, but I've put together a potential diagram of lumuole cell mechanics. This is just a suggestion, mind you, so nothing I brainstormed here is set in stone.


    I'm no cellular biologist, so let me know if there are any glaring holes in the mechanisms I describe below. Also, I've been writing a lot of educational material lately, so apologies if I shifted into lecture mode anywhere in this crudely drawn presentation. :P




    I am perfectly okay with this! 


    Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately guys, school's been kicking my butt.  :unsure:

  6. On the subject of pancakes, gather 'round kids and let ol' uncle Warden tell y'all a story. When I was but knee-high to a grasshopper, my younger brother adored pancakes. I mean, if he could've legally married pancakes he would have. And so, like the kind hearted family we are, we obligingly ate pancakes quite a bit. Every Sunday evening after church, in fact. Every. Sunday. <_<  And now I can't stand them! Hooray! Although I do still enjoy waffles.  :ph34r:


    I'm also gonna be completely honest. I've never once read Pride and Prejudice, nor have I seen the movie. I haven't even read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. 


    But you know what I have read?!?! The first 100 pages of Shadows of Self!!  :lol:  :D It's really good you should all go buy it and read it! Kay bai! 

  7. The Fall Anime Season has officially started! Did anyone watched the new anime/episodes?



    I'm seven episode into Parasyte. I like it. I like my anime how I like my evil villains, violent and weird. Parasyte fits those categories pretty well! 

  8. https://youtu.be/UsaJ7ZvCjmY


    Squeeeee. Did anyone else catch the Martian potato reference??  :D


    But in all seriousness,  I still find it highly unlikely that there is sapient life on mars. I mean, not to burst anyone's bubble but I think we would have seen some sign of them. What with all the poking and prodding we've done up there. 


    Still, my fingers are crossed for microbial life/semi-descent (relatively speaking) living conditions for humans!! 

  9. Bruce is so chill. It was a little weird at first, since Bruno and Mollie get excited over everything, and all he wants to do is cuddle. Every time I sit on the floor, he climbs up into my lap. 


    I think he'll wind up being like Doug the Pug—totally cool with anything, whether it's grinning in front of a cheeseburger or dressing up in a wig. 


    Wait, did you actually adopt him!?  :lol:

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